30 Best Jake Green Quotes

Jake: If you or anybody comes near my family again, I will kill you.
Mitchell: [whispering] Now that's the Jake I know. Alright, now get up. I'm taking you to go see Jonah.

Stanley: Yeah... I'm really sick of getting poked with needles every ten minutes. They'll be really sorry when my spider powers kick in.
[makes a goofy face]
Jake: Well, you're still an idiot, so that's a good sign.
Stanley: [laughs] Yeah.

Gail: I'm glad you're home.
Jake: Yeah, we'll see.

Johnston: In my office. Now.
[punches Gray Anderson]
Johnston: Right now these people need our leadership. I will not have you tearing this town apart. And when all this is over, if you and I are still alive, you investigate your ass off. In the meantime, if I hear anymore talk like that out of you, you and I are gonna have a problem. Do we understand each other?
Jake: Going out is more important then ever, alright? If this country is at war we need to know it!

Jake: [Addressing Major Beck with hands up] I'm the only one to blame. The only one, so my terms are simple: my surrender for the amnesty of the other Rangers.

Gail: [sneaking money into Jake's pocket] Just stay one more day.
Jake: I've got to get back to San Diego by tomorrow. Mom, one more thing.
Gail: Hmm?
Jake: [hands her the money] You have clumsy hands.
Gail: I love you.

Jake: We were both born on third base, quit pretending you hit a triple.

Gray: [Speaking in the office to Roger] It's a mathematical problem. We've got your friends plus another 50 who migrated here. That's too many people and not enough food.
Jake: We'll just have to figure out how to make what we have last.

Skylar: Dale, why are they keeping you here? What did you do?
Jake: I'm just talking to him.
Skylar: Well you can't talk to him with out an attorney.
Jake: I'm not a cop.
Skylar: I know the machines are down but you have to take this anyway.
[offers credit card]

Emily: Jake, you came back for us.
Jake: [steps closer] I came back for some of you.

Gail: Oh God, look at you. You're a mess.
Jake: I'm fine. Stop worrying about me.
Gail: Yeah, good luck with that.

Heather: I don't think this is such a good idea.
Jake: No choice.
Heather: Well, then, at least let me do some work on the car.
Jake: There's no time, I have to go now. Wha-wait, you said it was sturdy.
Heather: Well sturdy yeah but what if you need to out run something?
Jake: Why, how fast will it go?
Heather: I don't know, 30, maybe 40 miles an hour- best case, down hill- and not for very long. See this is what I'm saying. Maybe you should go on horseback.
Jake: A horse is slower than that.
Heather: A horse is less likely to explode.
Jake: I'll take my chances.
Heather: Ok, well then at least open her up easy, make sure you have enough car left in case you need to ask for a lot in a hurry. And remember, the gas tank on the thing is on the left hand side, so if somebody decides to start *shooting* at you, make sure it's not on that side.
Jake: Ok, anything else?
[she looks worriedly at him, then kisses him]
Heather: Come back in one piece.
[he chuckles]
Jake: I will, I promise.
[pause. She still has her arms around him]
Heather: I-I thought you were gonna go.
Jake: I'm waiting on Eric.
Heather: Oh.
[she pulls away]
Heather: Um, watch out for giant irradiated ants out there.
[he laughs]
Jake: Always do.
Heather: Ooook.
[she leaves while Jake stares after her]

Jake: Emily
Emily: Why are you talking to him?
Jake: It's ok. It doesn't have anything to do with you.
Emily: He's my father, it has everything to do with me.

Emily: Where have you been?
Jake: The navy.
Jake: Oh why do I even bother?
Emily: Seriously, where have you been?

[last lines]
Robert: How does it feel?
Jake: What?
Robert: Making history.

Gail: Where's Emily?
Jake: She's not going.
Gail: Good. Your not going alone are you?
Jake: Yee. Don't give me that look.
Gail: What look?
Jake: You know what look, that look.
Gail: Hey, I do this 72 hundred times, I've watched you drive away not knowing if you were coming home, I've earned a look.
Jake: I'm coming back.

Jonah: I want to talk to Emily.
Jake: She doesn't want to see you.
Jonah: She blames me for Chris's death. Things might be different if she knew whose fault it really was.
Jake: I didn't send him on that job, all right, you did. I tried to talk him out of it.
Jonah: He needed a lookout; someone to watch his back. You left him alone
Jake: A lookout? He needed a father.
Jonah: All right. Maybe it is time Emily learns the truth about what you did.
Jake: I told her. I told her, I told her everything.
Jonah: Did she forgive you?
Jake: No.
Jonah: Neither do I. Get her to see me, or I'll do business wherever the hell I please.
Jake: I can't.
Jonah: Then I guess we don't have a deal.

Eric: Uhh what the hell. Is that what we're driving?
Jake: Yeah, I mean it's not actually a... Yeah.

Jake: It's like everyone checks in here at the main tent. They try and match buyers and sellers. They gave me three possibilities of sellers that might have the part for the windmill.
Dale: It's like eBay.
[the group walks by a screaming man being whipped by a guard]
Heather: Not like eBay.

[Jake is setting dynamite charges to blow up the mine shaft]
Heather: Hey. Where'd you learn how to do that?
Jake: Knew a guy once.
Heather: Did you blow him up?

Maggie: So... you're really not going to tell me what happened?
Jake: Doc says frostbite.
Maggie: Uh huh. Doctor also say who kicked your ass?
Jake: [chuckles] Someone ran us off the road. Most of it's a blur. Just tried to stay alive, you know?
Maggie: I do.

Stanley: Oh, I can't believe it. Jake Green. How you doing man? When did you get back to town?
Jake: Just now. Is that Bonnie?
[Bonnie waves at Jake, Jake signs to Bonnie]
Jake: You grew up.
Stanley: Well, wait a minute, where the hell have you been?
Jake: You know, around.
Stanley: Jake, no one's been around for five years.
Jake: The Army. I've been in the Army.
Stanley: Good for you.

Heather: Mind if I pitch in?
Jake: Do you know how to strip wires?
Heather: Ever since junior high.
[he stares at her]
Heather: Yeah, I was that popular.

Jake: Any idea of what you're doing?
Robert: Not a clue!
Jake: Thanks for your help.
Robert: This is our home too.

Jake: About the weapons: You had this the whole time and you didn't say anything?
Robert: I never thought I was gonna call this town my home. Let's get 'em loaded up

Bill: Ravenwood? What the hell is that?
Jake: It's a private security firm. They hire thugs and Army dropouts. They give 'em big guns and send them out to play soldier.

Jonah: It's a new split. I get all the weapons, the food, the fuel, the guns... everything.
Jake: And what do we get?
Jonah: You get to have bombs not falling on your head.

Jake: Hello, Jonah.
Jonah: Jake. Been a long time.

Jake: Mallow cups.
[snaps fingers]
Jake: That's what they were called.
Eric: God I loved those.
Jake: They were the best. I always got so much more candy than you remember?
Eric: Cause you cheated! You'd trick or treat the whole neighborhood in one costume and then you'd go do it again in another.

Jake: Nuts!