The Best Luke Evans Quotes

Bard the Bowman: You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!
Thorin: I have the only right.

Bard: Hey, Braga.
- Your wife would look lovely in this.
- What do you know of my wife?
- I know her as well as any man in this town.
Bain: Da!
- Our house, it's being watched.

Lenny: [guns drawn on each other] Let me help her, Tchenkov.
Alex: What makes you think she needs your help?
[as agents start surrounding them]
Lenny: She gonna die.
Alex: We're all going to die one day.

Bard: Quiet.
- We're approaching the tollgate.

Alex: You're crazy. You'll never make it out of here alive.
Anna: Lay down.
Alex: You're a dead woman.
Anna: I love you too.

Bard the Bowman: If you awaken that beast, it will destroy us all!

Zeus: It's not living as such that's important, Theseus. It's living rightly.

John: What can't possibly wait, Stevie?
Stevie: He said he needs you.

[hands the Black Arrow to his son]
Bard the Bowman: Keep it secret! Keep it safe!

Audrey: Okay. What's that?
Charles: That is the Quince dagger. Chinese steel, jewels from across the Orient. A gift to the family from Marco Polo. Or so the legend says.
Audrey: God. Nick's grandmother gave us a toaster from Sears. Or so the legend says.

Alex: For now, enjoy the moment. Give yourself time, Anna. It plays in your favour. Let the currents move beneath you. Powers will shift. Enemies can vanish. Do what you can to stay alive. Time will do the rest.

John: Why would you turn down his offer if he wants to help you?
Dr. Laszlo Kreizler: Men such as J.P. Morgan are only capable of doing what they perceive to be in their best interest. You don't take something from people like that without them expecting something in return.
John: But what could a man like J.P. Morgan want from you?
Dr. Laszlo Kreizler: I don't know, but I'm most unwilling to find out.

Alex: In six months, the information you have will be obsolete. They will come after you, wherever you are.
Anna: I never had a single day of freedom. Six months is an eternity. And I better have it.
[turning to Lenny]
Anna: Are we agreed?
Lenny: I wish you the very best... for at least six months.

Bard the Bowman: All of you! Listen to me! You must listen! Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? Have you forgotten those who died in the firestorm? And for what purpose? The blind ambition of a Mountain King, so riveted by greed he cannot see beyond his own desire!

John: [Making a toast] Here's to you, here's to me. May we never disagree. But if we do, hell with you. Here's to me.

Bard: Bain! Bain.
- Keep it safe. Don't let anyone find it.
- I'll deal with them.
- I'm not leaving you.
- Now go!
- Braga.
- You're under arrest.
- On what charge?
- Any charge the master chooses.

John: Too often, things said in anger, come from a place of... of affection. And what should be spoken out loud, is left unuttered. And life is too short for that, Sara.

Bard the Bowman: The Lord of Silver Fountains / The King of Carven Stone / The King Beneath the Mountain / shall come into his own. / And the bells shall ring in gladness / at the Mountain King's return. / But all shall fail in sadness, / and the Lake will shine and burn...

John: V, this is Dr. Kreizler.
Violet: The famous Dr. Kreizler? The alienist?
Laszlo: I hazard that I'm more derided than acclaimed.
Violet: I fear if I spoke with you at any great length you would know the deep recesses of my mind.
Laszlo: Or the shimmering shadows.
John: Laszo... Sometimes you go too far.
[shakes his head]