The Best Barbara Bosson Quotes

Fay: How are you doing?
Capt. Frank Furillo: I've been better...
Capt. Frank Furillo: I know, but have you ever been any worse?

Fay: [close to tears] I swear, Frank, I get more support from my pantyhose than I do from the cops in this garbage dump of a city!

Dr. Friskin: Do you have a girlfriend right now?
Superman: Yes. No. It's kind of complicated. I haven't exactly told her everything about me, and I'm afraid that that is, well, it's making her drift toward this other guy.
Dr. Friskin: Does he have superpowers too?

Lois: I haven't had great luck with psychiatrists.
Dr. Friskin: Oh, you've spent some time in therapy.
Lois: Oh, no. It's just that the last psychiatrist that I saw had an exact double of me made and tried to have me killed.
Dr. Friskin: How did that make you feel?

Lois: So basically what you're saying is, all my life I've attracted men that are controlling, incomplete, or downright liars because... because...
Dr. Friskin: Keep going.
Lois: Because that's how I want to be treated? But if I want that kind of man, and I get that kind of man, why am I not happy?
Dr. Friskin: You like chocolate, right?
Lois: How come everybody knows that?
Dr. Friskin: But you know it's not good for you, and the older and wiser we get, the less tolerance we have for something that's not good for us. You're not a victim, Lois, so stop acting like one. You know who you want to be with, you've known all along. The problem is, he's just as scared as you are. So, who's going to be the first to step up and say the scary words?
Lois: How come you don't ask the simple questions?
Dr. Friskin: I would... if I knew the easy answers.

Dr. Friskin: We could continue tomorrow, say 10 AM?
Superman: Yeah, sure, as long as I'm not saving the world or something.

Hal: Frank, listen. Believe me, nothing is going to change between you and little Frank.
Capt. Frank Furillo: [defensive] His name is Frank Jr.
Fay: Well, excuse me, mister, but it's very hard to tell who's name is Frank Jr. here, from the way you're behaving.

Jane: [gesturing to Alex's ship, shocked] Alex, what is all this?
Alex: I, uh, I've been to another planet, Ma.

Lois: I just want one man. One whole man. Is that too much to ask for? And what do I have to chose from? I have one guy whose really wonderful, only he disappears every time I try and talk to him. And one guy whose really exciting to be with, only he won't talk to me about his work. What are people supposed to talk about if they won't talk about what they did all day? And one guy who is out of this world- - - literally.
Dr. Friskin: I thought you'd given up the Superman fantasy?
Lois: My head has but you know, my heart is just... conflicted.

Fay: Midge says that I am suppressing my true, Amazonian sexuality.
Capt. Frank Furillo: Oh, Midge Dolson can go suppress her... face.

Capt. Frank Furillo: What can I do for you?
Fay: Get a divorce and marry me?

Fay: You know, I had an erotic dream about you the other night. Do you ever dream about me?
Capt. Frank Furillo: [smiles] I've been known to.

Fay: [happier than usual] You know, getting mugged is the best thing that's happened to me since our divorce, Frank.
Furillo: Gee, thanks.

Fay: He had all my drawers pulled out, he pulled down my bedspread, he stole my underwear!
Capt. Frank Furillo: Did you touch anything?
Fay: No, I used to be married to a cop, I know what to do.

[repeated line]
Fay: [to Capt. Furillo, Chief Daniels and other males] Well, excuse me, mister!

Dr. Friskin: Everybody needs a break from their job. When was the last time you had a vacation? I mean really, just got away from Metropolis?
Superman: I spent some time in London last year.
Dr. Friskin: Well that's wonderful. How long were you there?
Superman: About 2 minutes. I was diverting a wayward missile.
Dr. Friskin: How relaxing.

Capt. Frank Furillo: [Fay is complaining about a 10 dollar parking ticket before lunchtime] I'll take care of the parking ticket.
Fay: [hushed voice, glancing left and right] You mean... fix it?
Capt. Frank Furillo: No, I mean pay it.