50 Best Alycia Debnam-Carey Quotes

[Alicia sits on Nick's hospital bed with him and begins feeding him the hospital food]
Nick: I know what you think.
Alicia: What's that bro? What do I think?
Nick: You're perfect and I'm not. You know, you're going to Berkeley, I got expelled from Citrus Community. I'm here, you're there.
Alicia: I don't compare myself.
Nick: You can't not.
Alicia: Well, I don't compare myself with crazy.
Nick: [Nick whispers] I'm not crazy.
Alicia: Well, you repeat the same behavior and expect different results. That's Merriam-Webster crazy.

[Alicia tries leaving the house to go back and see her boyfriend Matt when Nick stops her]
Nick: [Nick sees Alicia walk to the front door] Hey! You promised mom. Alicia, come...
Alicia: [Alicia turns around and starts shouting at Nick] You make promises all the time, Nick. Lie down!
Nick: [Nick crawls to Alicia on the ground pleading for her to stay] I'm an asshole. I'm an asshole. Okay, but listen. Alicia, if you leave, you won't come back. Please.
Alicia: You let mom go.
Nick: Not safe. No, Matt! Matt is not safe.
Alicia: [Alicia rolls her eyes] Oh, Jesus.
Nick: [Nick starts shouting to Alicia from the floor] No, Alicia, you don't get what it makes people do. You don't know what I had to do, Alicia! You don't know!
Alicia: What did you have to do!
Nick: [as Alicia heads out the front door, Nick continues to shout to Alicia from inside the house] Matt will hurt you! He will kill you, Alicia! I'm...
Alicia: [Alicia hears a ruckus come from inside the house, entering into the house to see Nick spazzing out in his own vomit] No, no, no, not now! Not now! Don't do this to me, Nick. Not now! Don't you do this, you stupid son of a bitch!
Nick: [Alicia begins to cradle Nick to try and calm him down] Stay still. Shh.

[Alicia tells Elena that her mother Madison would die for her]
Alicia: Look, Hector needs you. My mother needs me.
Elena: Would she have you risk your life for hers?
Alicia: No, but she would do it for me. My mother would die for me.

[Madison, Nick and Alicia start to feel awkward playing Monopoly as they wait for Travis]
Alicia: How long are we gonna wait?
Madison: We can go to sleep soon.
Alicia: Yeah, I can't sleep when I'm waiting for someone to come home. Having a major case of Deja Vu right now.
[as the three think of Madison's first husband]

[Ofelia and Alicia enter one of the hotel floors]
Ofelia: God, I hate hotels. Oh, they creep me out.
Alicia: The dead walk the earth and it's hotels that creep you out?
Ofelia: I think it's the carpets.

[Alicia meets Elena for the first time]
Alicia: You put the signs on the doors. You moved the infected onto the floor.
Elena: Yes, I contained the problem.
Alicia: What was the problem?
Elena: You. You were. I moved the dead to protect myself from all of you.

[Chris grows impatient while waiting for the group to return with his mom and the others]
Alicia: If they can't get in, they'll come back.
Chris: And leave the others?
Alicia: Would you rather they all die?
Chris: I don't want anyone to die. I don't want that.
Alicia: You sound like your dad.
Chris: Yeah, well, he tries.
Alicia: You can't save everyone.

[Alicia rides in circles on a bicycle while talking at Chris, who's laying on the roof of a car]
Alicia: Have you no respect for private property?
Chris: Is that your bike?
Alicia: I'll ask the questions. I'm kind of the law in these parts.
Chris: Yeah, we already got people on that.
Alicia: [Alicia talks in a country accent] Yeah, they're federal. This here is my jurisdiction. Everything from the fire hydrant to the Posada mailbox.

[Nick and Alicia go through the plane luggage when Nick tries on a Captain's uniform]
Alicia: All these years never knowing where you were or what you were doing. Now here you are.
Nick: I was always there. I was just hungry.

[Alicia talks to her boyfriend Matt in his bed who was bitten by the infected]
Matt: Listen to me. My parents will be home soon. You know I'll be fine. You know that.
Alicia: No, I'm not leaving you. I love you.
Matt: [Matt runs his finger tip over the black rose on Alicia's wrist] I love you, too. That's why you gotta go. Okay? You gotta go.
Matt: [Alicia hesitates] Go.
Madison: [Alicia leans down to hug Matt in his bed, as Madison pulls Alicia away, whispering] Thank you.

