The Best Jonas Hodges Quotes

President: [while reviewing his document] it says here you want "active status" in the Pentagon's "strategic planning"?
Jonas: That's correct
President: That would give you access to Level Six classified material: not even the Vice President has that clearance
Jonas: These points are nonnegotiable, I'm not here to debate them
Greg: Let's review the next section which concerns Senate oversight of Starkwood field operations
Tim: [after knocking on the door] I'm sorry to disturb you madam President but I need to speak with you
President: Can it wait?
Tim: No, it can't
President: [to Jonas before getting up to leave] will you excuse me for a moment?
Jonas: Of course

Doug: [Talking privately] you want to explain this? I'm arrested by our own security force: held captive in my own office like a prisoner. They won't allow me a phone call, even to you to find out what the hell is going on?
Jonas: [Amused] well, that's a lot of complaints: you're done. You were supposed to be home hours ago. Why'd this find you snooping around?
Doug: I saw the FBI raid, they say we have bio weapons
Jonas: Which they did not find
Doug: That's not the point: is it true?
Jonas: Remember when I first brought you out here? Twenty years ago? There was nothing. And out of the damn mud, we built this place: the largest private army in the hemisphere, maybe in the world? And we pulled America's ass out of the fire, again and again, and again
Doug: [Raises his voice] answer the question
Jonas: I am. Everyday we've done things the government itself could not or would not do. "Get this done", that's what they say, "here's your mission." Nobody asks how it was going to be done, nobody wanted to know. All anyone wanted was "results" and we delivered
Doug: No one is questioning that
Jonas: No one is questioning that? You're not insane, are you? The Senate, the committees, and the President. Every chattering non entity in Washington is out there with their standard operating procedures, saying "how is this done?", how is that done?" Tearing at us, trying to bring us down, every one of them. I kept this country strong, I kept it safe, and I will not be persecuted for that
Doug: You cannot start a war against the people you're suppose to protect
Jonas: We were at war: the moment they decided to dismantle us and as for particular "weapons", as for your "question", let me rephrase it, "Are we prepared to defend ourselves?" We are
Doug: [Walks closer to him] you can't take on the federal government
Jonas: Yeah, well you never the one for thinking "big." I treated you like a son: twenty years, a little loyalty, isn't that the least I deserved?

Jonas: [Introducing him] this is Greg Seaton, my "associate", a remarkable man, doesn't look remarkable, but believe me, his a genius
President: Yes, I know Mr. Seaton
Jonas: It never gets old, does it? Stepping into Oval Office, smells of history. Could we sit?
President: Please?
Jonas: This is the first time I've been in this Office since you were elected
President: I'm aware of that, yes
Jonas: Under your predecessor, I used to drop by every... couple months. I briefed President Daniels on what was really going on in the world
President: And you've been excluded now. Is that what this is about?
Jonas: No ma'am. It's about Starkwood fulfilling the purpose in which it was founded: protecting this country
President: You have been attacking this country, you and General Juma have killed hundreds of innocent people, including my son
Jonas: Madam President, I'm deeply sorry for your loss and my heart breaks for all the lives that were taken today but I'm shocked that you would think I had anything to do with this
President: We have evidence that you've been working with Juma
Jonas: Your intelligence agencies have "failed" you. If I had known what Juma was up to, I would've done everything in my power to stop him: so let's push aside all these "baseless" accusations and maybe we can do some "business" here?
President: I'm listening
Jonas: Madam President, I know you're a student of history, so you're well aware that our nation's independence was won at the aid of private armies and we can't survive without them, look how easy it was to get bio weapons into this country. Our defenses are fragile, they're on the verge of collapse but it's not too late to do something about it
President: So, what're you suggesting?
Jonas: In short, I want a seat at the table: Starwood needs to be "involved" in the "shaping" of military policy, domestic and global
President: It sounds more like you want a seat at the "head" of the table?
Jonas: Madam President, I am not here to supplant your authority, what I'm proposing is a "partnership." Think of Starkwood as a fifth branch of the military, Greg?
Jonas: [after Seaton stands up and places a document on her table] this contains the protocols that will serve as the "basis" of our agreement. I suggest we review it together?
President: [Looks at the document briefly, then tosses it back on her table] I agreed to this meeting because I wanted to hear what you had to say but what you're "proposing" is blackmail
Jonas: Well, that's putting it in the worst possible light
President: You are threatening to kill thousands of people
Jonas: I'm not proud of this chapter, I'll be the first to admit it, and it's time to "turn the page", this country has seen enough bloodshed today. For the sake of the American people madam President, I implore you to work with me and let's move past this: pick up the document madam President

