Top 50 Quotes From Nicole Kidman

Queen: How easily we all become princesses again when the beasts take us for their wives.

Gillian: Hang onto your husbands, girls!

Sally: What would you do, Gilly?
Gillian: What wouldn't I do... for the right guy?

Queen: Amleth? You live still?
Amleth: A life of death. Yet I swore to survive till this moment. Tomorrow, I shall finish my deeds in honour. Only then will I discover whether living is to my liking.
Queen: You are your mother's son.

Gillian: [possessed by Jimmy Angelov's spirit; crying] He wants me... just me. Everyone will be all right. Let him take me...
Sally: Don't die on me, Gillian Owens, please. 'Cause - we're supposed to die together, remember? The same time. You promised me that. And this is not that day.

Queen: No god can help you with this task.

Young: I'm not Sean... because I love you.
Anna: You make no sense.

Dr. Bill Harford: Are you sure of that?
Alice: Am I sure? Only as sure as I am that the reality of one night, let alone that of a whole lifetime, can ever be the whole truth.
Dr. Bill Harford: And no dream is ever just a dream.

Alice: Let's say, for example, you have some gorgeous woman standing in your office naked and you're feeling her fucking tits. Now, what I want to know - I want to know what you're thinking about when you're squeezing them.
Dr. Bill Harford: Alice, I happen to be a doctor. It's all very impersonal.

Cole: [while in the emergency room after Cole's big wreck at Daytona] All right, tell me what's going on, tell me what's going on. I'm BLIND, goddamnit!
Dr. Claire Lewicki: What's your name?
Cole: Cole... Trickle
Dr. Claire Lewicki: Cole, would you help us out and lie still please.

Queen: [to Amleth in disgust] You were forced upon your mother. But Gunnar
[his half brother]
Queen: was received freely with love.

Gillian: [to Sally, after they've killed Jimmy Angelov, resurrected him, and killed him again] I know this sounds really stupid, and everything, right now, but I just, I just really wanted to say, um... Thank you. Thanks for being my sister.

Dr. Claire Lewicki: Control is an illusion, you infantile egomaniac. Nobody knows what's gonna happen next: not on a freeway, not in an airplane, not inside our own bodies and certainly not on a racetrack with 40 other infantile egomaniacs.

Anna: What happened to me was not my fault. There's no way I could have behaved any differently, you now... What I did wasn't my fault. What happended to me wasn't my fault, and I can't be held accountable for it. There is no way I could ever have said to him 'Go away'.I couldn't do it... It was a mistake. And... I'm sorry. But I want to be with you. I want to be with you. Yes, I do. And I want to get married, and... I wanna have a good life, and I wanna be happy. That's all I want - peace.

[Palmer and Katherine are smiling at Danny after he has taught Michael how to swim. Devlin shows up out of nowhere]
Devlin: What are we all staring at?

Anna: [to her husband] I believe the most logical thing, no matter how harsh this may sound, is to kill a child. Because we can have another child. I still can and you can. And if you can't, we can try IVF, but I'm sure we can.

Sally: I feel like I'm never going to see you again.
Gillian: Of course you're going to see me again! We'll grow old together. It's going to be you and me living in a big house... these two old biddies with all these cats. I bet we even die on the same day.

Batman: I read your work. Insightful. Naive, but insightful.
Dr. Chase Meridian: I'm flattered. Not every girl makes a superhero's night table.

Anna: Can you do something to put an end to all of this?

Alice: Millions of years of evolution, right? Right? Men have to stick it in every place they can, but for women... women it is just about security and commitment and whatever the fuck else!
Dr. Bill Harford: A little oversimplified, Alice, but yes, something like that.
Alice: If you men only knew...

Alice: We were in a deserted city and our clothes were gone. We were naked and I was terrified and I felt ashamed. Oh, God, and I was angry because I thought it was your fault. You rushed away to go find my clothes for us. As soon as you were gone, it was completely different. I felt wonderful.

Anna: You're hurting me.

