The Best Henry Taylor Quotes

Henry: Any luck?
Brian: Yes sir, sorry it took so long, I tracked down a friend in the private sector he says he should be able to crack the files from the thumb drive: provided the encryption isn't military grade or better
Henry: I doubt Roger would've access to anything like that
Brian: He also said you'd have a lot easier job if you just went to the NSA
Henry: Not until we know how badly my wife's Administration's been "compromised"
Brian: My friend said he'd meet us at his apartment in twenty minutes
Henry: You trust him?
Brian: Yes
Henry: Samantha said those documents will prove my son was murdered
Brian: I'll make sure he understands this can't go anywhere
Henry: Thank you, I know what it's been like: all this time knowing in my bones, Roger didn't commit suicide and having people just "tolerate" me. Telling me it was my grief talking. I'm going to find the people who did this to my son and I'm going to make them pay
Brian: Sir, if I may?
Henry: What is it?
Brian: Shouldn't you at least tell the President what you know?
Henry: I can't take this to my wife until I can prove it

President: [Over the phone] it's over, Dubaku and Juma are dead: everyone responsible for the terrorist attacks, and their responsible for Roger
Henry: Thank God for that
President: And there's something else, something "good", that's come out of all this: Olivia is here at the White House
Henry: Olivia?
President: She's come "home." This crisis, it brought us together. I've asked her to stay on as "special advisor", and she agreed
Henry: I can't begin to tell you how happy that makes me
President: Me too. Sweetheart, you're tired, you should get some rest. Olivia and I will come to the hospital just as soon as we can
Henry: When you can, I'm not going anywhere. Give Olivia my love
President: [Before hanging up] we love you too

Samantha: This is quite a surprise: how are you?
Henry: I wanted to have a word with you, in private
Samantha: Of course, I'm really sorry we haven't spoken since roger's funeral. It's been so difficult for me
Henry: I know about the money
Samantha: Excuse me?
Henry: Four hundred thousand dollars wired to an offshore account in the Cayman islands three days after you found my son's body: there's no point in denying it, I just want to know who paid you and why?
Samantha: Paid me?
Henry: You know "something" about my son's death and somebody's paid you to keep quiet about it
Samantha: That is just not true
Henry: [Sternly] just answer the question
Samantha: The money... it isn't mine
Henry: What do you mean it's not yours?
Samantha: It "belongs" to my aunt: she's has financial "difficulties since my uncle passed away last year, it's from his divested real estate holdings. I "suggested" she move it to an offshore account to hide it from the IRS
Henry: You want me to believe you have the "presence of mind" to commit "tax fraud" three days after my son died, the man you supposedly "loved"
Samantha: I did love him and I'm telling you "the truth". You have to believe me
Henry: I don't, you're lying
Samantha: Well, if that's what you think, then we have nothing left to talk about
Henry: [Grabs her arm when she tries to walk away] you're not going anywhere until I get the truth
Samantha: Let go of me
Henry: You know who murdered my son
Samantha: No one "murdered" him: he killed himself
Henry: I'm going to find out what you're hiding and when I do, God help you

Henry: [after being kidnapped] you son of a bitch: you're the one behind my son's death
Colonel: He was poking his nose where it doesn't belong
Henry: You'll never get away with this, you know that, everyone in this city will be looking for me
Colonel: You should be "concerned" with just one question: does your wife love you enough to call off the invasion of my country? For your sake, I hope the answer is "yes"

