The Best Cam Thompson Quotes

Danny: My right or your right?
Cam: His right, you fucking moron!

Will: I gotta get back to my wife and my son no matter what.
Cam: Does your wife know you rob banks?

Danny: Slow down. I'm gonna shoot one.
Cam: What are you doing?
Danny: Steady.
- I'm right on you.
- Hey, what...
- Goddamn it! Stop! You hear me?
- You're gonna hurt someone.

Danny: Cam, we're almost out of your hair. You just keep pumping.
- But I'm gonna call 911 for you, okay?
- And sorry about that gun thing.
Cam: All good. Just call 911.
- You're rich now, boys.
- No. No, no, no.
- Shit.
Danny: Where did they come from?

- Am I?
Will: Danny!
Cam: Will!
Will: Danny!
- Will! What are you doing?
- Are you crazy right now?
- What did she say? Will? Was that a name?
- What are you doing? They need to know...
- Motherfucker!

Cam: You think you're so tough with that gun?
Will: No, Danny, relax!

Danny: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure.
Cam: Go! Clear!
- Whoa! Shit. Whoa.
- We need to take him to the hospital. Now!
- Yeah, well, I wish I didn't have herpes, but you know, we all gotta go with what we got.

Cam: You got this. Hey, hey. Come on.
- Come on. You're almost there.
- Tell my wife I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- You tell her yourself.
- Here you go.
[Doctor] Yep.
Cam: His name is will.

[Dyle] Sierra-one, he's cracking the door.
- I may have a shot. Stand by.
Danny: Anson, you were right.
- My brother didn't do anything wrong!
- He was a good man!
Cam: Just shoot him!
- But I'm not!

Cam: What do you want?
Danny: We're just gonna borrow it.
Cam: I got a cop shot, I gotta get him to the hospital!
Danny: I'm gonna need you to help us, why don't you help us?
Will: We're doing hostages now?