The Best Gray Anderson Quotes

Gray: [Speaking to Jake in Cheyenne] This convention is a sham, and when it's done, I, I don't think there's anything this government is not going to have the power to do in the name of national security.

Gray: Are you going somewhere?
Eric: My father needs medication, stuff we don't have in town. Me and Jake are going to Rogue River to find it.
Gray: Are you sure thats a good idea?
Eric: Not really.
Gray: You be careful out there. You don't stop for anything. You don't even slow down. I mean it.
Eric: We'll be back before morning. Do you mind keeping an eye on things here?
Gray: Of course, don't worry about it.

Gray: [Speaking in the office to Roger] It's a mathematical problem. We've got your friends plus another 50 who migrated here. That's too many people and not enough food.
Jake: We'll just have to figure out how to make what we have last.

Gray: The four horsemen of the apocalypse.
Jake: Let's hope not.

Jake: I can talk to Jonah.
Gray: You can talk to Jonah? Find him - ...
Jake: He lived up to his end of the deal.
Gray: And why the hell are you protecting this guy?
Jake: I'm protecting this town. He can get things we're gonna need.
Gray: What can he get?
Jake: He can get food; he can get gas, he can get ammo. Could you get that stuff if we needed it tomorrow? Could you? 'Cause he can. We'll do this my way now.
[takes gun away from Gray]

Sheriff: [gathering in sheriff's office] Well I figure two teams, there only so many places they can be.
Gray: Well what about the parents?
[crowd of parents begins to get louder]
Johnston: Folks. Folks. Folks!
[crowd dies down]
Johnston: Look, I know that every part of you wants to just rush out there. I don't blame you. But as your friend I'm asking you to think about that. You're safe here. What if, god forbid, you go out there and you get stranded and your child comes back an orphan. You know the sheriff and his men, you know they'll find your kids, so please.