The Best Jason Cope Quotes

Judge: Let's talk.
Zwirner: Talk about what, Judge?
Judge: Release the hostage, unharmed, and I guarantee you a sentence of life in an iso-cube, without parole.
Zwirner: Life without parole? That's the deal you're offering?
Judge: Only if you comply. Your crimes include multiple homicide and the attempted murder of a judge. If you do not comply, the sentence is death.
Zwirner: You know, you aren't a very good negotiator, Judge. You want to know why? You got no fucking leverage! Now here's the deal: you let me walk out of here, or I'm gonna blow her fucking brains out! Okay?
Judge: [aims his Lawgiver] Negotiation's over.
Zwirner: Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you hear what I said? I'll kill the bitch!
Judge: Yeah, I heard you, hotshot.
Zwirner: What?
Judge: I said, "Hotshot."
[He fires a heat-seeking round that flies into Zwirner's mouth, killing him and freeing the hostage]
Control: Control to Dredd, come in. Is your pursuit resolved?
Judge: Affirmative.