The Best Anderson Quotes

Judge: I'm wondering when you'd remember you left your helmet behind.
Anderson: Sir, a helmet can interfere with my psychic abilities.
Judge: Think a bullet might interfere with them more.

Kay: My head. Do what I like?
Anderson: Sure.
[Kay shoots at her]
Anderson: Thinking about hurting me doesn't actually hurt me.
Kay: Yeah. Points to you. Except there is that thing.
Anderson: What thing was that?
Kay: That I know how to freak you out. See, if you're talking about my fucked-up head versus your fucked-up head, your fucked-up head is gonna lose.
[Anderson removes her clothes, and he pulls her head towards his crotch]
Kay: Yeah, I figured that would shut you up.
Anderson: [appears beside him, fully clothed] Hey. I can play mind games, too.
[Kay screams in pain, and looks down, where Ma-Ma pulls her head away from his crotch and spits out something bloody]
Kay: You fucking bitch! You sick fucking bitch!
Anderson: We haven't even started.

Judge: Mind explaining yourself, rookie? Abetting a felon is not just a fail offense. It's a crime.
Anderson: I already picked up the fail when I lost my primary weapon. I'm not gonna be a Judge and I don't need to be a mind reader to know it. He's a victim, not a perp and until my assessment is formally over, I'm still entitled to dispense justice. And that's what I just did by letting him go. Maybe that will be the one difference I do make.

Judge: Rookie, you're ready?
Anderson: Yeah.
Judge: You don't look ready.

Kay: You got any last words, bitch?
Anderson: That's funny. I was gonna ask you that. Bitch.

Kay: So you're a mutant? Most of you poor fuckers got three stumpy arms, or no arms. But I guess you lucked out. You fit together pretty well. Psychic.
Kay: So fucked up. Yeah, I heard about your kind. Kind of hard to believe it's real. Like what am I thinking about right now?
Anderson: [sees his thoughts] You're picturing a violent sexual liaison between the two of us in a pointless attempt to shock me.
Kay: You're good. But I wasn't trying to shock you. If I was trying to shock, I'd be thinking about this:
[reads Kay's mind again and hits him]
Anderson: What are you thinking about now, huh?

Anderson: Welcome to the inside of your head. It's kind of empty in here.

[while heading into the homicide scene, Dredd indicates a beggar by the door]
Judge: Rookie, judgment?
Anderson: Vagrancy: three weeks iso cubes. But prioritize murders?
Judge: Correct.
[to vagrant]
Judge: Don't be here when we get back.

Judge: A rookie Judge on assessment is likely to be involved in armed combat. One in five don't survive the first day. You may be required to carry out on-the-spot executions of convicted felons.
Anderson: Yes, sir.
Judge: Incorrect sentencing is an automatic fail. Disobeying a direct order from your assessment officer is an automatic fail. Losing your primary weapon or having it taken from you is an automatic fail.
Anderson: Yes, sir.
Judge: You ready, rookie?
Anderson: I am.
Judge: Your assessment starts now.

Judge: Twelve serious crimes reported every minute. Seventeen thousand per day. We can respond to around six percent.
Anderson: Which six percent?
Judge: Your show, rookie. You tell me.

Anderson: Sir, with backup inbound, I think we should wait until the odds have shifted in our favor.
[Dredd says nothing]
Anderson: Wrong answer?
Judge: You're the psychic.

Anderson: [reads Kay's mind] Sir, he's thinking about going for your gun.
Judge: Yeah.
Anderson: [reads it again] He just changed his mind.
Judge: Yeah.

Anderson: The code to Ma-Ma's chambers is 4-9-4-3-6.

Judge: You ready?
Anderson: Yeah.
Judge: You look ready.