The Best Anne-Marie Duff Quotes

John: Where are you going?
Grace: We're going to the forty-foot. We'll be back as quick as we can.
John: You've had a glass of champagne, you can't drive.
Grace: We're grand, really.
John: No no no, you've had a large dr- are you kidding me? They'll be guards on every corner. Come on, now think.
Grace: Well maybe you can drive.
John: Of course I can't. I've had a glass myself.
Grace: I've not missed a swim since I was little. I'll be perfectly fine.
[she attempts to leave, but JP closes the door hard, injuring her]
John: Now, why would you go and make a scene on Christmas Day, hm? I am not having Blanaird in a rough sea, with her mother drunk. Absolutely not.

Grace: Why do you keep talking about my sisters? I'm just trying to fix a problem.
John: Who are you to fix anything anyway? I mean, you're nothing. You're a fly on a wall. You're a shadow. If I turn out that light, right now, you wouldn't even exist.

Grace: [to JP] You liar! Everything we have is a lie! You ruined our life, you fucking monster! You blamed me! You made think it was me! You fucking monster!

Grace: I can't go to prison. I can't leave Blanaid on her own. I can't do that!
Ursula: For God's sake, can't we just explain what he did? The rape, the abuse, I mean, he's pushed us all over the edge!
Eva: [sarcastically] Yeah, let us try that. Cause that always works for women.

- You're funny.
Erin: Ooh!
- -Say bye-bye.
- -Bye-bye.
Erin: Bye-bye.
[sighs] All right, 007, enough.
- God.

Erin: You will circle every 'A' in the paper until one of you owns up.
Jean: That's not very productive, miss.
Erin: Neither is slut-shaming your teacher. Get circling girls, I'll be back to check on you.

Eva: [seeing Grace laugh] Man, I've missed that laugh. I didn't realise how much.
Bibi: You're only as happy as your unhappiest child. And she's grand now.
Grace: Hey, are we getting' in or what?