Top 20 Quotes From Alun Armstrong

[Ynyr leaves to go see The Widow of the Web]
Ynyr: From here, I go on alone.
Prince: I'm going with you.
Ynyr: No. If two approach, she would certainly kill both. Alone, I may have a chance.
Torquil: Each to his fate, Colwyn.
Ynyr: Yes... Yes, each to his fate.

[the Creature says goodbye to Vincent Brand]
The: Thank you for your kindness, Vincent. I've not known much of it.
Vincent: [the Creature holds out his hand, as Vincent hugs him] Remember us better than we are.

[Vincent Brand tells The Creature that the theater is where the malformed find grace]
Vincent: There is a place where the malformed find grace, where the hideous can be beautiful, where strangeness is not shunned, but celebrated. This place is the theatre.

[Vincent Brand shows The Creature the outside of the Theater]
Vincent: My friend, there was a time this modest hall resounded with Shakespeare, seasons of it, great vomits of it. My last turn was when I gave my Leontes. 'I have drunk and seen the spider!' Ah, but that was many seasons ago. Times have changed. Nowadays, it's all... Ibsen. Come! Let us make our entrance.
Vincent: [as The Creature takes a step, Vincent Brand tells him] Oh, no. We do not enter here. We use the stage door.

Inspector: [at the scene of a murder] I can see the tabloids now: 'Headless Girl in Topless Club'.
Inspector: That's rich. Ever think about a career in journalism?
Inspector: No. Too cutthroat for me.

[Vincent Brand gives The Creature the stage name of Caliban]
Vincent: You know, occurs to me, given my total self-absorption, I never asked your name.
Vincent: [the Creature hesitates to answer] Fear not. You shall have a nom de theater. Do you know 'The Tempest'?
The: No.
Vincent: You shall be Caliban.
The: Caliban. Who's he?
Vincent: Ah! We'll add it to the bill next week and you'll see. Of course in our version Caliban eats Prospero.

Vincent: We are mortals all, extravagant in our weakness.

Torquil: I don't kill men without good reason.
Prince: Nor do I. And be thankful for it.

Prince: Now we have no way to find the fortress.
Ynyr: There is one who might help.
Prince: Who?
Ynyr: The Widow of the Web.
Torquil: That creature helps no one. For none who go there return.
Ynyr: She has great powers.
Torquil: Yeah, to kill.
Ynyr: She may not kill me. For I know her name.
Torquil: Her name is death.
Ynyr: She had another name once. An ancient and powerful name.
[Torquil has a look of disbelief and this gets Ynyr mad]
Ynyr: We all risk our lives on this journey. My risk is no greater than yours. I must try.

Inspector: White woman, white killer. Statistics show most mass murderers kill within their own ethnic group.
Inspector: Jack tell you that?
[Jack is the police department's expert on serial killers]
Inspector: Yeah.
Inspector: What about Jeffrey Dahmer?
Inspector: Jack said Dahmer was different. He killed outside his ethnic group, but he only ate the people he liked.

[Vincent Brand is lowered back under stage during the play and tells The Creature]
Vincent: Oh! My knees can't take this fucking play!

Inspector: Tell me something I don't know.
Inspector: I wish I could.
[this exchange is repeated several times as the story progresses]

[Vincent Brand tells The Creature before rising up through the stage floor]
Vincent: Let us murder the people tonight.

[as Meela walks toward Imhotep]
Baltus: Do not be frightened.
Meela: I am not afraid.
Meela: [in ancient Egyptian to Imhotep] I am Anck-Su-Namun reincarnated.
Imhotep: [in ancient Egyptian] Only in body. But soon, I will bring your soul back from the Underworld and our love shall once again be whole.

[Vincent Brand asks The Creature if he needs work]
Vincent: Do you need work?
The: Yes.
Vincent: Your... Visage, creates challenges?
The: It is a horror.
Vincent: Not everywhere.

Seer: The temple is at the center of the swamp where three trees grow as one.
Prince: How can anything grow in that place? It smells of death.
Ynyr: Death and power are close cousins.
Torquil: I don't think I like your relatives, old man.

Prince: Would you follow a king to the black fortress?
Torquil: Now I know you're a lunatic. I wouldn't follow me own father to the black fortress.

[the Creature apologizes to Vincent Brand for ruining the theater rehearsal]
The: I'm sorry, Vincent.
Vincent: No, pet. Show business. All bitches.

Torquil: [Colwyn gives the king's key to Torquil to rid himself of his manacles] I thought I might keep them as a momento of our journey.
Prince: Well, the key is yours.
Torquil: Only the king and his Lord Marshall carry this key!
Prince: Right.
[Torquil laughs realizing he's just been appointed Lord Marshall]

Prince: The reward is freedom... and fame!
Torquil: Freedom? We have it! And fame? Nah. It's an empty purse. Count it, go broke. Eat it, go hungry. Seek it, go mad!