The Best Anna Quotes

Anna: [climbing into bed with her soon-to-be lover] It's only for tonight.

Alex: In six months, the information you have will be obsolete. They will come after you, wherever you are.
Anna: I never had a single day of freedom. Six months is an eternity. And I better have it.
[turning to Lenny]
Anna: Are we agreed?
Lenny: I wish you the very best... for at least six months.

[last lines]
Vassiliev: [while playing chess] Check
Anna: [shoots him point blank] Mate

Anna: I work for the KGB, baby.

Anna: [after beating up a model photographer] It's a wrap.

Alex: You're crazy. You'll never make it out of here alive.
Anna: Lay down.
Alex: You're a dead woman.
Anna: I love you too.

Anna: [entering Miller's room] We're probably never going to get that dinner are we ?
Lenny: Probably not.
Anna: [undressing] Then we'd better f**k instead