Alice: How do you feel about wrapping the rest of the presents?
Dr. Bill Harford: Maybe tomorrow night.
Alice: You should call the Zieglers and thank them for the party.
Dr. Bill Harford: I've already taken care of that.

- my… teachers, the kids on the school bus, my horrible parents, that I could do something.
- Something important.
- That's exactly what we are doing.
- Something important.
- I just hope we don't screw it up.
Angie: Hit it.

Batman: Commissioner Gordon?
Dr. Chase Meridian: He's at home. I sent the signal.
Batman: What's wrong?
Dr. Chase Meridian: Last night at the bank I noticed something about Two-Face. His coin. It's his Achilles' heel. It can be exploited.
Batman: I know. You called me here for this? The Batsignal is not a beeper.
Dr. Chase Meridian: Well I wish I could say that my interest in you was... purely professional.
Batman: You trying to get under my cape, doctor?
Dr. Chase Meridian: A girl can't live by psychoses alone.
Batman: It's the car, right? Chicks love the car.
Dr. Chase Meridian: [laughs] What is it about the wrong kind of man? In grade school it was boys with earrings, high school; motorcycles; college, leather jackets. Now...
Dr. Chase Meridian: [feels his suit] Ahhh. Black rubber.
Batman: Try firemen, less to take off.
Dr. Chase Meridian: [Batman hastens away but she follows him] I don't mind the work. Pity I can't see behind the mask.
Batman: We all wear masks.
Dr. Chase Meridian: My life's an open book. You read?
Batman: I don't blend in at a family picnic.
Dr. Chase Meridian: Oh, we could give it a try. I'll bring the wine, you bring your scarred psyche.
Batman: [Chase removes her coat, revealing a sexy black dress] Direct, aren't you?
Dr. Chase Meridian: You like strong women. I've done my homework. Or do I need skin-tight vinyl and a whip?
Batman: I haven't had that much luck with women.
Dr. Chase Meridian: Maybe you just haven't met the right woman.
[they are about to kiss, but are suddenly interrupted by Gordon's arrival]

Anna: I don't understand why I should have to pay the price. Why my children should have to pay the price.

Devlin: So, where's Danny?
Katherine: [pause] Devlin, Danny is at his wedding.
Devlin: Come again?
Katherine: I was never married to him. All a big lie I made up.
Devlin: Why?
Katherine: Because I couldn't stand the thought of you knowing the truth.
Devlin: Really?
Katherine: So, yeah. I'm a single mother. I have two kids I love more than anything in the world. I drive a Honda, I still have dial-up internet. I got a 2.7 GPA in college, not a 3.4. And while I'm at it telling the truth, I name my kids' poop after you. And I work for Danny. I'm his assistant. That's it.
Devlin: Really? I would never have guessed this. I mean, you two had a real connection.
Katherine: He's great, he's the greatest guy, and I might even be in love with him, but it really doesn't matter at this moment because he is getting married to another person, right now.
Devlin: [pause] Ian and I are breaking up.
Katherine: What? What happened?
Devlin: Well for starters, he's gay. I mean look at him
Ian: [with a group of sailors] That's a strong muscle, right there. I'm squeezin'.
Katherine: Devlin, I gotta tell you, last night, with the ass grab of the coconut, little bit of a red flag.
Devlin: I've seen him do that with the soap.
Katherine: Oh! What about the iPod?
Devlin: He didn't invent shit. He made his money suing the Dodgers after he got hit by a foul ball.
Katherine: [laughs] Oh God! So what?
Devlin: Well, this is different?
Katherine: Yeah, I mean, why didn't we try this truth telling thing before?
Devlin: I don't know.
[They hug. Devlin sees Danny behind Katherine]
Danny: Aww, that's nice. It's nice to tell the truth. The truth is fun, isn't it? Like were you telling the truth when you said you might be in love with me?
Devlin: I'm gonna leave you two. Gotta go get a divorce.

Sandor: Don't you think one of the charms of marriage is that it makes deception a necessity for both parties? May I ask why a beautiful woman who could have any man in this room wants to be married?
Alice: Why wouldn't she?
Sandor: Is it as bad as that?
Alice: As good as that!

