The Best Samantha Roth Quotes

Samantha: [Talking privately] I can't stay long
Henry: What you told me on the phone: is it true?
Samantha: Yes, they killed Roger and made it look like a suicide
Henry: Who? Who did this?
Samantha: The same people who provided false documents to the SEC to show he'd been trading on inside information
Henry: Who are "they"?
Samantha: [Nervously] I don't know who "they" are, they just said they'd kill me if I said anything
Henry: [Comforting her] easy, take it easy
Samantha: I loved him
Henry: I know you did but right now I really need to know what happened
Samantha: Roger was "tasked" auditing the brokers in his department: that's how it started
Henry: When was this?
Samantha: Early January. The compliance officer at his firm asked him to "flag" any undisclosed ownerships in the security positions
Henry: I don't understand
Samantha: Basically: kickbacks but what he found was "something" else: two of his portfolio managers had taken on a new client. The Bahamas branch of Switzerland's oldest bank. Bank Lines International
Henry: What was wrong with that?
Samantha: Bank Lines' record revealed that it was actively trading with firms doing business in Sangala
Henry: [Surprised] Sangala?
Samantha: It jumped out at Roger too for obvious reasons and digging deeper, he uncovered other "blind" accounts that would copy the bank's trades
Henry: Which accounts?
Samantha: Accounts that were traced with senior members of your wife's Administration
Henry: [Sternly] who?
Samantha: I don't know but whoever it was had invested interest in the proposed military action
Henry: Someone was betting against her? Who didn't think she'd pull it off politically?
Samantha: Betting "heavily" in ten thousand share blocks. Roger was a day or two from presenting her with the evidence
Samantha: [Hands him a flash drive] it's all here: account numbers, trading records, and everything that he knew. I'm sorry I can't help you out anymore
Samantha: [Trying to walk away until he grabs her arm] I've given all that I can. Do what you have to do but leave me out of it, please?
Henry: Ok, thank you

Samantha: This is quite a surprise: how are you?
Henry: I wanted to have a word with you, in private
Samantha: Of course, I'm really sorry we haven't spoken since roger's funeral. It's been so difficult for me
Henry: I know about the money
Samantha: Excuse me?
Henry: Four hundred thousand dollars wired to an offshore account in the Cayman islands three days after you found my son's body: there's no point in denying it, I just want to know who paid you and why?
Samantha: Paid me?
Henry: You know "something" about my son's death and somebody's paid you to keep quiet about it
Samantha: That is just not true
Henry: [Sternly] just answer the question
Samantha: The money... it isn't mine
Henry: What do you mean it's not yours?
Samantha: It "belongs" to my aunt: she's has financial "difficulties since my uncle passed away last year, it's from his divested real estate holdings. I "suggested" she move it to an offshore account to hide it from the IRS
Henry: You want me to believe you have the "presence of mind" to commit "tax fraud" three days after my son died, the man you supposedly "loved"
Samantha: I did love him and I'm telling you "the truth". You have to believe me
Henry: I don't, you're lying
Samantha: Well, if that's what you think, then we have nothing left to talk about
Henry: [Grabs her arm when she tries to walk away] you're not going anywhere until I get the truth
Samantha: Let go of me
Henry: You know who murdered my son
Samantha: No one "murdered" him: he killed himself
Henry: I'm going to find out what you're hiding and when I do, God help you