[Alicia argues with the group that the survivors Alex and Jake need help]
Alicia: He'll turn if we don't help him. Fine, fine. They won't come to Mexico. They just need some medicine and a place to stay for the night. Look at him! He's dying!
Alex: [when the group remains silent, looking to Jake] Are you people really debating this?

[Madison tells Alicia that Nick will return to the location of the missing Abigail]
Madison: If we go, he'll never find us.
Alicia: He's not looking.
Madison: He always comes home.
Alicia: Mom, it's me and you now whether you like it or not.

[Madison and Alicia enter the Rosarito Beach Hotel]
Madison: Someone locked this place down.
Alicia: Where are they now?

[Alicia tells Ofelia that hope is all they have]
Ofelia: You know, my father, he was always one step behind hope. I see that now.
Alicia: Then Daniel was wrong. That's all we have. We lose that and we're dead.
Alicia: [Ofelia starts to cry] I'm sorry. You have me. For what it's worth, you know? We're your family now.
Ofelia: Family is family.

[Alicia brings Travis a tray of the hotel food]
Alicia: They cook everything in here in lard. It's pretty delicious.

[Alicia cleans Nick's throw-up off from the ground]
Nick: Thank you.
Alicia: I hate you.
Nick: I know.

[Alicia and Madison look at Brandon and Derek]
Alicia: Can we kick them out? Seriously, they're actually awful.

[Elena confesses her secret to Alicia of what she did to the wedding guests]
Elena: I locked them in... Hector and I... till help could come. It never did. There was no one there to save us. People die. Now they hate me.
Alicia: I've seen worse. We've done worse. I won't let them touch you. I promise.

[last lines]
Alicia: [Alicia, Elena and Hector bang on the locked door screaming to get away from the infected] Help! Please! Open the door!
Madison: [when Madison opens the door] Come on. Here.
Alicia: Mom, are you okay?
Madison: [Madison gasps] Yeah.

[Madison tells both Nick and Alicia that Celia Flores is dangerous]
Madison: These people are not our friends. Get it through your heads. Both of you. This place is dangerous. That woman is dangerous.
Nick: She's just upset. I can talk to her.
Madison: You stay away from Celia. Do you hear me? Travis is coming over that hill. When he does, that's when we move.
Alicia: What if he doesn't?
Madison: He is coming back.

[Madison and Travis argue in the kitchen]
Travis: Maddy...
Madison: My house is a refugee camp, my daughter's room is an ICU unit for strangers. Someone has to cook, someone has to clean...
Travis: Listen, calm down.
Madison: ...Someone has to watch Nick. And that someone, somehow, is me. 'Cause I don't know where your ex-wife goes.
Travis: She's helping sick people. Is this about Liza?
Madison: What? No, it's about you.
Travis: Me?
Madison: Yeah, you run off to play man of the people...
Travis: I'm not playing...
Madison: ...With your soldier friends...
Travis: This is not easy.
Madison: ...And I could use a little bit of help here!
Alicia: Stop. Oh, my God, just stop it. This domestic bickering like it's normal, like you're normal people in a normal kitchen. It's not normal. Stop it. Stop acting like it is.

[Alicia tends to the wounded Strand in bed]
Victor: [to Alicia] You have excellent bedside manner. Andrés could take a few tips.
Alicia: I volunteered at County USC through high school. The nurses taught us that what you don't say to patients is as important as what you do say.
Victor: For instance?
Alicia: I'm not gonna tell you it's gonna be all right.
Victor: Why on earth not?
Alicia: Might not be.
Victor: [Strand chuckles as he groans] I changed my mind. Your bedside manner is abysmal.
Alicia: [Alicia chuckles] You didn't seem like someone who liked sugar coating.

[Chris threatens Alicia after she tells him that she saw him freeze up during the infected attack]
Chris: [Chris grabs Alicia] You have to believe me. You can't say anything.
Alicia: [Alicia whispers] What if I do?
Chris: I don't want to hurt anyone.

[Nick and Alicia talk about something being off]
Nick: Something's off here.
Alicia: Everything's off. Everywhere.

[Madison tells Alicia that Nick is the reason why she kept there father's suicide a secret]
Madison: Nick is the reason why.
Alicia: Why what?
Madison: Why I kept it a secret. There's so much of your father in Nick, you know? The way he could light up a room with his smile. Or silence it with his mood. It's impossible to ignore. You just couldn't not see it. They shared the same demons.

