The Best Ash Quotes

Buster: And which one of you is the girl?
Ash: [deadpan] Ha, ha. Very funny.
Buster: Loud and horrible, but shows promise. Welcome to the show.
Lance: Heh, cool. I guess we could hang.
Buster: No, no. I just want her, not you.
Ash,105955: What?
Buster: All right, the rest of the group acts, thank you so much.
[the animals sighs]
Buster: Oh, don't feel bad, folks. There'll be a 10% discount on tickets for everyone!
Lance: Psh. Let's get outta here, Ash. Ash?
Ash: Uh, yeah. Yeah, let's go.

Lance: [singing and strumming his guitar] I won't sell out for nobody, won't follow no fool.
Ash: Would you stop? I'd only be doing it for us.
Lance: [chuckles] Oh, really?
Ash: Yes, really. If I won that money, we could build our own recording studio, start our own label. I mean, the whole world would get to hear your songs.
Lance: [singing] I'm not listening to my girlfriend.
[Ash groans]
Lance: Cuz she just wants to sell out.

Buster: [showing her a shiny, overly flashy outfit he wants Ash to wear for the performance] Isn't this a great color for you?
Ash: I can't tell. It's melting my eyes.

Ash: [Ash has just discovered that her boyfriend, Lance, has been cheating on her and is throwing him out of her house] I DID ALL OF THIS FOR YOU...
[throws Lance's guitar case into his lap, knocking the wind out of him]
[Ash slams the door behind her. She looks hurt as she listens to Lance and his new girlfriend Becky]

Lance: [going over the song list given to Ash by Buster Moon] Man, these are like the cheesiest songs of all time!
Ash: I know right? I mean, I was thinking of writing my own song instead.
Lance: Wait, what? Your own song?
Ash: Well... Yeah.
Lance: Look, if you wanna win that money... Just do what the koala says.
Ash: Why, you think I can't write my own song?
Lance: Hey, I'm just saying. Not everyone can write songs, okay? I may make it look easy, babes, but no it's not!

Ash: Hey, Moon, you gave me the wrong list! Cheesy pop's not exactly my style.
Buster: Style. I'm glad you brought that up. Now, let's see. There... Isn't this a great colour for you?
Ash: I can't tell. It's melting my eyes...

Buster: [Ash finishes her set] What about that? We just witnessed the birth of a genuine rock star!
Ash: Moon, you've... you've got some stuck here.
Buster: [she pulls a quill from his cheek] Ow!