The Best Luke Arnold Quotes

John: I don't believe you did any of this for a pardon; or a passage to Nassau; or to be able to walk away from anything. I think you intend to reclaim your captaincy. I think you intend to take control of this ship. And then I think you intend to return to that beach, armed to the teeth, and seize every last ounce of gold off of it. And I think you're going to need my help to do it.

Spanish: One of you will tell me what I need to know, receive this gold as reward, be escorted to the beach for your escape, and the other will be quite dead.
John: My name is John Silver. His name is James Flint. We came here to steal the gold from the treasure galleon. But he was deposed of his captaincy by a man named Dufresne, who's now waiting with the rest of our crew in longboats. You'll likely find them behind the promontory to the south. I believe there are 32 of them.
Captain: You f**king-!

John: [to Randall after he's called Silver a thief multiple times] Alright, yes, I'm a thief. I took the page and I shouldn't have. I should have counted my blessings to be let off that merchant ship. But what can I say, Randall, I'm not a joiner, never have been... but I'm willing to do it now. So pull your head from your ass and let's both live to fight another day.

Captain: Well, I wasn't there, but, um, I can hazard the guess that you have learned of what had happened, told him how fucking stupid he was, and in that moment, he gave you a look that meant something less than contrite. And in that moment you felt it.
John: Felt what?
Captain: Darkness, hate, showing indifference to the authority that you sacrificed so much to acquire, disdain for refusing to acknowledge that his actions, had you not intervened, would have let to an outcome that he would have held you responsible for reversing. Pride. Questioning what kind of man you are if you don't seek retribution for the offense.
John: So what are you saying? You saying I went too far with him?
Captain: Maybe you went too far. Maybe you didn't go far enough. Maybe you did it just right. The point is that while you were doing it, you heard a voice telling you that disciplining him would prevent him from repeating the offense, a voice that sounded like reason, and there was a reason to it, as the most compelling lies are comprised almost entirely of the truth. But that's what it does. Cloaks itself in whatever it must to move you to action. And the more you deny its presence, the more powerful it gets, and the more likely it is to consume you entirely without you ever knowing it was there. Now, if you and are to lead these men together, you must learn to know its presence well so that you may you use it rather than it using you.

Captain: You were right. About the toll it took. Playing this... part. Losing Miranda. The... things that losing Miranda drove me to. So, I know what you're feeling at the moment.
John: I perceived its effects on you. What I assumed was sorrow, loneliness, and, most of all, terror at the thing you were becoming. There is an element of this... journey into the dark that... I'm only now beginning to appreciate.
Captain: What's that?
John: How good it feels.

John: Told you I was certain about my information regarding the Urca. Fortunately, you and I forgot to take into account of weather. The Urca de Lima wrecked at sea last night, dashed by the storm.

John: I once thought that to lead men in this world, to be liked was just as good as feared. And that may very well be true. But, to be both liked and feared all at once, is an entirely different state of being. In which I believe at this moment I exist alone. The men need to know they're in good favor with me. They *need* it. And there is nothing they won't do to make sure they have it. Mr. Dobbs will do what I ask of him.

John: So I actually have to fight them?
Captain: Well what the f**k did you think was going to happen? Do it!

John: [to Flint] Brace yourself, but I'm the only person within a hundred miles of here who doesn't want to see you dead

John: [to Eleanor] You know when I first met you, I pegged you for an easy mark. But now, between you and Flint, I'm not certain who I should be more afraid of. I saw you earlier, after you lifted the ban. You were angry. Not just about Max. Those men out there, they made you admit you were wrong. They made you feel weak. I think you felt compelled to let everyone on this island know, that in this place, no one fucks with you and gets away with it.

Dufresne: Who's shooting?
John: [having just fired a cannon] Sorry, had to be done

John: Every name in this volume belongs to a man who first pledged his service to Captain Flint. To defend Nassau against the crown. Every name in this volume belongs to a man who turned his back on that pledge. This volume now belongs to me. Captain Flint returns to Nassau tomorrow. Any man who meets us on the sand will be accepted back into the fold, his name redacted from this book, forgiven for his sins against his brothers. But, when we set sail, I will keep the list of names remaining and those men will not be forgotten. And I assure you, those men will hear from us again.
Dufresne: Is that it?
[John Silver looks to the other side of the tavern. A single man walks slowly forward]
Dufresne: Surely there must be more. Surely if Captain Flint were truly alive, he could do better than to send a handful of men lead by half a man in the dead of night to deliver a threat as vague as this. A threat that amounts to what? 'Fear my name.'
[John Silver lays the pardon ledger down on a table]
Dufresne: Contented men have short memories and they have little reason to fear the dark. Captain Flint's name is already half forgotten. As for you, I know enough of you to know even whole, you were unworthy of half the attention we paid you. And now, as a god damn invalid, you expect that to change.
John: [John Silver swings a mug against Dufresne's head and he falls down. Then John Silver places his lead foot next to Dufresne's face. He then stomps into his head 4 times] Tomorrow, you will all join us or you will be looking over your shoulders for the rest of your lives. My name is John Silver and I've got a long fucking memory.

Captain: [a crew member accused John of feeding them rotten pig, Flint takes a piece of the pork] Mm. It's delicious. It's likely it wasn't the pig, it's just something that's going around. Get back to work.
John: [the crew member leaves] Thank you, I'm glad someone here likes what I...
Captain: [Flint suddenly spits out the pork] What the fuck did you do to that?
John: I cooked it...?
Captain: You absolutely did not!

John: [telling Eleanor about the danger of mob violence] Funny thing, the people most surprised when it happens are usually the ones that gave rise to it in the first place.

John: Hang on, you're serious about taking the ship?
Captain: What the f**ck did you think?
John: I thought this was how you intended to escape.