20 Best Lennie James Quotes

- Punch it.
- Something's wrong with the engine!
Morgan: The alternator.
- I'll go.
- No, you're in no shape.
- You're in no shape.

Althea: Your name.
Morgan: Morgan Jones.
Althea: Where do you come from?
Morgan: Atlanta and, um... then Virginia.
Althea: How'd you get here?
Morgan: I ran. Then I walked, drove... walked again.
Althea: Were you part of a settlement in Virginia?
Morgan: A couple.
Althea: Can you tell me about them?
Morgan: One of them was called Alexandria, and then there was a place called the Kingdom. Actually had... had a king.
Althea: A king?
Morgan: Even had a pet tiger.

Robert: [On the cellphone] Sarah, the schedule's changed. It's happening tomorrow during the President's address. I'll be there as soon as I can, but there's something I need to take care of. You get everything together and I'll meet you back as soon as I can.
Sarah: Where are you going?
Robert: To get my kids.

Robert: You might want to get some black spray paint, you know, cover that.
[points at the word "Jericho" on the police car]
Robert: Look, I know that you're telling people that is was an accident, an I hope it was, but if it was an attack, Sheriff and there's chaos out there, you might not want the wrong people to know that Jericho is still here.
Sheriff: With all do respect Mr. Hawkins, this is no St. Louis.
[walks off]

Robert: Excuse me, Sheriff, Robert Hawkins.
Sheriff: Well it's good to meet you Mr. Hawkins but as you can see, we have got outs hands full.
Robert: Could you use an extra man?
Sheriff: No civilians, mayor's orders.
Robert: Well I use to be a cop, St. Louis.
Sheriff: Do know the roads around here?
Robert: No, I just moved to town.
Sheriff: Then I'm afraid you'll just slow us down, I'm sorry.

Robert: [to Stanley] Hey, I need to borrow your tank.

Robert: Come on out here. Hey!
Allison: Are all those cities gone?
Robert: What do you think?
Allison: How do you know?
Robert: I don't for sure
Robert: Okay. Those are the cities I heard about through the ham radio, and the satellite feed before the emp.
Allison: How come your laptop isn't fried like everyone elses?
Robert: It's ruggedized. It is built to withstand an emp. The, um... the government issues them, baby.
Allison: So you're some kind of spy? That's why you moved us here. You knew this was going to happen. Why do you have that gun, what's it for?
Robert: Shooting. And I think it's probably time you learned how. You see the way things are going you may have to defend yourself one day. Do you understand?

Robert: [to Jake] Hey don't take this the wrong way but... you look like crap.

Robert: Who is your dad?
Samuel: You.
Robert: Who loves you more than anything in the world?
Samuel: You?
Robert: And Sam, who is always gonna take care of you?
Samuel: Mommy.

Robert: Guns? Guns are easy.

Lieutenant: Go wider... Send their photos to every train station... bus station... and airports in a 300 mile radius
Detective: So Ohio... Maryland... West Virginia... New York... New Jersey... Virginia... Michigan... Kentucky... and Indiana
[Nabulsi gives Collero a dumb look]
Lieutenant: You know what direction they're going in... smart ass

Morgan: I loose people and then I loose myself

Jake: About the weapons: You had this the whole time and you didn't say anything?
Robert: I never thought I was gonna call this town my home. Let's get 'em loaded up

Althea: Tell me one real thing, then we'll call it even. Why'd you leave Virginia?
Morgan: I lose people and then I lose myself.

Robert: You can't just ride into New Bern and start breaking china.

Lieutenant: What kind of criminal drives a Prius?
Sergeant: A socially responsible one?

DI: [Introducing Tanner to his office] Let's have a quick rundown on the filing system, shall we?
[Pointing out three piles of papers]
DI: In... out... LBW
DI: Let the buggers wait!

John: Anyone know what that 51 means?
Althea: Markers like that have been popping up around here the last few weeks, but never anyone around to ask but the dead.
John: The dead? I call 'em the passed.
Morgan: Call 'em walkers where I'm from.
Althea: Look at that. A piece of personal history.

Lieutenant: What do we have?
Sergeant: A freaking miracle. A meth lab in the basement, the house still standing. Should be just a crater.

Jake: Any idea of what you're doing?
Robert: Not a clue!
Jake: Thanks for your help.
Robert: This is our home too.