[Hector tries to teach Alicia how to stand on a surf board]
Hector: Flip up.
Hector: [when Alicia falls to her face] Well... I've never seen anyone do it quite like that before.
Alicia: [Alicia chuckles] Well, does the student suck or the teacher?

Alicia: Solid jerky Cole packed for us.
Madison: Will you just have a drink with the guy, already?
Victor: Madison, you know I only drink with you.

[last lines]
Jack: You're going back to those people? Alex told us what they did. Is that who you really want to be with? The people who abandoned her will abandon you.
Madison: [Madison from the boat] Alicia!
Jack: Alicia, please.
Alicia: I'm sorry.
Jack: [Jack screams as Alicia jumps off the ship] Alicia. Alicia!
Travis: [Travis reaches to grab Alicia out of the water] Alicia.

[Nick tells Alicia what the perk is to the apocalypse]
Nick: Hey, you want to know what the most underrated perk of the apocalypse is?
Alicia: Yes.
Nick: No planes. No pollution. No smog. Just stars.
Alicia: Yep, well, we definitely stopped the climate crisis. Awesome.

[Alicia talks to her boyfriend Matt during his art class]
Matt: [as he spray paints a wall] Paint-by-numbers bullshit.
Alicia: Senior project. It's supposed to be fun.
Matt: What'll be fun is coming back and tagging it later.

[first lines]
Alicia: [Madison and Travis get their kids ready so they can leave the safe zone] Mom?
Madison: Go get your stuff.
Alicia: What happened?
Travis: We've got to go. Now, Chris.
Chris: But... what happened?
Travis: The Guard is pulling out.
Chris: Yeah, we saw them on the street. They were leaving.
Madison: If they're leaving, we're leaving.

[last lines]
Madison: [Madison and Alicia wake up to find Chris standing over their bed with a knife] What the hell are you doing?
Alicia: Chris, get out! Get out!
[as Chris leaves the room]

[Madison pulls out the board game Monopoly to play with Nick and Alicia]
Alicia: [Alicia sarcastically replies] Really?
Madison: Yep. I'm the top hat.
Alicia: [Alicia sits up off the chair] Car.
Nick: [Nick sits up off the couch] Shoe.
Alicia: Dad was always the shoe.
Madison: Daddy wouldn't mind.
Nick: So, what do you want to be, the thimble?
Madison: No.
Alicia: I'm the car.
Nick: The car. All right.
Madison: Thank you. All right, who wants to go first?
Nick: Youngest to oldest. I'm gonna wipe the floor with you guys. I can feel it.
Alicia: This game's evil, dude. Kindergarten capitalism.

[last lines]
Madison: [Madison tries to tell Alicia that Nick is nearby] 15 miles away. It has to be him.
Alicia: How can you know that?
Madison: You don't understand. Your child is always your child. He's always...
Alicia: I'm your child. I don't understand. He chose what's out there over us.
Madison: Maybe he changed his mind.
Alicia: I never changed my mind. I'm here. Why isn't that enough?

[Madison and Alicia talk about repainting the family room where they killed the infected neighbor Peter]
Madison: Hey, we have to repaint the family room.
Alicia: We did last week.
Madison: I know, it needs a new coat. Travis found some more paint in the garage.
Alicia: [Alicia sighs] What's the point?
Madison: Semi-gloss. What? Excuse me?
Alicia: I mean, no one's coming to the open house, Mom. Market's train a bit of a turn.
Madison: I can still see the stains.

[Alicia asks how Jack and his group choose what boat lives and what boat dies]
Alicia: How do you choose?
Jack: I asked Connor the same thing. He said this is the world now.
Jack: [Jack points to the ship's radar of nearby boats] That one lives, that one dies.

[Madison, Nick and Alicia continue to play Monopoly when Nick wins the Boardwalk and Park Place properties]
Madison: [Nick teases Madison with the money] Hey, hey.
Alicia: Calm down. Play fair.
Madison: Do not treat the banker like that.
Nick: [Nick holds up his properties] Thank you very much. And that's the pair.
Alicia: You always get all the good ones.
Madison: Oh, look at that. I'm crushing you guys. You're pathetic.
Alicia: [Madison begins shaking the dice as the three of them hear multiple gunshots in the distance, pausing quietly] Mom.
Madison: [Madison drops the dice, whispering] Seven.

