100 Best Superman Quotes

Superman: Deathstroke.
Deathstroke: Superman.
Lois: Carol.
Carol: Lois.
Lois: Bob.
Deathstroke: [whispers to Carol] She recognizes me!
Carol: [whispers back] I've always said that glasses weren't a good enough disguise.

D.A. Clemmons: Isn't it true that you are more than just good friends with Lois Lane. Isn't it true, I dare say, that you might even love Lois Lane? I repeat the question. Do you love Lois Lane Superman?
[Superman looks at Lois and she shakes her head slightly]
Superman: I can say, beyond a shadow of a doubt... that Clark Kent loves Lois Lane. And I respect that love just like I respect the truth. And my job is to uphold the truth. And that is what I would do anything for.

Superman: I should probably take a look around the city just to make sure everything is alright. But I don't want to fly off with you mad.
Lois: I'm not mad. Okay I am. It's alright I'm just... oh gosh it was easier talking to Clark.
Superman: You still are.
Lois: See that's just it I don't know anymore.
Superman: Well let me prove it to you.
[Pulls out the ring]
Lois: [Looks at the ring for a moment] No. I... I mean I can't... yet. I need time to think.
[Superman puts the ring away looking upset]
Lois: Clark... you understand?
Superman: Sure.
Lois: So you're not upset?
Superman: [Interrupts Lois rather shortly] Look I asked, you answered.
Lois: Well I am the one who was lied to, don't get petulant with me.
Superman: Oh okay I see so it's okay for you to get mad but I'm not supposed to feel anything when you say...?
Lois: [Interrupts] All I'm saying is that it's too much too fast.
Superman: Right I get it.
Lois: No I don't think you do.
Superman: No I do get it Lois, it's fine. Now I really should check the city.

Superman: [Arrives at Lois's jail cell] Are you alright?
Lois: Well you know me. The glass is always half full.
Superman: I'm being serious.
Lois: Seriously this is an opportunity a journalist never gets. I'll be fine.
[Looks over at the women in the next cell then back at Superman]
Lois: Other than the fact that I miss my husband.
Superman: He misses you.
Lois: We're newlyweds you know.
Superman: I know.
Lois: I miss his arms, his neck, his lips.
Superman: So does he... miss those things of yours. He's, uh, working on getting you a first class attorney so you can get out of here.
Lois: An attorney? I guess that means they don't have any other suspects?
Superman: You can see why your husband is worried this may be too tough a situation here. If it is too tough all you have to do is say the word and he can *lift* your spirit.
[Uses his eyes to show he will lift her out of the jail]
Lois: He already has.
Superman: Well I better go.
Lois: Thanks for stopping by.

Superman: Do you really remember everything?
Lois: I remember my life before you, when being alone was what I thought I wanted. And I remember my life after you, when I learned loving you was what I really wanted. Oh Clark, I can't believe I almost lost you.
Superman: And do you remember this?
[Clark pulls out the engagement ring and puts it on Lois's finger]
Lois: I do.
[They kiss]

Lois: [Just saw the mayor in a heated conversation with Dr Klein] What was that all about?
Dr. Klein: They're a bit concerned that Superman may still go berserk. And I am absolutely forbidden under any circumstances to tell you that kryptonite is being removed from our vault and formed into bullets and that a marksman will be on Superman's tail to take him out if anything goes wrong.
Lois: What?
Dr. Klein: Whatever you do, don't tell Superman.
Lois: [a few minutes later, Superman has just stopped the bad guys as Lois arrives] Superman, duck!
[Superman is hit and goes down as Lois rushes to him]
Lois: Superman, it was a kryptonite bullet.
Superman: It's alright, it just grazed me thanks to your...
Lois: Big mouth?

Superman: [to Resplendent Man] You will take this to heart. You will memorize it. You will live it: the strong do not exploit weak; the powerful do not attack defenseless; and you do not use your x-ray vision to spy on women in a locker room!

Lois: [as she sweeps glass off her floor after a bomb explosion] Well, since you asked, what took you an hour?
Superman: A nuclear reactor was melting down in Philadelphia. What's your point?
Lois: I just think maybe you're taking my jeopardy just a little for granted these days.
Superman: What?!
Lois: You know, I can understand. It's not the same new sizzling romance. I don't look at you like some moony eyed cheerleader and maybe you look at me differently too. I'm just good old Lois, get to me whenever.
Superman: That's ridiculous.
Lois: Well, just food for thought. Anyway, if you're not too busy, maybe we should try and find the guy who did this!
[shoves a broom into his chest]
Superman: [looks confused and starts sweeping] All things considered, I'd rather be in Philadelphia.

