The Best Alice Tanner Quotes

Alice: Why can't you just let me die in peace?
Dr. Gregory House: You haven't been at peace since it happened.

Alice: You better hurry. My lawyer will have me out of here by this time tomorrow.
Dr. Gregory House: Yeah, about that. It seems that last night you found and self-administered what you thought was a potentially lethal narcotic. Your psych hold has been extended an additional 24 hours. I know, bummer, right?

Dr. Gregory House: [Holding a syringe] We can't find your tumor in time without your cooperation. So I'm giving you a choice. Give us a chance to make you better, or stick this anywhere and push.
Alice: Why do you care about me? You think you know me because you read my books?
Dr. Gregory House: No. I know pain. You think you can handle it, and then one day you can't. And when that happens, you either find reasons to go on, or you don't.
Alice: I'm... I'm all out of reasons.
Dr. Gregory House: Now, when you're pain free, you're gonna want to live and start writing again. And if I'm wrong, you got a backup plan to take home with you.

Alice: I'm out of here.
Dr. Gregory House: You can't. We had a deal.
Alice: Try and stop me.
Dr. Gregory House: Okay. This woman is on a 72-hour psychiatric hold. If she tries to run, shoot her. With a sedative. That's more convenient.