The Best Kyle Singer Quotes

Sam: [to Kyle through an intercom while he remains in containment] the doctor told us everything
Helen: [Referring to the virus his infected with] but maybe they're wrong? Maybe they don't it's as bad as they think
Kyle: They're not wrong. I deserve what I'm getting
Sam: Don't say that: what you deserve was a father who could do better for you. So you wouldn't have to go get money and bring it home because I couldn't
Kyle: No
Sam: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry
Kyle: I love you. You've always taken care of me, I know I've never told you this but you always made me feel safe. Even now, you made me feel safe, you did the best you could

Jack: [to Kyle's parents] I'm going to need one of you to make the call now. I need you to keep him on the line as long as possible so we can trace it
Sam: What am I suppose to tell him?
Jack: The truth
Sam: [Over the phone, while Jack listens and CTU traces the call] it's your father
Kyle: Dad?
Sam: We need to talk
Kyle: Look, I don't know what you want to talk about. I know how pissed off you are ok?
Sam: Whatever you did: I know you were just trying to help out your mom and me
Kyle: Yeah look, unless you want to give back the stuff you took, I've got to deal with this situation ok?
Sam: Please, don't hang up. Please? Listen to me, what I'm telling you is important, please, you have to come home
Kyle: Why do you sound different?
Sam: I need you to trust me on something I'm about to tell you
Kyle: Dad?
Sam: You may have gotten a virus, something you picked up in Mexico
Kyle: What? How did you know I was in Mexico?
Sam: It doesn't matter and you may be sick and if you are, you need to be checked out by a doctor
Kyle: Look, I don't know what you're talking about but I feel fine
Sam: I know it sounds crazy but it's real, now there are some people they're trying to help
Kyle: [Surprised] cops?
Jack: Tony, you got a lock on this trace? We're going to lose this kid
Tony: [to Kim] how much longer?
Kim: I've got a cell tower but it's got a three mile radius
Kyle: I can't believe this. One minute you tell me you love me, the next minute you sell me out to some cops
Sam: They're not the police. They're just trying to stop this virus before it becomes an outbreak
Kyle: I already told you, I feel fine alright?
Sam: They're saying you're not going to feel sick for a few hours but by then it'll be too late
Jack: Tony, have you got a lock yet?
Tony: [to Kim] how much longer?
Kim: Ten seconds
Kyle: What'd you want me to do? Turn myself in?
Sam: Because you may be sick and if you are, then other people are going to be infected
Tony: We got it Jack. His at Los Feliz Mall between Vermont and Sunset
Jack: Ok, get his photograph to mall security tell them not to approach him
Tony: Look, your twenty minutes by car, I can land a team there in ten minutes
Jack: I don't want you taking Chase
Tony: Why not?
Jack: [Before hanging up] just don't

Linda: [after picking him up at the mall] can you just tell me where we're going?
Kyle: I just got to get out of town for a while and figure this thing out
Linda: I thought you had to meet with those guys? That's why I brought you the money
Kyle: Things have changed alright?
Linda: What're you into? I mean you asked me to steal this money from my father so these guys won't hurt you over losing their drugs...
Kyle: [Interrupts her] I don't think it was drugs
Linda: What'd you mean? What is it about?
Kyle: I don't know: these cops came into my apartment today and they were saying something about using me to bring in some weird disease into the country
Linda: Disease?
Kyle: Yeah, they were saying it was inside of me
Linda: In your body?
Kyle: Sounds ridiculous right? This thing is surreal
Linda: Pull over
Kyle: What?
Linda: [Before grabbing the steering wheel causing them to swerve off the road] I said pull over
Kyle: What're you doing?
Linda: [while exiting the car] take the money, take the car I don't want any part of this

