The Best Eva Garvey Quotes

Grace: I can't go to prison. I can't leave Blanaid on her own. I can't do that!
Ursula: For God's sake, can't we just explain what he did? The rape, the abuse, I mean, he's pushed us all over the edge!
Eva: [sarcastically] Yeah, let us try that. Cause that always works for women.

Eva: [seeing Grace laugh] Man, I've missed that laugh. I didn't realise how much.
Bibi: You're only as happy as your unhappiest child. And she's grand now.
Grace: Hey, are we getting' in or what?

Funeral: So sorry for your loss.
Eva: Thank you. It is such a loss. I'm just glad the suffering's over.
Funeral: Oh, was he ill?
Eva: No.