Dr. Maxwell Deter: Superman, what are you doing here?
Superman: I just dropped in to say hi to Lois.
Dr. Maxwell Deter: You're not on her approved visitors list.
Superman: I'm Superman.
Dr. Maxwell Deter: I see, and rules therefore don't apply to you. You may want to explore this need to dominate others.

Superman: Lois?
Lois: Yeah, Superman, I'm okay. No, I'm not. I'm mad. I'm furious! It's always the same thing. Where is Clark Kent when anybody needs him?
Superman: Lois, I'm sure he-
Lois: He's supposed to be your friend, but is he here for you? For me?
Superman: I'm sure there's a rational explanation-
Lois: No! His two best friends need his help right now, and where is he?
Superman: If he could be here-
Lois: He's in the mountains with Mayson Drake.

Lois: I was thinking.
Superman: About?
Lois: Little things. All the stupid little things I let bother me. Things I kept inside... that keep us apart.
Superman: I know. I was the same way.
Lois: Your parents were right. Not talking about our fears just made um worse than they are.
Superman: I guess you don't really want to BE Superman do you?
Lois: [laughs] No. I guess you think of me as more than a hood ornament?
Superman: I don't even own a car.

Superman: You ready?
Lois: This is it, isn't it?
Superman: The moment our lives really start.
Lois: I love you Clark.
Superman: I love you Lois.
[They kiss]

Superman: But, when I save a life, in that instant, I know two things that most people will never figure out: Why I'm here, and how I can make a difference.

Lois: You know, it's just wonderful being angry at a national treasure.
Superman: Lois, I can't help it. People like me. I help them. You used to like me.
Lois: I still like you I'm just upset. And even though it's your fault I feel like it's mine. Good old Clark, good ol' Superman, crabby old Lois. And even if I could tell someone the issue, which I can't, they'd still think you were the good guy and I'm the bad guy.

Lois: You really do read minds.
Superman: Not really, but I do have good hearing.

Superman: You know, people who love each other are supposed to be kind to each other.

Superman: Lois I feel horrible about this.
Lois: Clark it's not your fault, you saved my life.
Superman: No I got careless. Maybe overconfident. No matter how bad a situation is I always think that I'm strong enough or fast enough to fix it.
Lois: You are. You saved a city full of people from being microwaved like popcorn.
Superman: But you still got hurt. I'm used to saving people Lois not getting them injured.
Lois: You can't protect everybody all the time that's impossible.
Superman: I know. That's what my dad said.
Lois: And we can handle this. I realize now that you and I together can handle this. I want to tell you something.
Superman: Lois I need to tell you something too.
Lois: I know it's not the best time or the most romantic...
Superman: [Interrupts] Lois. I love you. I love you way too much to ever let something like this happen to you again. I know I can't control everything. But I can control people not using you to get to me. And so that's why I came. To tell you...
Lois: To tell me what?
Superman: [Stumbles over his words] To tell you... to say... we... we just can't be together anymore Lois.
[Lois is trying not to cry as she stares at him]
Superman: I'm sorry. I have to go.
Lois: [Now crying] Clark...

Superman: I hear you've been looking for me.
Lois: All my life.

Superman: I really do believe that we're all put here on this earth, or whatever planet we're put on, to do better than we think we can. To be kind, helpful, generous, and forgiving.

Lois: Thank you. You were wonderful just like I knew you would be.
Superman #2: Lois I just wish I could do the same thing for your Clark.
H.G. Wells: We need the exact second the time window exploded.
Lois: We don't have that.
Dragon: Explosion? You mean like in John Doe's hotel room?
Lois: Yeah. What do you know about it?
Dragon: ...I'll tell you what Lane, if I scratch your back maybe you can put in a good word for me.
[Takes out a watch Tempus gave him]
Dragon: He wanted me to go out and get a new watch for him. He said it was stopped by an explosion.
H.G. Wells: [In the Time Machine with Lois] We must arrive at precisely the moment I've chosen or he is lost.
Superman: [They find Superman, Lois jumps out and grabs him] Lois!
[They kiss]

Dr. Klein: Picture in your mind's eye a white beach... gentle surf... clear blue skies caressed by graceful clouds... the songs of chimps afire with the mating urge...
Superman: Dr. Klein?
Dr. Klein: Oh, sorry.

Superman: Lois, I want you to know that I think what you did for Clark showed incredible bravery.
Lois: It was nothing.
Superman: Was it?
Lois: I guess not. I guess there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him.

Superman: You better be careful, if the killer reads between the lines of your story and realizes that you were there...
Lois: You read my work?
Superman: Always.

