The Best Sandor Szavost Quotes

Sandor: Did you ever read the Latin poet Ovid on "The Art of Love"?
Alice: Didn't he wind up all by himself, crying his eyes out, in some place with a very bad climate?
Sandor: But he also had a good time first. A very good time.

Sandor: Don't you think one of the charms of marriage is that it makes deception a necessity for both parties? May I ask why a beautiful woman who could have any man in this room wants to be married?
Alice: Why wouldn't she?
Sandor: Is it as bad as that?
Alice: As good as that!

Sandor: You know why women used to get married, don't you?
Alice: Why don't you tell me?
Sandor: It was the only way they could lose their virginity and be free to do what they wanted with other men. The ones they really wanted.
Alice: Fascinating.

[a tall stranger drinks from Alice's wine glass]
Alice: Umm, I think that's my glass.
Sandor: I'm absolutely certain of it.