Greg: If Bauer connects us to Juma, it could "seriously" impede this operation
Jonas: Yes, it could. Is the shipment on time?
Greg: Yes, it's due into port in the next hour
Jonas: Then I don't foresee a problem. Once the weapons are deployed, then it doesn't matter what Mr. Bauer or anyone else knows
Jonas: [after noticing Seaton looking nervous] is something wrong?
Greg: No, sir
Jonas: I get no "pleasure" from the knowledge that people will die at our hands. One single soul, the lost of one soul is tragic to me: let alone the numbers we're talking about but do not forget that every war worth fighting, involves collateral damage, and what we're doing, is fundamentally and absolutely necessary and I know you understand that
Greg: [Nods] of course
Jonas: Wake up our colleagues and have them assembled in one hour and tell them to pack their pajamas and their toothbrushes, it's going to be a long night

Jonas: So what'd we got?
Greg: The President's alive
Jonas: Are you sure?
Greg: We've been monitoring interagency servers: word just went out, Juma's dead, Taylor survived
Jonas: What happened? Do you think?
Greg: We don't know any details yet but we'll keep monitoring
Jonas: Well, you've got to admire the damn bitch: she doesn't give up easily
Greg: I'm sorry sir, we just didn't have enough control of the situation
Jonas: You look tense. Do me a favor? Have a drink, relax. Juma held up his part of the bargain, we're getting what we wanted. As far as I'm concerned, everything is still on track. Where are the weapons now?
Greg: It should be ready for pick up in the next couple hours
Jonas: Good, get Chapman on the phone, I want to nail down some targets

Jonas: It's a great day, gentlemen. A great day for Starkwood.
[looks down at his bloody shirt]
Jonas: Too bad Mr. Knowles can't be here to join us.

Patrick: [Showing him on a monitor] we've narrowed the list down to twelve targets all along the eastern sea border: they're all within kilometers of the base
Jonas: How many people?
Patrick: Ten to fifteen thousand in each target zone
Jonas: And our kill ratio if you would?
Patrick: Well, we've chosen these areas with maximum population density: the ratio could be as high as eighty percent
Jonas: Let's "hope" we'll never have to have find out. Get these coordinates down to the boys in TACT OPS, have them start programming them in
Patrick: [Before leaving] yes sir
Greg: [after entering the room] we just intercepted a flash memo from the FBI: Jack Bauer is on his way to Kennedy Memorial Hospital to question Burnett
Jonas: Bauer was arrested, how is this possible?
Greg: There was an Executive Order from the White House: giving Bauer "access" to Burnett
Jonas: Bauer will finish what he started, Burnett will tell him everything
Greg: No, he won't sir, I've already sent somebody to the hospital to "deal" with Burnett. He can take care of Bauer at the same time
Jonas: Who'd you send?
Greg: Quinn
Jonas: Oh, Quinn's good, Bauer's good too

