The Best Toby Schmitz Quotes

Rackham: [to a crying prostitute] I"ll have you know I have slit men's throats while they have wept, begging my forbearance, and slept soundly that very night.

Anne: But even if you could do all those things... I mean, how could you be someone who would do that? The world would know that you were the one to betray every last one of our brothers. Betray the memory of Charles Vane.
Rackham: Charles Vane is dead. I do it for us. That's how it started. That's how it's going to end.

Rackham: A story is true. A story is untrue. As time extends it matters less and less. The stories we want to be believe... Those are the ones that survive, despite upheaval and transition, and progress. Those are the stories that shape history. And then what does it matter if it was true when it was born? It's found truth in its maturity... Because what's it all for if it goes unremembered? It's the art that leaves the mark. But to leave it, it must transcend. It must speak for itself. It must be true.

Rackham: The crew's banner is a sacred thing. It must simultaneously strike fear in the hearts of hardened men while inspiring and unifying all those who sail under it. It must be something approaching perfection.
Rackham: We all have the same swords out there, we all have the same guns. But great art has felled empires.

Mrs. Mapleton: You will regret this sir.
Rackham: I'm sure I won't.

[Rackham interrupts his threesome with Max and Anne when he hears cannon-fire outside]
Rackham: It would appear we lost track of time.

Anne: How can you run a brothel here and make no money?
Rackham: I have no fucking idea!