Top 50 Quotes From Ambulance

Cam: You think you're so tough with that gun?
Will: No, Danny, relax!

[Monroe] Put a little pressure on, then I pull back.
- Then I push harder, get them off balance.
- In two hours, they're either dead or in cuffs.
- Not the fluffy ones though.
- The real hard metal, you know?
- The cold metal on the skin. [Inhales]
- All right. We're on the clock, dhazghig.

Danny: Cam, we're almost out of your hair. You just keep pumping.
- But I'm gonna call 911 for you, okay?
- And sorry about that gun thing.
Cam: All good. Just call 911.
- You're rich now, boys.
- No. No, no, no.
- Shit.
Danny: Where did they come from?

- I'm okay.
- He don't fucking look okay to me, Danny.
- I'm not sure soldier boy here would hack it back in Brooklyn.
- How bad you wanna find out?
Danny: All right, all right.
- He's seen more action than all of you, all right? Let's get ready.
- We're gonna rock this today.

- Danny said he was gonna kill me and...
- Will must have heard him.
- They need to get him in there.
- Cam, cam, cam.
- He's not your friend, okay?
- He never was.
- He's not your responsibility.
- He's a criminal. All right?
- Danny?

Will: I gotta get back to my wife and my son no matter what.
Cam: Does your wife know you rob banks?

Danny: Slow down. I'm gonna shoot one.
Cam: What are you doing?
Danny: Steady.
- I'm right on you.
- Hey, what...
- Goddamn it! Stop! You hear me?
- You're gonna hurt someone.

- Oh, shit.
- Be advised, I'm going in.
- They've got my partner.
Danny: Let's go!
Will: You fucking move!
- Contact, front!
- Oh, shit!

- Ma'am, you can't...
- It's okay.
- Who shot you?

- Whoa! Whoa!
- Quiet! I need it quiet.

- That way!
- Tnage!
- Cam, we... oh, shit.

Danny: Go, go!
- Ten-David, stand down. Stand down.
Danny: The billboard!
Sniper: He knows what he's doing.
- Must be a vet.
- I see what's happening now!
- Oh, you wanna play?

- Hey, vampire Princess, are you done?
- Are you done sucking the life out of every person in this ambulance?
- Hey, what's up, big guy? Just waking up?
- You're so beautiful.
- So beautiful.
Amy: Llo ve you.

[Sighs] Hey. You all right? Is this...
- This what your first time was like?
- I'm starving.
- I know a good enchilada place.
- Wanna go?
- Enchiladas?
- You're gonna love it.
- I'm gonna throw up.
- We've got barf bags.

Will: Shit.
- Man, they're everywhere.
Danny: Go, go! Back, back! Go!
- Fuck!
- Shit. I didn't mean to shoot.
- I didn't mean to shoot him.
- Go, go, go! Come on!

- And then one has a one on the pad.
- It's on the right chest, left ribs.
- Right there. And there.
- My right or your right?
- His right, you fucking moron.
- Hang tight. Shit.
- Jesus!

- Tell me this is not the plan.
- What, you think I enjoy this?
Will: Fuck.
Danny: Fucking...
- Come on.
- East side. East side.
- East side. East side.

[Dispatcher] Unit 3, incident, 2575, accident in downtown. Possible injuries.
- Copy that. Coming in.
- Floor it.

- Dial that satphone of his.
- Air 11, I want you to be real aggressive.
- Drop down and buzz him.
- Chase him out of there.
- I see you, Danny.
- We 're coming by to say hi.
- You sure you want to do that?
- Incoming!

[Monroe] Here he comes!
- Get down!

[Air 11 through radio] Gun, gun, gun.
Danny: Move!
- He's coming back caution. Watch out.
- Will you just stay out of the water?
- I'm driving through the fucking la river!
- There's water everywhere!
- If the air team can take him out, do it.

Danny: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure.
Cam: Go! Clear!
- Whoa! Shit. Whoa.
- We need to take him to the hospital. Now!
- Yeah, well, I wish I didn't have herpes, but you know, we all gotta go with what we got.

[Air11] We 're hit. Took fire.
- I think I got them.
- How long till / get fresh helos?
- Yes! I did, I did.
- Let's do the alley-oop right now, okay?
- All units, here he comes.
- You press him, you press him hard.
- Shit!

Will: Okay!
Danny: Look how this looks.
- Just take one second in your mind and see how this looks.
- We gotta go. We have to go.
- Let's go. Right now. Move! Move!
- You fucking punch me and that's what happens.
- He's a marine. What were you thinking?
- Let's go!