Jonas: Who are you?
Jack: My name is Jack Bauer, right now I'm the only chance your wife and children have to stay alive
Jonas: Explain that to me
Jack: The people who wanted you dead don't know you survived: tell us who they are and we'll keep it that way. The President's agreed to provide you with death certificate and witness protection in exchange for "actionable" information. If you refuse, it'll be released to the press that you are alive and in our custody that you're "cooperating." We'll let your friends take care of the rest
Jonas: My family is innocent, the President will never allow that to happen: she doesn't have the stomach for it
Jack: You might be right about that but make no mistake about it sir, I do. Trust me, do your family a favor, and just tell me who you're working with
Jonas: I am... I was part of a larger group of "light minds"
Jack: You mean other companies like Starkwood?
Jonas: I mean people who can protect this country better than any government ever could
Jack: There are hundreds of private military companies in this country, we're talking about tens of thousands of people
Jonas: But only a handful with the guts and the vision to do what was necessary
Jack: And what is that?
Jonas: The plan was to launch simultaneous attacks early next year: multiple cities so the public could finally see the government can't protect them. They demand drastic measures and we'd step in
Jack: How would you justify that to the American people?
Jonas: Simple: offload the blame. We were going to supply the enemies who want to destroy this country. Muhammad this, Ached that. From sleeper cells the apologists say don't even exist. You of all people should understand
Jack: Understand what?
Jonas: I watched the Senate hearing yesterday and I was disgusted on how you were treated: you should be regarded as a hero, not a criminal
Jack: I broke the law
Jonas: You were following your "instinct" to protect this country, just like me
Jack: [Raises his voice] I need the names of the people you are working with
Jonas: I have spent my entire life protecting this country from enemies large and small. I created Starkwood from the ground up. The government used us to great effect and now they think they could throw us away
Jack: Are you telling me this has been about protecting your contracts? Protecting your money?
Jonas: I tried to tell the politicians how vulnerable we are and they wouldn't listen so we decided to show them
Jack: By attacking your own country with a biological weapon? By killing innocent people?
Jonas: Yes, a few innocent lives would be lost but only to save the greater number, having the courage to make those hard choices gives us a lot in common
Jack: Let me explain something to you: you and I have absolutely nothing in common. All that you've done today is to create a "scenario" by attacking your own country that has made you "valuable" again. Today has been nothing short of a "desperate grab" for power and it has failed. You have failed and unless you want me to go public with the fact that you are still alive, you are going to give me the names of the people you have been working with
Jonas: I don't have...
Jack: [Interrupts him] I want the names
Jonas: I don't have...
Jack: [Yells] I want the names
Jonas: [Yells] I don't know any

Jonas: [Over the phone] where the hell have you been? I've been trying to reach you
Greg: [Over the speakerphone as Tony stands nearby, lying] I was checking on Almeida
Jonas: Did Stokes get him to talk?
Greg: His still working on that sir
Jonas: I told him to put Almeida down if he didn't start talking
Greg: I think we should give him a few more minutes sir
Jonas: We're busting our asses getting these weapons ready before the government makes their move. I want all hands on deck
Greg: We'll be there soon sir
Jonas: [Before hanging up] see that you are
Tony: Call the FBI
Greg: I need to set up the secure landline: make sure nobody's listening
Tony: Alright, do it
Greg: I never thought Jonas would take it this far, I mean the man's a patriot. He founded Starkwood to protect this country
Tony: Yeah? Why is he attacking it?
Greg: It's "complicated." I don't understand it myself. I should've done more to stop this. I should've called FBI months ago

Jonas: [Over the speakerphone as Seaton stands nearby] General, I didn't expect to be hearing from you so directly, what is it I can do for you?
General: We have a problem: the President is secured in the lockdown room
Jonas: Well, we prepared you for that possibility, we gave you the specs for the locking mechanism
General: They shorted the lock out from the inside, I need you to find me another way in
Jonas: General, I have given you everything I have to give. My part in this thing is over
General: Are you forgetting that you don't have the shipment yet?
Jonas: Now General, I expected you to be an honorable man: we made a deal, we held up our end of the bargain, we got you into the White House, I expect you to hold up yours
General: I don't care about your expectations. You help me, or I will destroy that shipment before it ever arrives to you
Jonas: [Puts him on hold] hang on
Jonas: [to Seaton] well, what'd you think? You think he'll do what he says?
Greg: The shipment's not due in the port for another two hours: the men will have plenty of time to destroy it, render it useless
Jonas: [Takes the phone off hold] General, tell me, who else is in the lockdown with the President?
General: My men saw her enter with another man
Jonas: Well, I'm looking at the White House manifest, and according to this, Olivia Taylor is presently in the building with you
General: The President's daughter? Are you sure?
Jonas: The system logs everyone in and out electronically. If it says she's in there, she's in there. You find Olivia Taylor, you'll get the President to open that door
Jonas: Your shipment will arrive as planned
Jonas: [Before hanging up] thank you