President: [after entering the room] what's going on?
Henry: Olivia wouldn't say until you got here
Olivia: [to her mother] you'll understand what I tell you is going to be hard enough to say once
President: I'm listening, what's this about?
Olivia: Jonas Hodges is dead because of me
President: Oh, don't tell me you were the one who "leaked" the information?
Olivia: It's worse than that
Henry: Olivia, talk to us
Olivia: [to her father] he killed Roger
Olivia: [to her mother] Hodges killed my brother and then you agreed to put him into witness protection and the thought of him getting away was too for me so I called Martin Collier. He once told me he knew someone who could do this kind of "thing"
President: Your saying Collier hired someone to kill Jonas Hodges?
Olivia: No, I did. I tried calling it off but it was too late and everything happened so fast
Henry: Olivia... who else knows about this?
Olivia: Ethan, he has a recording of my conversation with Martin: his agreed not to turn it over to the Attorney General. He says he'll respect what you decide to do with the evidence. Mom, say something
President: [Stands ups and grabs her, yells] how could you do this? How could you do something so stupid?
Olivia: I'm sorry, I tried calling it off, I swear...
President: [Interrupts her] it doesn't matter darling, it happened
Henry: For God's sake Alison, stop yelling at her: Hodges killed our son
President: I know what he did
Henry: Then you know if anyone deserves to die is him. All you should be thinking about now is how to protect our daughter
President: Protect her? How?
Henry: Destroy that recording
President: And cover up a murder? Henry, I just can't "disregard" the law
Henry: Alison, spare me your sanctimony. Your Olivia's mother
President: I'm also the President of the United States
Henry: And our family's already paid a steep enough price for that
President: What are you saying Henry?
Henry: You know exactly what I'm saying: your "job" cost our son's life
President: That is a cruel thing to say. I couldn't have done anything to prevent Roger's death
Henry: You can do "something" about this. For God's sake Alison, we've already lost one child

Brian: Mr. Taylor, I understand you were looking for me?
Henry: Yes, Agent Gedge, hi, I have to go out and I'm going to need some transportation
Brian: Certainly, where are we going?
Henry: I'll direct you on the way
Brian: I'll need a destination for the manifest sir
Henry: As before, I'd like you to keep this off the manifest and no driver this time: just you and me
Brian: I thought we were through with all the subterfuge Mr. Taylor?
Henry: Please just do as I ask
Brian: I'm sorry sir, not without an explanation
Henry: It's Samantha Roth: she says she has new information regarding my son's death
Brian: Mr. Taylor...
Henry: [Interrupts him] I thought I was done with this too, believe me. I didn't "initiate" this, she called me
Henry: [while Brian remains silent] I know you felt obligated to report my prior "activities" and rightly so but I would like to think I can still count on your loyalty when I ask for it
Brian: [after thinking it over] it's my job sir
Henry: This will be the last time, I promise. Please?
Brian: I'll call you as soon as I secure a vehicle

Ethan: [Talking privately] the President is in an impossible "situation" right now: she needs your support but you can't give it to her if you keep going off on these paranoid "fantasies" about Roger, I know about Samantha Roth, I know you accused her in her office
Henry: She's hiding "something" about Roger's murder
Ethan: Roger wasn't murdered: he committed suicide, the coroner's office made that determination and the FBI confirmed it
Henry: [Shakes his head] they didn't look "hard enough", I know my son. He did not kill himself, he wasn't "depressed", and he had no "reason" to
Ethan: What if he did have a "reason"?
Henry: I would have known
Ethan: Not if he didn't tell you. Not if he was too "ashamed" to tell you or the President
Henry: What're you talking about?
Ethan: Roger was about to be investigated by the FCC for insider trading. He had used information he could only gotten through his access to the President, before the FCC opened the investigation, he killed himself
Henry: I don't believe it
Ethan: It's all in here: the FCC case file
Henry: Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this?
Ethan: Frank Boland agreed to bury the case as a political favor to the President
Henry: My wife knew about this and she didn't tell me?
Ethan: She wanted to but she also wanted to protect the memory of your son. You were in so much pain...
Henry: [Interrupts him] damn it, he was my son, I deserved to know the truth
Ethan: And keeping it from you was a terrible mistake, I realize that now but the President both thought you were moving on with your life

