The Best Dale Turner Quotes

Skylar: Please tell me that's diet.
Dale: Cream soda.
Skylar: There used to be a whole case of diet here! Gracie promised that she would hold on to it for me.
Gracie: Not to worry dear. I tucked it away when we agreed on the price.

Dale: That's a dollar 69.
Allison: Ok.
Dale: I got the last bag of corn chips.
Skylar: I'll give you $20 for them!

Dale: Hey, did you hear?
Skylar: Hear what?
Dale: Mr. Anderson's back, he says New York is still there.
Skylar: New York? My parents.
Dale: They might be okay.
Skylar: My parents.
[cries and hugs Dale]

Dale: Why are you such a jerk when you're with your friends?
Lisa: Did I interrupt a lovers' spat?
Skylar: Stop it Lisa!
Lisa: You know what, I'm gonna go home. I only came here because you begged me to.
Skylar: Just... go home.

Jake: It's like everyone checks in here at the main tent. They try and match buyers and sellers. They gave me three possibilities of sellers that might have the part for the windmill.
Dale: It's like eBay.
[the group walks by a screaming man being whipped by a guard]
Heather: Not like eBay.