The Best Luis Annicon Quotes

Luis: No, I haven't found you a new lawyer, how about a new execution date?
Ramon: Someone's not happy
Luis: What'd you know Ramon?
Ramon: About?
Luis: Talk to me
Ramon: Talk to you about what?
Luis: What is your slime ball brother trying to do?
Luis: Hector? Have you talked to him? How is he? His birthday's coming up next week. I don't even know what to get him
Ramon: You keep talking trash man. You're not going anywhere
Ramon: Maybe not. But let assure you one thing: if I am unexpectedly allowed to go free, I have no doubt you'll come looking for me. Especially after the death of your wife Elise

Luis: Ok, we're all here
Jack: What kind of changes are we talking about?
Luis: Don't worry Jack, they're not "deal breakers". His still going to give up all the terrorist cells he deals with, he just wants to go to a class two detention, not maximum security
Jack: And you're going to give it to him right?
Luis: Yeah
Douglas: My client's not happy you're not holding him in Florida
Luis: His getting himself a new cell. That's it
Chase: Give him Florida, it doesn't make a difference
Luis: [to Chase and Jack] I let you two do your jobs, why don't let me do mine?
Jack: Because we don't want this thing going south over some small "detail," Salazar's unstable and we can't predict what's going to push his buttons and to be frank, there's too much at stake
Luis: listen Jack, I know you spent the last two years getting Salazar and I respect that but there's protocol I have to follow...
Jack: [Interrupts him, before taking him to the side to talk privately] Luis, come here for a second
Jack: Putting him away is not the point here: if he doesn't talk: we haven't accomplished anything. I didn't lose two years of my life to arrest some "drug dealer." Salazar does business with terrorist cells around the world. Brining them down is our only objective, are we clear?
Luis: I understand but if you give Salazar everything he asks for, his just going to want more. This is the deal and his going to take it

Jack: If Salazar wanted to kill Shaye, he could've anytime in the last three months, why'd he pick today?
Luis: He was cutting his deal
Jack: Maybe but I don't think so
Luis: What happens next?
Jack: [Calls CTU] is anything going on over there?
Tony: We just had a major protocol come in: possible bio-threat to the city
Jack: Tell me about it
Tony: A dead body infected with the Cordilla virus was left at Health Services. We figure it's the first shoe to drop and we're waiting for someone to take responsibility
Tony: [after Jack is silent] Jack?
Jack: Yeah
Tony: You think this is connected to Salazar?
Jack: I don't know, maybe. I'll get back to you

Ramon: [while in his cell] did you ask your friend Jack Bauer what's going on?
Ramon: [as Luis remains silent] you did, didn't you? But he wouldn't say: it must be very frustrating being kept in the dark
Luis: You have something to tell me?
Ramon: I asked you here didn't I?
Luis: Then start talking because you used up my patience an hour ago
Ramon: You are like a dog with a bone without a leash, once you bite down you don't let go. When I'm out of here, they won't want you on me anymore
Luis: When you're out of here?
Ramon: You are right, in a few hours I'm going home
Luis: Really? And how will you manage that?
Ramon: Hector's a good brother
Luis: Unless his got a key to this place, you're not going anywhere
Ramon: But he does have a key. When he turns it, the last two years of your life, all the hours you spent away from your family, all the work you've done to put me here will go away just like that. I wanted you to hear it from me Luis. I wanted it to be the last thing you ever heard
Ramon: [to Jeff after Jeff suffocates Luis] your son will be returned to you now

Luis: Why did you kill Shaye? Take a look around Ramon: you're in a United States prison where your ass is going to rot until you're executed. You want to start improving your conditions here? You better start talking to me
Ramon: What did you want to talk about?
Luis: Why did you kill your attorney?
Ramon: I didn't want him talking to you
Luis: About what?
Ramon: About anything
Ramon: [after Luis turns around and starts walking away] it's eating at you isn't it? What am I up to? Come on Luis, you have me chained, two tough guys waiting for a chance to beat me to a pulp. Do it Luis! See if you can beat it out of me

Jack: [Over the phone] what's up?
Luis: You tell me. I tried to move Salazar back to solitary but there's a lock out from Division, what's that all about?
Jack: I can't tell you right now
Luis: The bastard murdered his lawyer right in front of us: what the hell is Division doing protecting him?
Jack: They're not protecting him
Luis: Then what?
Jack: I can't get into it with you right now
Luis: Can't get into it? You're not the only who gave up a chunk of his life to put this guy away. I need to be in the loop
Jack: This information doesn't go anywhere after you hang up the phone
Luis: What?
Jack: Salazar might walk
Luis: Walk? What're you talking about?
Jack: Look, I don't think it's going to get to that. Someone on the outside has got a lot of leverage
Luis: Who?
Jack: I think it's his brother Hector
Luis: I don't believe this
Jack: Just hang tight, I'll back to you as soon as I can