- Crossed traffic and head-on. He's head-on.
- Vvhoa.
- Easy, easy.
- Come on.
- No, no. Two cars!
- There are two cars. Shit!

[Inaudible] Danny!
- Excuse me.

- What's up?
- What's up, homes?
- I'm looking for Danny.
- He in the back.
- And don't touch nothing either, nigga.
- For real.

- Will. One, two, three.
- Fuck! Okay.
- Okay, you're gonna stay with me.
- We're gonna do this for your kid.
- Vvn, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- Will, come on.
- Come on. Come on.
- Four. Five.

[Dyle] Sierra-one, he's cracking the door.
- I may have a shot. Stand by.
Danny: Anson, you were right.
- My brother didn't do anything wrong!
- He was a good man!
Cam: Just shoot him!
- But I'm not!

[Anson] Ambush!
Officer: Move back!
[Anson] Ambush!
- Ambush!

- Yep, that's on me. I fucked that up.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Beast.
- He's knocking my cars around like tenpins.
- Yeah. It's a very expensive car chase right now.

Cam: You got this. Hey, hey. Come on.
- Come on. You're almost there.
- Tell my wife I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- You tell her yourself.
- Here you go.
[Doctor] Yep.
Cam: His name is will.

[Dhazghig] Blue-one to control, give me a clear frequency.
- All units, be advised.
- This is special agent anson Clark, FBI.
- Land immediately.

- These sons of bitches about to have a really bad day.
- Hey, will, I got on the 105.
- I know, headed to the airport.
Will: Really? The 105?
- I don't know what happened.
Will: How did you get to the 105?
- I don't know! So much shit going on!
Will: You know how many cops are at the airport?
- How can we get back downtown?

- Am I?
Will: Danny!
Cam: Will!
Will: Danny!
- Will! What are you doing?
- Are you crazy right now?
- What did she say? Will? Was that a name?
- What are you doing? They need to know...
- Motherfucker!

Danny: You are all gonna have the greatest story to tell at dinner tonight!

Danny: Yeah... I AM the ambulance...

- Let's get ready to roll, boys.
- Pull your balls out.
- We're going to war, baby.
- We're here.
Randazzo: Let's go, let's go.
- Move, move, move, move.

- Three look-alikes.
[Dhazghig] Helos, split up.
- That's a military trick.
- He's going east. You go west.
- I need a hard lockdown now.
- Air 78, direct all ground units...

Danny: What'd you say, that he's my pretend brother?
- He's my real brother.
- Shh-shh-shh-shh.
- Ll/lultiple shots fired. Shots fired.

Danny: My pretend brother? He's my real brother!
[executes Papi]

[Randazzo shouting] Fuck you! Fuck you!
- Randazzo! What the fuck are you doing, man?
- Sis!
- Sis! Sis!

- Yeah, you're not like me.
- You got that right.
- Yeah.
- I'm not leaving.
- We caused enough trouble for today.
- I'm not leaving 'em.
- Strong choice.

- Zach!
- Hey, get over here!
- They're coming. Hey.
- Look at me. You're okay.
- You gotta go on that date.
- You hear me, Zach? Zach!
- Go! There's two suspects.
- One black, one white. Go!

- Two, three, four.
- One, two...
- It's not working.
- I know. How is he?
- He's fading. I need to shock him.
- Shit.
- No, this isn't happening.
- Come on, come on, will.
- His heart is slowing down.
- His heart is slowing down.

- Get down! Down, down, down!
- Come on, come on, come ol'i!
- Come on, will.
- Where's randazzo?
- Let's go, let's go, let's go!
- Let's go, will. Come on!
Will: Move!

[Monroe] Now we just pissed them off.
- So, where are they going?
- Anywhere he wants.
[Dhazghig] She warned them.

- Castro, let's go. Spray.
- Spray what?
- The ambulance.
- Why?
- What? Just spray the whole thing.
- The whole motherfucking ambulance?
- Yeah. Spray it.
Castro: It's gonna be five hours.
- You have 45 seconds.
- All right. Gonna be sloppy.

[Gasps] No!
[Gasps] No.
- Who shot him?
- I don't know.
- Just the shoulder? You all right?
- Watch your foot.

- you tell them that you don't know why you are in an ambulance.
- Who's gonna ask me that, man?
- Nobody. Nobody's gonna ask you that.
- I don't think.
- All right?
- You don't think?
- This motherfucker's crazy.
- We 're locked down and ready to go.