The Best Ambassador Ves Alkar Quotes

Ambassador: I think maybe my biggest asset is patience. I let everyone talk until they're exhausted. And when I start, they're too tired to argue.

Sev: [referring to Alkar] Have you mated with him yet?
Counselor: What?
Sev: That's what you want, isn't it?
Ambassador: Mother. Please, come in.
Sev: I can always tell. The ones with a certain look in their eye.
Counselor: [uncomfortable] I'd better go.
Sev: And I'll tell you this: if you do, you'll regret it the rest of your life!

Ambassador: [Lumerian funeral meditation] Rohm gah, sevi rohm. An end to grief. An end to pain. Strength comes from love. And courage from wisdom.

Ambassador: I discovered long ago I had the ability to channel my darker thoughts - my unwanted emotions to others, leaving me unencumbered.
Captain: Is this what you've been doing to Counsellor Troi?
Ambassador: I hadn't planned it. I'd expected Maylor to live through the negotiation. Her death could not have been more untimely.
Captain: So, then you deliberately used Deanna?
Ambassador: She's an empath. I was reasonably certain I could establish a link with her. Frankly, I was amazed when I saw how quickly she had aged. Usually my receptacles survive for years.
Captain: [appalled] Receptacles?
Ambassador: Come now, Captain. Surely you can see there's a broader canvas here. If I came to these peace talks hindered by unwanted emotions, than the Rekags and Seronians would be condemned to go on fighting.
Captain: You cannot explain away a wantonly immoral act because you think that it's connected to some higher purpose.
Ambassador: Captain, do you know how many people have died on this planet in the last 48 hours? Thousands. Deanna Troi is just one individual.
Captain: That does not justify brutalising her nor any of the others you have used.
Ambassador: Ask the Rekag-Seronian children who go to bed each night in fear of their lives. Captain, I get no payment. I have no power base, no agenda. I am willing to risk my life simply to help others.
Captain: Do you think that makes you appear courageous? Because you're mistaken. You're a coward, Alkar. You exploit the innocent because you're unwilling to shoulder the burdens of unpleasant emotions. Well, this time you will be held accountable. I'm taking you back to the Enterprise to release Counsellor Troi.
Ambassador: [serene as always] I have no intention of releasing her now or ever.