The Best Chuck Toland Quotes

Henry: [Over the phone] Chuck, did you find something?
Chuck: I did but don't get carried away: it doesn't confirm your theory about how Roger died but it is "suspicious"
Henry: I'm listening
Chuck: His girlfriend Samantha received a large lump sum deposit in an offshore bank account three days after Roger's suicide
Henry: You mean his "alleged" suicide?
Chuck: Right, sir
Henry: Where did the money come from?
Chuck: I couldn't tell: looks like it's been "washed." There was no readily identifiable source
Henry: So what does this mean?
Chuck: All it means is she "suddenly" came into four hundred thousand dollars. If I'm going to find out anything "more", I'm going to need to talk to her personally. Is that how you want me to handle it?
Henry: No, if she's got anything to hide, she's not going to talk to a private investigator
Chuck: I agree, so how do you want me to proceed?
Henry: I'll talk to her myself: is she still at that brokerage firm?
Chuck: Yeah, Sloane Kitridge
Henry: [Before hanging up] good