Sally: [Reciting a spell to resurrect Jimmy] Black as night, erase death from our sight. White as light, Mighty Hectate make it right.

Anna: Do you realize Steven, we're in this situation because of you.

Anna: What are you doing?
Young: I'm looking at my wife.

Anna: You certainly had me fooled. I thought you were my dead husband... but you're just a little boy in my bathtub.

Katherine: [about Ian] Devlin, I gotta tell you, last night, with the ass grab of the coconut, a little bit of the red flag.
Devlin: I've seen him do that with the soap.

Gillian: [about Officer Hallet] Is he cute?
Sally: Yeah, he's... nice... in a very penal code sort of way, yeah.

Dr. Chase Meridian: [Chase has told the Riddler that Batman will come for her; imitating Cesar Romero's Joker] Batman? Batman, you say? Coming for you?
Dr. Chase Meridian: [laughs] I'm... COUNTING ON IT!

Saroo: I'm sorry you couldn't have your own kids.
Sue: What are you saying?
Saroo: We... we... weren't blank pages, were we? Like your own would have been. You weren't just adopting us but our past as well. I feel like we're killing you.
Sue: I could have had kids.
Saroo: What?
Sue: We chose not to have kids. We wanted the two of you. That's what we wanted. We wanted the two of you in our lives.That's what we chose.
Sue: That's one of the reasons I fell in love with your dad.
Sue: Because we both felt as if... the world has enough people in it. Have a child, couldn't guarantee it will make anything better. But to take a child that's suffering like you boys were. Give you a chance in the world. That's something.

Alice: Maybe I think we should be grateful. Grateful that we've managed to survive through all of our adventures - whether they were real - or only a dream.
Dr. Bill Harford: Are you sure of that?

Gretchen: Do you know why we dress soldiers the same? So everybody knows they're replaceable.

Dr. Chase Meridian: [last line; a mention] Don't work too late.

Anna: You know I loved Sean so much, and its been so long that I still can't get him out of my system. This is going to sound a little strange but I've met someone, who seems to be Sean.

Alice: ...And at no time did he ever leave my mind.

Sandor: You know why women used to get married, don't you?
Alice: Why don't you tell me?
Sandor: It was the only way they could lose their virginity and be free to do what they wanted with other men. The ones they really wanted.
Alice: Fascinating.

Dr. Claire Lewicki: Boy, you're very quick.
Cole: You oughta see me drive.

Alice: When she is having her little *titties* squeezed, do you think she ever has any fantasies about what handsome Dr. Bill's *dickie* might be like?

Joseph: Did you give him our number?
Anna: No.

Alice: You sound very sure of yourself.
Dr. Bill Harford: I'm not, I'm sure of you.

Dr. Bill Harford: What did he want?
Alice: What did he want? Oh, what did he want? Sex. Upstairs. Then and there.
Dr. Bill Harford: Is that all?

Alice: So, because I'm a beautiful woman, the only reason any man wants to talk to me is because he wants to fuck me? Is that what you're saying?

Anna: What a charming boy.
Steven: Isn't he?
Anna: Yes, very. How did his father die?
Steven: Car crash. Driving home. Smashed it into a pole. Killed instantly.
Anna: How long have you known him?
Steven: Quite some time. He was a patient of mine. Years ago.
Anna: Did you go to the funeral?
Steven: I did go. Yes.
Anna: Why didn't I go with you?
Steven: I think I told you about it. But you were busy or something.
Anna: You should tell him to come 'round again.

Dr. Chase Meridian: He'll slaughter them without thinking twice.
Batman: Agreed. A trauma powerful enough to create an alternate personality leaves the victim...
Dr. Chase Meridian: - in a world where normal rules of right and wrong no longer apply.
Batman: Exactly.
Dr. Chase Meridian: Like you. - Well, let's just say that I could write a hell of a paper on a grown man who dresses like a flying rodent.
Batman: Bats aren't rodents, Dr. Meridian.