The Best Barry Landes Quotes

Kim: [after seeing Jack for the first time after she was told her father was still alive as Barry stands next to her] I don't know what to say, I don't know what you expect me to say
Jack: You don't have to say anything
Kim: Why didn't you just tell me you were alive?
Jack: I couldn't, if you knew I was alive, you would've been at risk, I had no choice
Barry: You could've "chosen" to trust her
Jack: I'd like to speak to my daughter alone please
Barry: I don't think that's a good idea
Jack: I don't care what you think
Barry: I'm sure you don't: all that matters is you and the judgments you make, even if it affects those that love you
Jack: [Irritated, implying he wants to speak to her alone] Kim...
Kim: Barry, please let me speak to my dad
Barry: I'll be right outside
Kim: Yeah
Kim: [to Jack] don't judge him: he was there when no one else was
Jack: The most painful I've been through was having to walk away from you, even more painful than losing your mother but it was the only way to make sure you would be safe
Kim: I buried you
Jack: I know
Kim: You know there's something with people like you? You can't hold onto anything. Chase couldn't either, he and I tried for a while then he was gone, just like you and now your back and I'm suppose to... I'm happy your alive, I am, but I can't give you what you want right now
Jack: Ok I understand that

Barry: [while at CTU] you ok?
Kim: Both my parents died here, I swore I'd never come back to this place
Barry: We can leave right now if you want
Kim: [Before Audrey enters the room] no she's coming
Audrey: Kim, hi
Kim: [Introducing him] this is Barry Landes
Audrey: [Shakes his hand] Audrey Raines
Kim: So what is it? What did you have to tell me that's so important?
Audrey: I think it's better if we talked in private
Kim: Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of Barry
Audrey: Kim, I really think...
Barry: [Interrupts Audrey] it's ok
Audrey: It's about your father
Kim: What about my father?
Audrey: His alive
Audrey: [after Kim is silent] Kim, he wanted to tell you but he couldn't in order to protect you: someone inside the government wanted your father dead, so he staged his own death and went underground. He knew you wouldn't be safe if he told you he was still alive, I didn't know either until this morning. I thought maybe if I told you now if you saw him, it might be a little bit easier. His on his way in now to CTU

Barry: What does it mean that he finished so quickly?
Chloe: I don't know.
Barry: Well, it could be a good thing, right?
Chloe: It could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing, that's what I don't know means.

Jack: Are you ready to go back to work?
Chloe: [Irritated] what'd you need?
Jack: We can't break Henderson, I need you to keep trying to decrypt the files we took from his computer
Chloe: I already tried that, it didn't work: maybe someone else can do it?
Jack: You're the only person in the room that's qualified. Please don't shut down on me now, I'm upset about everything's that's happening too but you know things work around here: we do not quit until it's over
Barry: [Overhearing their conversation] you're not helping her, your just making things worse
Jack: [Walks over to him] I am sure that you are qualified to help someone through this kind of distress over "an extended period of time" but you see we do not have "an extended period of time", so you don't mind stepping aside so I can do my job, I would appreciate it
Barry: Believe it or not, you don't have to be "qualified" to help people, you just have to be there for them
Jack: Like you were there for my daughter?
Barry: What does that mean?
Jack: Your twenty years older than she is, I know exactly what you're doing
Barry: I've done nothing but try to help her deal with her loss. How dare you accuse me of taking advantage of her
Kim: [while Jack has his hand around his throat, choking him] dad, you can be angry with me all you want but before I met Barry, I didn't want to live, do you understand that?

Barry: Just, everybody breathe.
Chloe: What's with you and the breathing? Is that your solution to everything?