The Best Dwalin Quotes

Thorin: Anything?
Dwalin: Nothing.
Thorin: If the map is true...
- The hidden door lies directly above us.
Bilbo: Up here!
- You have keen eyes, Mr. Baggins.

- Galumphing git!
- Who wants an ale? There you go.
Kili: Over here, brother.
Dwalin: I said have another...
- Drink. Here you go.
Bofur: Ale on the count of three!

- Elves.
Dwalin: Icannotsee...
- Where the pathway leads.
- Do we follow it or no?
- Follow it, of course.
- I think that would be wise.

- Make for the shore!
- Aye.
Thorin: Come on, let's go!
Oin: Gloin, help me, my brother.
Dwalin: Come on, lift yourself.
- Come on!
Bofur: Come on, you big lump, you!

- Nori!
Thorin: Cut the log!
Dwalin: Bombur!

- Something is not right.
- This is not right at all.
- Stay where you are! Oh.
Dwalin: I can't get a grip.

Thorin: No!
Bofur: Watch out! There's orcs!
Thorin: Get under the bridge!
Dwalin: Kili!

- This way. It's this way!
- Come on!
- Follow balin!
- Thorin.
- Come on!
Dwalin: Hold on!

- Come on!
Dwalin: Break!
- It has to break.
Balin: It's no good.
- The door's sealed.
- Can't be opened by force.
- There's a powerful magic on it.

Gandalf: Come on!
Dwalin: Push!

Dwalin: Get back!
Gloin: You'll pay for this!
- Got you.
Dori: All right, all right.
Dwalin: Get off! Get your hands off me!
- Get off me!
- Get off me!

Dwalin: Unh! This is not the end of it!
- Do you hear me?!
Gloin: Hey, let us out of here!
Nori: Get off me!
- Aren't you going to search me?
- I could have anything down my trousers.
- Or nothing.

Bofur: Well, that could have been worse.
Dwalin: Haver!
- You've got to be joking!

Bofur: [after falling] Well, that could have been worse...
[Great Goblin falls on the dwarves]
Dwalin: Oh, you've got to be joking!

Thorin: Up the stairs.
Dwalin: You first.
Bilbo: Not that way. Down here. Follow me.
Oin: Easy, now.

Bilbo: He's talking to someone.
- He's pointing right at us.
- Now they're...
- Shaking hands.
- What?
Dwalin: The villain.
- He's selling us out.

Dori: [regarding a piece of lettuce] Try it. Just a mouthful.
Ori: I don't like green food.
Dwalin: Where's the meat?
Ori: Have they got any chips?

- He... he said? Who said?
Dwalin: Very good, this. Any more?
- What? Oh, yes, yes.
- Help yourself.
- Hmm. It's just that, um,
- I wasn't expecting company.

Balin: [sees a chamber full of dead dwarves, with their only means of escape blocked] The last of our kin. They must have come here hoping beyond hope. We could make for the mines. Might last a few days.
Thorin: No. I will not die like this, cowering, clawing for breath. We make for the forges.
Dwalin: He'll see us! Sure as death.
Thorin: Not if we split up.
Balin: Thorin, we'll never make it.
Thorin: Some of us might. Lead him to the forges. We kill the dragon. If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!

- Thief!
- Baggins!
Gandalf: Quickly!
Dori: Faster!
Dwalin: Post!
- Charge!

- No, you did the same thing.
- It's not like you didn't do it.
Dwalin: Dori! Here, take that.
- Bombur!

- Nowhere to hide.
Ori: Behind you!
Dori: Worm!
- Come on!
Dwalin: Hey, you!
- Here!

- There's more coming!
Thorin: Kili!
- We're surrounded!
Dori: Where's Gandalf?
Dwalin: He's abandoned us.
- Hold your ground!

Dwalin: Thorin! Get them!
Kili: Come on!
Gloin: Look out, brother!
Kili: Fili!
- Mine.

[Bilbo opens the door]
Dwalin: Dwalin, at your service.
Bilbo: Um...
Bilbo: Bilbo Baggins, at yours.

Gandalf: Come on, quickly!
Dwalin: Come on, move!
Fili: Bombur!
Bombur: Go, go, go!
Thorin: Jump!
Oin: Jump, lad!

Thorin: Get him!
- Grab my hand!
Dori: Ori, be careful!
Ori: Take it!
Dwalin: I've got you, lad.
Ori: Grab on! Grab on!

Kili: [Kili is gently flirting with an Elf maid when he catches Dwalin glaring at him] I can't say I fancy Elves myself, too thin. They're all high cheekbones and creamy skin. Not enough facial hair for me.
[He motions to an Elf walking behind him]
Kili: Although, that one there's not bad.
Dwalin: That's not an Elf maid.
[the Elf turns around, revealing that he is indeed a male]
Kili: [the Dwarves burst out laughing at Kili's mistake] That's funny.

Oin: Grab the legs!
Dwalin: Pull!
Bilbo: Where is it? Where is it? Come on.
- Where is it?

Dwalin: Come on...
- Keep up!
- We're clear!

- I don't remember this bit.
- None of it's familiar.
Dori: It's got to be here.
- It can't have just disappeared.
Dwalin: Unless someone's moved it.
Ori: It's not over here neither.

Dwalin: That's it, then.
- There's no way out.
Balin: The last of our kin.
- They must have come here...
- Hoping...
- Beyond hope.