The Best Gracie Leigh Quotes

Skylar: Please tell me that's diet.
Dale: Cream soda.
Skylar: There used to be a whole case of diet here! Gracie promised that she would hold on to it for me.
Gracie: Not to worry dear. I tucked it away when we agreed on the price.

Stanley: Gracie, do you still have those crop pesticides?
Gracie: Everything I have got left is right there on that shelf.
Stanley: Thank God, I'm gonna need everything you have got to protect my corn.
Gracie: Can anyone even eat that corn. What about that rain we had?
Stanley: No, it's ok, the husks kept it ok from the fallout.

Gracie: These are for you. I lost my head Stanley, I'm sorry.
Stanley: Thank you.

Gracie: What about you Jake? Where've you been keeping yourself?
Jake: [leans towards her secretively] I've been playing minor league baseball.
Gracie: Oh. Is that a fact?