The Best Jason Girard Quotes

Jack: Come on Jason, talk to me
Jason: I am working on it
Jack: [after removing the transponder] ok I want you to take the compass and put it over the scrapped area and tell me is the needle moving?
Jason: No, it's not
Jack: Ok, you've disabled it. Good work, how far is the vehicle?
Jason: Not far

Tony: [Over the phone] I got a guy on the line the police put through: his in the desert, he said he found a "case." This guy found the football
Jack: Ok, let me speak to him
Tony: His name is Jason Girard, we're running a background check as we speak. I'm patching you through right now
Jack: Ok Tony, stay on the other line
Jack: Mr. Girard?
Jason: Yeah, call me Jason, I'm with my wife Kelly who's this?
Jack: My name is Jack Bauer, I'm a federal agent with the Department of Defense. My colleague agent Almeida says you found what we refer to as "the football"?
Jason: Yeah it sure looks that way. I mean I don't know very much about this sort of thing, my wife are out here on a camping trip
Jack: Ok fine, why don't you just describe to me what you found?
Jason: Sure, it's a black leather briefcase, it's got a number paneling over by the handle, and it's in a protective case that's got the President Seal on it
Jack: That sounds like it. Right now I'm in a helicopter, I'm about twenty minutes away from you. I just want you to hang out there and wait for me
Jason: I think someone beat you to the punch, I see headlights
Jack: How far away?
Jason: It's hard to tell, a few miles?
Jack: Ok just hold on a second Jason
Jack: Tony, this kid Jason said his got headlights towards him, do we have any ground units in his vicinity?
Tony: No
Jack: Highway patrol? Park Rangers? Anything?
Tony: No, nobody
Jack: How can that be?
Tony: We're spread thin: all state agencies are still assisting with the evacuation
Jack: Son of a bitch
Jack: Jason, are the headlights headed straight for you?
Jason: Yeah their pretty much coming this way
Jack: Damn it. This situation just got a lot more complicated than we thought
Jason: What'd you mean?
Jack: The football has a transponder. It's a tracking device, it allows anyone to pinpoint its exact location as long as they've got the right frequency
Jason: You think someone got a hold of the frequency that's not supposed to have it?
Jack: Right now we have to make that assumption
Jason: Who do you think it is?
Jack: Terrorists who carried out today's attacks. Listen, if I'm right we don't have a lot of time, I need to remove the transponder and take the football get away from there as far as you can
Jason: Ok go ahead
Jack: The transponder's tiny and it's hidden in the surface of the case. It's designed not to be found
Jason: How am I supposed to find it?
Jack: Do you have a compass and a flashlight?
Jason: Yeah
Jack: I want you to move the compass over the surface of the case slowly, the transponder puts out an electromagnetic field: it's not very strong but it should move the needle. Just move the compass over the surface of the case slowly and watch the needle
Jason: [as his wife holds the flashlight while he moved the compass] I found it
Jack: Ok good. Take a knife or a sharp rock and start scratching the surface hard
Jason: [while scraping] damn it