Samantha: [Talking privately] I can't stay long
Henry: What you told me on the phone: is it true?
Samantha: Yes, they killed Roger and made it look like a suicide
Henry: Who? Who did this?
Samantha: The same people who provided false documents to the SEC to show he'd been trading on inside information
Henry: Who are "they"?
Samantha: [Nervously] I don't know who "they" are, they just said they'd kill me if I said anything
Henry: [Comforting her] easy, take it easy
Samantha: I loved him
Henry: I know you did but right now I really need to know what happened
Samantha: Roger was "tasked" auditing the brokers in his department: that's how it started
Henry: When was this?
Samantha: Early January. The compliance officer at his firm asked him to "flag" any undisclosed ownerships in the security positions
Henry: I don't understand
Samantha: Basically: kickbacks but what he found was "something" else: two of his portfolio managers had taken on a new client. The Bahamas branch of Switzerland's oldest bank. Bank Lines International
Henry: What was wrong with that?
Samantha: Bank Lines' record revealed that it was actively trading with firms doing business in Sangala
Henry: [Surprised] Sangala?
Samantha: It jumped out at Roger too for obvious reasons and digging deeper, he uncovered other "blind" accounts that would copy the bank's trades
Henry: Which accounts?
Samantha: Accounts that were traced with senior members of your wife's Administration
Henry: [Sternly] who?
Samantha: I don't know but whoever it was had invested interest in the proposed military action
Henry: Someone was betting against her? Who didn't think she'd pull it off politically?
Samantha: Betting "heavily" in ten thousand share blocks. Roger was a day or two from presenting her with the evidence
Samantha: [Hands him a flash drive] it's all here: account numbers, trading records, and everything that he knew. I'm sorry I can't help you out anymore
Samantha: [Trying to walk away until he grabs her arm] I've given all that I can. Do what you have to do but leave me out of it, please?
Henry: Ok, thank you

Henry: [Over the phone] Chuck, did you find something?
Chuck: I did but don't get carried away: it doesn't confirm your theory about how Roger died but it is "suspicious"
Henry: I'm listening
Chuck: His girlfriend Samantha received a large lump sum deposit in an offshore bank account three days after Roger's suicide
Henry: You mean his "alleged" suicide?
Chuck: Right, sir
Henry: Where did the money come from?
Chuck: I couldn't tell: looks like it's been "washed." There was no readily identifiable source
Henry: So what does this mean?
Chuck: All it means is she "suddenly" came into four hundred thousand dollars. If I'm going to find out anything "more", I'm going to need to talk to her personally. Is that how you want me to handle it?
Henry: No, if she's got anything to hide, she's not going to talk to a private investigator
Chuck: I agree, so how do you want me to proceed?
Henry: I'll talk to her myself: is she still at that brokerage firm?
Chuck: Yeah, Sloane Kitridge
Henry: [Before hanging up] good

President: [Over the speakerphone, as Jack, Bill, and Renee stand close by] this is President Taylor
Colonel: I'll come straight to the point madam President, I have your husband: let me demonstrate
Colonel: [to Henry as he holds the phone near his face] say something
Henry: Alison...
President: [Nervously] Henry, are you alright?
Henry: I'm fine, I'm sorry about this. For God's sake, don't let them "use" me to influence you in any way
Colonel: [after taking the phone away from Henry] my demands are as follows: you will have your forces withdraw from around my country of Sangala immediately and permanently. Also, Matobo must be delivered to my men who will be stationed at the east lot of Stanswick Power Plant. If his not there by 4 o'clock, or if anybody attempts to follow my men when they leave the plant, your husband will die a slow and sudden death
President: [Angrily] you wouldn't dare
Colonel: [to his henchmen, referring to Henry] cut off his finger

Henry: You don't need to stay with me
President: They know where to find me or need me. I thought it was "important" for you to hear what's going on and for you to understand why I did what I did
Henry: You're the President sweetheart: you don't owe me an explanation
Henry: [after seeing Olivia enter the room] there's my girl
Olivia: Hi dad
Henry: [Jokingly to Olivia while she hugs him] you can squeeze harder, I won't break
Olivia: I'm sorry I couldn't come to the hospital
Henry: Don't be "silly", you're a God send being here helping your mom. Just knowing you two are... speaking again and working together, that's enough
President: Henry, I'm not sure how our "relationship" is holding at the moment
Henry: Olivia, your mother told me about the deal she made with Jonas Hodges and I know you understandably have "serious concerns" about that
Olivia: Oh, I've had some time to think: to put myself in mom's "position" to be objective and pragmatic, the way a good leader should be and has to be
Olivia: [to her mother] I know that decision was horrible for you but I do understand. I'm sorry I made the choice even harder
President: Jonas Hodges will face judgment one day. If not in this life, in the next