The Best Marika Donoso Quotes

Colonel: [Over the phone, as Jack and Renee listen in] are you alright?
Marika: Yes
Colonel: What took you so long to answer the phone?
Marika: I was in the bedroom packing: where are you?
Colonel: What's wrong? You sound strange
Marika: It was Rosa, she caught me packing and we argued
Colonel: Is she going to be a problem for us?
Marika: No, I'm sorry I had to tell her everything. It was the way... but she understands now
Colonel: Are you certain?
Marika: Yeah, she's fine now that she knows that she and I will be together in a few days
Colonel: Thank God she has an angel for a sister, are you ready to go?
Marika: Almost
Colonel: Hurry up then, I sent a car for you: it should be there shortly, go downstairs and wait for it
Marika: Where's it taking me?
Colonel: Don't worry, the driver will know. I just want the woman I love to go downstairs as quick as possible

Colonel: [Over the phone] hey, I thought you'd be at work? What are you doing home?
Marika: I was, Rosa called me at the diner: she was having one of her "episodes"
Colonel: You know your sister is just manipulating you. You don't have to go to her every time she calls
Marika: I'm all she has, be kind
Colonel: Your "kind" enough for both of us
Marika: I just wanted to make sure your still coming to dinner tonight?
Colonel: Look, I'm really sorry but I can't. I'm looking at a stack of shipping manifests
Marika: Oh no, is there some way? We can do it as late as you want?
Colonel: I wish I could, I'm really sorry, I wish there was. I'll make it up to you ok?
Marika: Ok, I'll just make extra in case you change your mind
Colonel: You're too good to me
Marika: [Before hanging up] your right

Marika: I have to get back to the diner: are you going to be ok?
Rosa: [Referring to Dubaku, posing as "Samuel"] who was that on the phone? It was "him" wasn't it?
Marika: Alright, stop. I know you don't "approve" of Samuel but I love him
Rosa: You love him? Why? Because he spends money on you? Because he pays our rent? You've only "known" him for only a month
Marika: What difference does that make?
Rosa: You don't know anything about him, what if his not the importer he says he is? Or that he's in this country illegally?
Marika: [Irritated] oh, not "this" again
Rosa: I'm just trying to protect you
Marika: [Sternly] I don't need your protection
Rosa: Yes you do: this man isn't...
Marika: Isn't what?
Rosa: Nothing, forget it
Marika: I'm sorry, I don't have time for this. I'll be home after my shift

Marika: [Showing up at her job unannounced] what're you doing here?
Colonel: We need to talk
Marika: [after looking at her watch] I get a break in twenty minutes
Colonel: [Insistently] no, now
Marika: What is it? You're scaring me
Colonel: Something's come up, I need to leave the country
Marika: What? When?
Colonel: Right away
Marika: I don't understand: when are you coming back?
Colonel: Listen to me I haven't "entirely" honest with you, my passport and visa expired months ago and I've been in the country illegally. I'm afraid the Immigration people have caught up to me
Marika: It was my sister wasn't it? She reported you didn't she?
Colonel: That doesn't matter now, what is important is that I have to leave country tonight, I want you to come with me
Marika: Tonight?
Colonel: We've talked about this: that one day I will take you away from here and give you the life you deserve
Marika: I want that too but not tonight, not so soon
Colonel: [Angrily] I don't have time to argue with you
Colonel: [after seeing her become scared] I'm sorry
Marika: I can't leave Rosa, I'm the only one she has to take care of her, and you know that
Colonel: I know, which is why she's going to join us
Marika: Join us?
Colonel: As soon as possible, I could only arrange tickets for us tonight but I want you to promise that you'll not tell your sister of our plans: at least not yet
Marika: I have to, I can't just run off
Colonel: No, she might cause trouble for us. It'll make it impossible for us to leave. I promise you, your sister will join us in a couple days of our arrival ok?
Marika: Alright, where?
Colonel: Belize, I have shown you the photographs of my home there. Do you love me?
Marika: You know I do
Colonel: Then trust me: say you'll come
Marika: I'll get my things
Colonel: Now I still need to finalize our arrangements. I want you to go home, pack, and wait for my call
Marika: Alright

Rosa: [while Marika gets dressed] what're you doing? Where are you going?
Marika: Listen to me, we're going away from here: all of us
Rosa: What'd you mean "all"?
Marika: Samuel told me "the truth", he's an illegal like you thought. He has to leave the country and I've agreed to go with him
Rosa: You're leaving me?
Marika: No, only for a "short time", you're going to come too. Samuel's made plans for us to live with him in Belize
Rosa: His lying to you
Marika: His not
Rosa: [Raises her voice] I won't let you do this
Marika: [Irritated] my God, I have taken care of you my entire life. I've sacrificed everything for you: why can't you let me have this?
Rosa: I don't trust him
Marika: You've never liked any men whose shown interest in me. Every chance I had at happiness, you found some way of ruining it but not this time
Rosa: I'm begging you, listen to me

Colonel: [Confronting her, after discovering she's working for the FBI to capture him] I trusted you, how could you do this to me?
Marika: The FBI told me who you really are: the terrible things you've done
Colonel: And you believed them? They showed you "lies" created by my enemies. You don't know me and you don't know my country, I brought peace to Sangala. When I heard what you've done, it felt like a dagger through my heart. I'm a forgiving man, I still want you to come with me. I want to give you the life I promised
Marika: I can't... go with you, I don't know who you are
Colonel: You do. If you look past your fear, you'll see that I am still the man you fell in love with. I won't leave without you
Marika: Alright

Marika: I was on my way to work so I thought I'd stop in to see you, I tried calling you earlier
Colonel: I'm sorry, I've been busy
Marika: Are you alright? You look exhausted
Colonel: It's just been a long day
Marika: Well, I hope you're still coming over for dinner, I'm making lasagna and my sister promises not give me anymore dirty looks. You haven't forgotten? Have you?
Colonel: No, I just have some business to attend to
Marika: Every time you come into the diner, you're always on the phone
Colonel: I have to, so one day I can finally take you away from that awful place you work
Marika: We met in that "awful" place, don't forget that