The Best James Nathanson Quotes

Jack: [Over the phone] I'm here, where are you?
James: In a minute: first I want to make sure you weren't followed otherwise, there's no deal. Take the alleyway between the two buildings across the street from you. I left the gate open
Jack: Listen to me, I don't know what you think I can do for you but you committed treason
James: I don't see it that way, I love this country
Jack: You're never going to be able to justify killing David Palmer
James: That was an unfortunate "necessity." We admired Palmer but we had other priorities, this country needs a reason to secure its oil interests in Asia: a reason Russia and the rest of the world can get behind
Jack: I've heard your "reasoning" from Walt Cummings, its still treason
James: No, it's a real politic. Do you see the open door ahead?
Jack: Yeah
James: Enter it, make two right turns and walk back the direction you came from

James: [Over the phone] if you try to trace this call or put anyone else on the line, I'll hang up
Audrey: Who is this?
James: My name's James Nathanson, I'm sure Walt Cummings has told you all about me
Audrey: You're the one who sold the nerve gas to the terrorists
James: That's close enough to "the truth"
Audrey: What'd you want?
James: Transfer me to Jack Bauer on a clean line
Audrey: Why Jack?
James: That's not your concern
Audrey: Your getting to Jack through me: that makes it my concern
James: I'm going through you because you have a "special" relationship with Bauer, I know all about you, which is why I'm counting on you to recognize an "opportunity" when it presents itself
Audrey: What "opportunity?"
James: I can help you find this nerve gas
Audrey: How do I know your telling the truth?
James: You don't, now put me through to Bauer

Audrey: [Over the phone, after Jack patching Jack into this conversation] I'm on the phone with a man who claims to be "James Nathanson." he was Walt Cummings' contact: he says he has information about the terrorists but he'll only talk to you
Jack: Why me?
James: You can hang up now Ms. Raines: my phone has a node monitor, I'll know if anyone else comes on this line
Audrey: Jack?
Jack: [to Audrey] It's alright, hang up the phone
Jack: [to James] What'd you want with me?
James: Protection. The terrorists your after are trying to kill me
Jack: The terrorists figured out you're the one who rigged the canisters, the Sentox will blow up in their faces, what'd you need me for? Just turn yourself into the authorities, they'll protect you
James: Walt Cummings isn't the only one in this operation who works inside the government, I need your help
Jack: You conspired to have me take the fall for the assassination: what makes you think I'm not going to kill you myself?
James: Because you want to stop the Sentox nerve gas from being released on US soil, so do I
Jack: Where are you?
James: There a phone booth on the south side of Mort Park, just east of Densmore, be there in ten minutes or I'll be gone