Linda: [Over the phone] I told you. I have nothing to say to you
Kyle: No, listen to me. I'm in trouble
Linda: Yeah because you're dealing drugs. What happened?
Kyle: My dad found the stuff: we got into a fight, I split but his still got it. I've got to get this to them alright? These guys are hard core. I've got to make it right
Linda: Make it right? How?
Kyle: I don't know I was thinking maybe I could pay them enough you know? Keep them off my back
Linda: You want me to give you money?
Kyle: No, just borrow
Linda: How much?
Kyle: It's about twenty grand on the street
Linda: I don't have that kind of money
Kyle: Didn't you say your dad keeps some cash around the house?
Linda: Not that much
Kyle: Listen to me. These guys will kill me if I don't give them something, please, anything will help right now
Linda: Now you want me to get involved in this?
Kyle: Just let me borrow something, anything. I'll pay you back, I swear to God
Linda: Where are you?
Kyle: I'm at the mall
Linda: I'll get there as soon as I can

Helen: [after he hands her an envelope] what is this?
Don: Its final notice: you don't pay the rent tomorrow 8am, I'm calling City Services and they start the eviction process
Helen: No, don't do this. We'll have it in a couple of days
Kyle: [after he watched them through his window] how much do we owe him ma?
Helen: Just stay out of this
Kyle: How much?
Helen: Eighteen hundred dollars and don't you worry about it because your father's going to talk to Uncle Sanford

Kyle: Hey, how was the interview?
Sam: Fine
Kyle: What's up dad?
Sam: Your mother told me you paid the rent: the three months we owed?
Kyle: Yeah I came into a little money
Sam: How does a nineteen year old who doesn't have a job come into a "little money"?
Kyle: Tim and I went down to the track the other day. He knows this guy over at the stables so I got a tip
Sam: [Sternly] where did you get the money?
Kyle: Dad, what does it matter? Honestly, the rent's paid for three months alright? So the pressure's off us now
Sam: Did you do something illegal?
Kyle: No. I told you we went to Santa Anita and we got lucky
Sam: Don't lie to me, I got enough to worry about. Now this is my house, I pay the rent, I take care of you and your mother
Kyle: [while walking away] when you get that job, you can go ahead and pay me back alright?
Sam: Wait a second, we're not done here
Kyle: No, we're done here
Sam: [Yelling] don't walk away from me
Kyle: You should be thanking me instead of crawling up my ass

Helen: He said he won the money at the track
Sam: He can up come up with a better lie than that
Helen: Maybe he was telling the truth
Sam: Oh, come on
Sam: [while Kyle tries to walk past him] where are you going? What's in the bag?
Kyle: Clothes
Sam: Well, open it
Kyle: What?
Sam: Open the bag. I'm warning you: open that bag or I'm going to open it myself
Kyle: [Looks at his mother] ma?
Helen: Listen to your father
Kyle: It's none of his business
Sam: As long as it's in my house, it's my business
Kyle: Your house? This isn't your house, you can't even pay the rent
Helen: [Chastising him for talking back to his father] oh, Kyle
Kyle: [after grabs his father grabs the bag away and begins to look through it] will you quit snooping please?
Sam: [Pushes Kyle back] don't even think about it
Sam: [Holding a bag of white powder after removing it from the bag] what is this? Coke? Heroin?
Kyle: Give it back
Sam: What'd you say?
Kyle: I need it
Sam: What'd you mean you need it? What're you? Some kind of junkie?
Kyle: No. I'm just delivering it for this guy, if I don't get it to him...
Sam: [Interrupts him] who?
Kyle: Just a guy ok?
Sam: [Raises his voice] who? Give me a name
Helen: Kyle, answer your father

Tim: I'm not going to do it ok? I don't care how much you pay me: it's dealing drugs
Kyle: Your my best friend, when are you going to come through for me?
Tim: You should've talked to me before you went down to Mexico to buy a bag of coke
Kyle: I'm not asking you to do anything but wait in the car. I'll make the delivery
Tim: I'm not going to do it. I'm not going with you
Kyle: Fine
Kyle: [Answering his phone] yeah? Zack, what's up?
Zach: We need to talk
Kyle: What's going on?
Zach: You tell me, you got the powder?
Kyle: Yeah. Of course I do, what time do you want me to drop it off?
Zach: Tonight. Come by around seven thirty
Kyle: Seven thirty, could we just go over one more time how this whole thing is going to go down?
Zach: Go over what? You drop off the coke, I give you the money. Is that too much for you to handle?
Kyle: No, it's cool, totally cool man
Zach: [Before hanging up] it better be