The Best Litvak Quotes

David: Tanner, he's the only who knew we were grabbing Matobo: he must've talked
Litvak: [to Emerson, referring to the FBI] sir, we need to go before they get here
Tony: Not without Matobo
Litvak: Those walls are two feet thick, even if we blow a hole with a shape charge, it'll kill everyone inside
Jack: I think I found a way
Litvak: Yeah? Like what?
Jack: We can gas them out
Litvak: [Irritated] we don't have any
Jack: We'll find something
Jack: [to Emerson] the ventilation system works straight into the safe room, if I can feed the gas through that, it'll flush them out
Litvak: [to Jack] the FBI is coming
Jack: They won't be here for at least fifteen minutes
Litvak: What're you talking about? How do you know?
Jack: If they knew anything before we got here, they would've evacuated Matobo
Litvak: [to Emerson] that's just a guess
Jack: [to Emerson] tact teams are staged out of the DC branch office: that's twenty one miles from here. With traffic, that gives us at least fifteen minutes
Tony: [to everyone] we're not leaving without Matobo, that's what Dubaku is paying us for
Litvak: [to Emerson] you aren't seriously considering...
David: [shouts to Litvak] shut up
David: [to Jack] what kind of gas are you talking about?
Jack: Ammonium dysterate, we can make it from basic household products
Litvak: Do it