The Best Murtagh Fraser Quotes

Murtagh: Only in France, does a king need an audience to shite.

Murtagh: You're a guest of the MacKenzie. We can insult you, but God help any other man that does.

Duke: [Referring to a duel with the MacDonalds] This is an affair of honor. Shots will be exchanged, but I understand no one will be hurt.
Murtagh: When the MacDonalds are involved, there's always a chance that blood will be spilled.
Duke: Yes, I know the MacDonalds and MacKenzies are sworn enemies, but this is not a clan matter. I myself will be in the line of fire. All that I require from Jamie is that he appears as my second.
[Approaches Jamie]
Duke: Alas, my servants are chosen for their beauty, not their belligerence.
[Placing his hands on Jamie's arms]
Duke: You, of course, contain within you...
[caressing Jamie's chin]
Duke: a sublime combination of the two.

Murtagh: [seeing the cattle and smiling] I know how we kin save young Jamie

Murtagh: [knocking, then pounding on the bedroom door] Wake up!
Jamie: Enough, damn it.
Murtagh: [pounding on door] Come on, you lazy dog.
[Jamie opens door]
Murtagh: Has my knock grown so feeble, or have yer marriage duties made ye sluggish, eh?

[last lines]
Murtagh: I kept my word. I lay my vengeance at your feet.
Mary: I think we better go.

Murtagh: If you're lucky, you'll be given the honor of wiping the royal arse.

Murtagh: Hey, if you're teasing the lad about Laoghaire, if her father or Colum comes to know about it, young Jamie could get more than a bloodied nose.
Claire: Like a wife?
Murtagh: Maybe. That's not the wife he should have.
Claire: No?
Murtagh: No. He needs a woman, not a lassie. And Laoghaire will be a girl until she's fifty. I've been around long enough to ken the difference very well. And so do you, mistress.

Jamie: [Referring to the Duke of Sandringham] This is my chance then. The Duke has always been partial to me.
Murtagh: Some would say too much so.
Jamie: I'm not about to offer up my hind quarters.

Mrs. Fitzgibbons: [standing hands on hips and a mock look of disgust] Murtagh, you look and smell like a rat that's been dragged through sheep dung!
Murtagh: Gi' us a kiss then
[playfully kissing her cheek]