The Best Allison Hawkins Quotes

Allison: [in reference to Jake] Is he a good man or a bad man?
Robert: Baby, there is no such thing.

Robert: Come on out here. Hey!
Allison: Are all those cities gone?
Robert: What do you think?
Allison: How do you know?
Robert: I don't for sure
Robert: Okay. Those are the cities I heard about through the ham radio, and the satellite feed before the emp.
Allison: How come your laptop isn't fried like everyone elses?
Robert: It's ruggedized. It is built to withstand an emp. The, um... the government issues them, baby.
Allison: So you're some kind of spy? That's why you moved us here. You knew this was going to happen. Why do you have that gun, what's it for?
Robert: Shooting. And I think it's probably time you learned how. You see the way things are going you may have to defend yourself one day. Do you understand?

Dale: That's a dollar 69.
Allison: Ok.
Dale: I got the last bag of corn chips.
Skylar: I'll give you $20 for them!