[Alicia tells Strand that they have to fight for Travis]
Victor: What are you gonna do?
Alicia: What are we gonna do? We've done as much bad as good here. We've lost our place.
Victor: We earn it back by not fighting for Travis.
Alicia: But he found us. With all of this, he found us. That has to matter. We can't ignore it.
Victor: Madison, I'm sorry, but the man cannot stay.
Alicia: You're right. You're right. He can't stay. We can leave with him. We can go together.
Victor: Oh, for Christ's sakes.

[Willa Geary asks Alicia what posies are]
Willa: What are posies?
Alicia: Posies are flowers.
Willa: Why do you put them in your pockets?
Alicia: Um, well, a long time ago across the ocean in Europe, there was a virus that made a lot of people really sick. And they didn't have the medicine we do now, so they gave them flowers to make them healthy.
Willa: Did it work?
Alicia: No.

[last lines]
Seth: [Seth Geary turns his brother Harry Geary to the group on the boat, as he shoots their infected mother coming at them on the boat deck] I want you to wave good-bye to the nice people, okay? All right, just keep waving.
Alicia: [when Alicia tells Chris not to watch] Oh, Chris, don't look.
[when Seth Geary shoots his mother in the head]

[Alicia tells Hector that her brother Nick always gave her crap]
Alicia: My brother used to give me shit all the time because I was always falling down.
Hector: Hmm. Big brothers like to say asshole things just to make you remember who's boss.

[Madison apologizes to Alicia for the way she raised her]
Madison: I'm sorry.
Alicia: You didn't do anything wrong.
Madison: What you said was true. You raised yourself. Especially after Daddy died. Exactly when you shouldn't have had to. That's on me.
Alicia: You didn't do anything wrong.

[Alicia talks to Jack about maybe the world was never safe]
Alicia: Maybe it was always like that. Maybe we just spent a lot of time trying to convince ourselves the laws of nature didn't apply.
Jack: [Jack smiles] Right, if you believe in the right things, ate the right things, wore our goddamn seat belts...
Alicia: [Jack laughs] We'd be safe.
Jack: Yeah.
Alicia: But nobody was.

[Travis apologizes to Alicia for not protecting her]
Alicia: Travis, I'm sorry. I feel like I pushed Chris further away by being so...
Travis: No. You were scared. You had every right to be. Look... Chris... he's sick. I couldn't see it. He's my son.
Travis: [Travis sighs] Look, I'm sorry that I didn't believe you. I'm sorry that I... I didn't protect you better. I should have.

[Elena tells Alicia that the Rosarito Beach Hotel is home]
Elena: I have keys to every hall, every building. This place is a maze and I know how to run it. Whoever has the keys can control the hotel.
Alicia: [about the other guests] Give them the keys.
Elena: No, they'd kill us or exile us. Either way, it's the way.
Alicia: Go home. Leave.
Elena: The hotel is home. It has been for a long time.

[Madison tells Alicia the suicide note their father left]
Madison: 'I love you all... but enough's enough.'
Alicia: And that's it?
Madison: [Madison sighs] Yeah.

[last lines]
Madison: [Madison and Alicia wait at home in the dark with no power, when the phone lines die] Dead again.
Alicia: Phone lines keep going off and on. Power cuts off. Tell me. What's going on?
Madison: [both girls hear distant screams coming from Mrs. Cruz across the way, both look out the window] Oh, my God.
Madison: [Madison closes the blinds to both windows] Don't look. Don't look.
Alicia: [Alicia runs to open the front door] Mom, Mr. Dawson's hurting them.
Madison: No, Alicia! No.
Alicia: [Madison closes the door and puts her back to it] What are you doing? Mom. Mom!

[Alicia tells her mother Madison that she thought her mother had died]
Alicia: I was looking for you in the bar... and I was trying to get to you and I was so scared that I wouldn't.
Alicia: [Alicia begins to cry] When I finally did, I saw this dead woman. She had your hair. I thought...
Madison: No, you're not losing me. I'm not losing you. Not ever.

[Alicia asks Ofelia about the infected walker they found hanging from a shower head]
Alicia: Why do you think he gave up?
Ofelia: What?
Alicia: That man. I'd have tried, like, 50 different things before I would have.
Ofelia: Maybe he was tired.
Alicia: Tired of what?
Ofelia: Surviving.

[first lines]
Madison: [Madison and Strand find themselves surrounded by the infected at the hotel bar] Shit, Victor.
Victor: We'll fight our way out. Make it to the lobby.
Alicia: [in the distance] Mom!
Madison: Oh, my God. Alicia.