The Best Angus Mhor Quotes

Angus: Something catch your eye there, lassie?
Claire: Yes, something I'm not likely to forget in a hurry.

Lieutenant: [after Claire and Dougal's confrontation over the goat] Madam, is everything alright?
Claire: [visibly stunned] I'm sorry?
Lieutenant: May I be of service?
Angus: [menacingly] Aye, you'll keep your nose out of our business.
Lieutenant: [calmly] I was speaking to the lady.
Dougal: The lady is a guest of clan MacKenzie.
Lieutenant: Do you treat all your guests this way?
Angus: Hey, bugger off.
[approaching threateningly]
Angus: Or maybe your lugs need cleaning out.
Lieutenant: I assure you, sir, my lugs are perfectly fine.
Angus: Go home, laddie, and suckle on your ma's tit, eh?
[mockingly clicks tongue and chuckles as tension grows, until the Lieutenant concedes and silently retreats]

Angus: Colum will not like you interfering with the workings of the spirits. It's not your place.
[Claire pauses]
Angus: I thought that might change your mind.
Claire: A priest once told me my healing skills were a gift from God.
[Angus crosses himself]

Angus: Just coming for a wee cup of tea