The Best Brian Gedge Quotes

Brian: Mr. Taylor, I understand you were looking for me?
Henry: Yes, Agent Gedge, hi, I have to go out and I'm going to need some transportation
Brian: Certainly, where are we going?
Henry: I'll direct you on the way
Brian: I'll need a destination for the manifest sir
Henry: As before, I'd like you to keep this off the manifest and no driver this time: just you and me
Brian: I thought we were through with all the subterfuge Mr. Taylor?
Henry: Please just do as I ask
Brian: I'm sorry sir, not without an explanation
Henry: It's Samantha Roth: she says she has new information regarding my son's death
Brian: Mr. Taylor...
Henry: [Interrupts him] I thought I was done with this too, believe me. I didn't "initiate" this, she called me
Henry: [while Brian remains silent] I know you felt obligated to report my prior "activities" and rightly so but I would like to think I can still count on your loyalty when I ask for it
Brian: [after thinking it over] it's my job sir
Henry: This will be the last time, I promise. Please?
Brian: I'll call you as soon as I secure a vehicle

Henry: Any luck?
Brian: Yes sir, sorry it took so long, I tracked down a friend in the private sector he says he should be able to crack the files from the thumb drive: provided the encryption isn't military grade or better
Henry: I doubt Roger would've access to anything like that
Brian: He also said you'd have a lot easier job if you just went to the NSA
Henry: Not until we know how badly my wife's Administration's been "compromised"
Brian: My friend said he'd meet us at his apartment in twenty minutes
Henry: You trust him?
Brian: Yes
Henry: Samantha said those documents will prove my son was murdered
Brian: I'll make sure he understands this can't go anywhere
Henry: Thank you, I know what it's been like: all this time knowing in my bones, Roger didn't commit suicide and having people just "tolerate" me. Telling me it was my grief talking. I'm going to find the people who did this to my son and I'm going to make them pay
Brian: Sir, if I may?
Henry: What is it?
Brian: Shouldn't you at least tell the President what you know?
Henry: I can't take this to my wife until I can prove it