The Best Dalton Furrelle Quotes

Michelle: Are we up yet?
Dalton: Yeah, video's piped in: voice analysis, vitals, and transcription: we're all set
Dalton: [Referring to interrogating Nina] so, Tony's doing this?
Michelle: Yeah
Dalton: Is that going to be weird for you?
Michelle: What'd you mean?
Dalton: Didn't he and Nina go out?
Tony: We set?
Michelle: Yeah
Tony: Alright, I want you to do a "high res" on her eyes. She's tired, we might be able to pick up a tell
Michelle: Ok
Tony: So, are we alright?
Michelle: Yeah, we're fine

Tony: [Asking about Marcus Alvers] All we've been able to dig up on him are a few random medical records under one of his known aliases. He had an MRI on one of his knees, there's a prescription for antibiotics, treated for HIV...
Dalton: [From other room] Her pulse is spiking. Someone hasn't been using protection with Marcus Alvers.
Michelle: [From other room] She's probably had sex with him.
Tony: See, Nina, my colleagues in the next room tell me that something in those medical records concerns you. I'm guessing it's not the knee.

Tony: Dalton, what'd you got?
Dalton: So far the only reactions from her are subliminal: she's not going to say anything, we need to be plugged into her vitals. We can take it down to seven, give her a passive response test
Tony: Seven's not secure enough, she stays here. Where's Richards?
Michelle: His waiting
Tony: Alright, let's bring him in