Jonas: [Referring to his lawyer, while in a holding cell] you're a little taller than her: that's a good look for it
Cara: [an imposter posing as his actual lawyer] hello
Jonas: I'm not going to ask how you got in but I'm definitely "interested" in how you're going to get me out?
Cara: You're in a very difficult "position" and your actions today have put everyone else in a very difficult "position"
Jonas: Oh, I see, I've upset the "card" have I? They were always "bent out of shape". But where the hell were they when the government came after my company? When Senator Mayer and his subpoena waving goon squad were trying to ruin me and everything I built?
Cara: You would've been protected: you and Starwood but you jeopardized the plan. That bio weapon that you developed for us was not intended for "personal use." The consensus is that you had some sort of "psychotic break"
Jonas: The consensus is wrong
Cara: Coming from you right now that's not much comfort
Jonas: I want to talk to them: get some form of communication between us
Cara: I think it's a little late for that. You've brought undue attention by showing your hand, exposing yourself, and I am sure you can understand their "concern" that you may have in fact exposed the others as well
Jonas: How can I do that? I don't know who "they" are
Cara: You know "enough" and they need to be certain. I think that we can "agree" there's no reason for your family to pay for your "mistakes"
Jonas: Is that why your here? To threaten my family?
Cara: On the contrary, I came to "guarantee" your family's safety if you do the "right thing"
Cara: [Referring to the red pill she's holding] it'll induce a "cardiac arrest" and leave no trace in your system: a "natural dignified death". Without you to prosecute, the case against you and your company will be difficult, likely impossible. Preserving at least some "small" part of Starwood's legacy of patriotic service, which I know is very important to you

Jonas: For 20 years I raised you like a son. TWENTY YEARS. A little gratitude. Isn't that the least I can get?

Marshal: [Before taking him into Witness Protection] this dossier outlines your new identity, new place of residence, and all the information you'll need to make this "transition"
Jonas: [after looking at the dossier, amused] "Robert Tibit" is my new name
Marshal: Yes sir
Jonas: Sounds like a dog breed
Marshal: Our first stop is the WIT SEC facility in Colorado: we'll put the finishing touches on your new biography, fabricate your new ID, and you into counseling
Jonas: Counseling?
Marshal: It helps entrants deal with the new "circumstances"
Jonas: Son, you know who I am? do I look like someone who needs on new "circumstances?"
Marshal: The service is available if you want it sir, courtesy of the American taxpayer
Jonas: You think I'm getting off easy don't you?
Marshal: I don't think anything
Jonas: I can "smell" attitude son and you're giving it off pretty thick. I've lost everything, my company, my family, and most importantly my name. Do you how much blood and sweat went into making that name mean something?
Marshal: [Ignoring his question] we leave for Andrews Air Force Base in thirty minutes. I suggest you get ready

Jonas: [Talking privately] what is it?
Greg: This was supposed to be a covert operation: that is not the case anymore, the government knows we have these weapons and their not just going to sit on that information
Jonas: What are you suggesting?
Greg: Maybe we should destroy the evidence while we still have time?
Jonas: I can't believe I'm hearing this from you
Greg: I'm just trying to help sir. I care about this company just as much as you do
Jonas: Oh, I doubt that: we've "invested" a lot into them and I'm not going to give them up
Greg: Think about what your risking sir: everything. Everything you built
Jonas: You say you're trying to help, you know what I think? I think you're worried about your own ass
Jonas: [to his men while they take Tony away, referring to torturing Tony for information] get him out of here and do what you have to do
Jonas: [Yelling to Tony] think about what I said young man
Jonas: [to Seaton] you're a little nervous. Well, I've got a news flash: we're all nervous, keep your doubts to yourself. I'm not going to tell you again

Jonas: [Over the phone] let me begin by saying that I'm truly sorry it's come to this but I have to do insist you turn your plans around immediately
President: You're in no position to issue ultimatums
Jonas: Well, maybe I am? You remember several years ago Starkwood was deployed to Pakistan?
President: I remember it very well, I fought that deployment
Jonas: And you lost: you also recall that we requisitioned a missile issue at that time, Python 5's? Well, three of those missiles are loaded with the pathogens and aimed at cities on our eastern seaboard
President: You're bluffing
Jonas: As a sign of good faith, I'm willing to show you I'm not bluffing
Jonas: [after showing her an image of the missiles] see that?
President: You call this "good faith"? You are waging war on your own country
Jonas: Well, I don't see it that way
President: What do you want?
Jonas: We can have that conversation a little later at the White House
President: You think we're just going to sit down and discuss this?
Jonas: Yes, I do. In the Oval Office, in confidence within the hour but in the meantime, I think it is both in our advantage the American people not know the exact circumstance of this standoff. So you will keep this conversation to yourself and turn the planes around and if you do not comply, I will have no choice but to launch those missiles
President: Mr. Hodges...
Jonas: [Interrupts her] and remember I can detect any you take against our facility: you have thirty seconds