The Best Anna Murphy Quotes

Anna: What a charming boy.
Steven: Isn't he?
Anna: Yes, very. How did his father die?
Steven: Car crash. Driving home. Smashed it into a pole. Killed instantly.
Anna: How long have you known him?
Steven: Quite some time. He was a patient of mine. Years ago.
Anna: Did you go to the funeral?
Steven: I did go. Yes.
Anna: Why didn't I go with you?
Steven: I think I told you about it. But you were busy or something.
Anna: You should tell him to come 'round again.

Anna: [to her husband] I believe the most logical thing, no matter how harsh this may sound, is to kill a child. Because we can have another child. I still can and you can. And if you can't, we can try IVF, but I'm sure we can.

[last lines]
Steven: Bob's eyes are bleeding. Come to the living room.
Anna: Now?
Steven: Yes. Now.
Anna: Steven, where are the children?
Steven: They're already there.
Anna: I think I'm gonna wear that black dress that you like.
Steven: Wear whatever you want. Just hurry.

Anna: You have beautiful hands. I never noticed before. Everyone's been telling me lately what beautiful hands you have and now I can see for myself. Nice and clean. But so what if they're beautiful? They're lifeless. Sometimes, Steven, you're just an incompetent man who goes on and on, saying stupid things like, "Let's do a scan."Let's do an ultrasound, let's wear brown socks."Let's make mashed potatoes, let's go to the beach house."
Steven: Excuse me?
Anna: Our two children are dying in the other room, but, yes, I can make you mashed potatoes tomorrow.

Steven: This meat is delicious.
Steven: You were right, after all. The children are much better here. I was even thinking I might take them to the beach house, for a few days. A little fresh air and a change of scenery might do us all good.
Steven: Do you know what I've been craving? Mashed potato. Why don't you make some tomorrow?
Anna: You have beautiful hands. I never noticed before. Everyone's been telling me lately what beautiful hands you have and now I can see for myself, nice and clean. But so what if they're beautiful? They're lifeless. Sometimes Steven, you're just an incompetent man who goes on and on saying stupid things like, "Let's do a scan. Let's do an ultrasound. Let's wear brown socks. Let's make mashed potatoes. Let's go to the beach house."
Steven: Excuse me?
Anna: Our two children are dying in the other room, but yes, I can make you mashed potatoes tomorrow.
Steven: Please don't talk to me that way.
Anna: If you don't like it, why don't you go and live with Martin's mother? I'll bet she'll talk to you better.
Steven: You wanted the kids to come home and they came home. What else you want me to do?
Anna: Something to put an end to all of this. That's what I want. Can you do that? You do realize Steven, we're in this situation because of you.
Steven: So what do you suggest? Tell me. Oh wait, I know. I've got it. There's a way we can put a stop to all of this. All we need to do is find the tooth of a baby crocodile, the blood of a pigeon and the pubes of a virgin. And then we just have to burn them all before sunset. Let me see, do we have any spare teeth lying around? Teeth, pubes? Nope, none here! LET ME SEE, DO WE HAVE ANY HERE? PUBES, TEETH? Nothing in this box either. Where are they? I'm sure they were here earlier. I put them here myself. WHO'S BEEN MOVING THINGS AROUND? FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE! I don't suppose you have any pubes I could have, by any chance? Oh, I forgot. You don't have any left. We don't have any of the things we need.

Anna: I don't understand why I should have to pay the price. Why my children should have to pay the price.

Anna: Can you do something to put an end to all of this?

Steven: Our daughter started menstruating last week.
Matthew: Great.
Steven: Yes. She was a little scared but she's okay now. You haven't seen her in ages.
Matthew: Not since last summer at the school choir. Recital.
Anna: You and Mary should come over one night for dinner.

Anna: Everything will be alright, you'll see. Trust me.

Anna: Do you realize Steven, we're in this situation because of you.