Superman: Well, wouldn't your father be proud. His son turned out to be as sick and deranged as he did.
Mr. Smith: Thank you.
Superman: What is it you want, Junior?
Mr. Smith: You, as my employee. You'll help rebuild Lexcorp, take out my enemies, or my garbage, whichever I want. You'll do anything I want, because you're cursed with a flaw I don't have- you can love, and you love her.

Lenny: I have this problem, it's kind of a "Rain Man" thing. I don't like to fly.
Superman: Well you'll like it even less if I drop you, so hold still.

Lois: [Just after Lisa Rockford tried to kill them] Clark?
Superman: Lois I know, it's okay.
Lois: No it's not that. I mean it is but it isn't. It's... it's just all these brushes with death. You know who knows what's going to happen next? I mean we think that life goes on and on and on... but maybe it doesn't? Do you know what I'm saying?
Superman: Yes.
[Kisses Lois and pulls her down to the sofa]

Superman: [after he pushes Dillinger off the roof] You remember now?
[catches him]
Superman: I have been known to miss...on occasion.

Superman: I heard you wanted to see me.
Lois: Yes, come in. I'll just put on a robe.
Superman: Unless it's lined with lead Lois, it's a waste of time.
Lois: I guess so. Well I'm just trying to figure out... I have a lot of changes going on in my life, and I just want to make the right decision, and I can't do that until I know how you feel. Superman, is there any hope for us--you and me? I'm so completely in love with you, I can't do anything else without knowing.
Superman: Lois, I do care for you, but there are things about me that you don't know--that you may never know.
Lois: It doesn't matter--I know you. I don't mean 'you' the celebrity or 'you' the superhero... If you had no powers at all--if you were just an ordinary man leading an ordinary life, I would love you just the same. Can't you believe that?
Superman: I wish I could Lois, but under the circumstances, I don't see how I can.
[Lois turns away; Superman flies out the window. Lois turns back to see he's gone with tears in her eyes]

Superman: Rumors are far more dangerous than the truth, and I never hide from the truth.

Superman: Lois, are you alright?
Lois: I'm fine, I'm fine.
Superman: What happened? You were gone for almost 10 seconds.
Lois: 10 seconds?
Superman: Yeah the weirdest 10 seconds of my life. I didn't know where you were or what to do. And then...
Lois: What?
Superman: I just, I got this *feeling* of what my life would be like if I lost you.
Lois: But I'm back and I'm not going anywhere ever again.
[Kisses Superman]

Lois: [Opens up a box of flowers that just arrived] They're dead.
Superman: Maybe you were the last stop on his delivery route. You know they were fine this morning but now...
Lois: There's no note. See I told you it's starting.
Superman: Lois the only thing that's starting is this...
[takes her in his arms and kisses her]

John: [about Clark] I didn't realize you two were so close.
Superman: As close as two people can be.

Martin: Face it, you've got your little red shorts caught in a bad combo of high tech and close friends. Even you can't be in two places at once - but our bullets can. So... where does that leave us?
Superman: Let's ask the D.A.
Martin: Oh sure, you can take me in. You're Superman, and I'm just a guy from Paramus.
[Superman looks puzzled]
Martin: New Jersey.

Sharpie: [on his courtroom philosophy] Kill! Kill! Kill!
Superman: Uh... I have to go save the world...or something.

Lois: Who is it?
Superman: Who is it? Lois, who else knocks on your third floor window?

Superman: I want you to rethink this interview.
Lois: Look I know what you are going to say it's going to be something very sensible and very...
Superman: [interrupts] true which is this. The second that you see Gendell in person you become a target. I don't know if I can stop him.
Lois: This is the interview of a lifetime.
Superman: And I appreciate that.
Lois: Which is why I know you'll understand when I say, I have to do it.
Superman: [Lets out a big sigh] Then I guess we will have to find a way to stop Deathstroke by tomorrow at noon.

Superman: Is this the good window?
Martha: Yes, but it's-
Mayson: You're incapacitated!
Jonathan: Wait!
[Superman crashes through the closed window]
Jonathan: [Mayson, Martha, and Jonathan rush over and look through the now broken window]
Jonathan: Looks like he misjudged the distance to the ground.
Mayson: Is he ok?
Martha: Yes, dear, I imagine so.

Superman: You'll always be special to me, Lois.
Lois: I will?
Superman: You're the first woman who ever...interviewed me.

Superman: Lois, I think we should go wash your hands.

Lois: [Superman just brought her more gifts] You gotta stop doing that.
Superman: Why? Making you happy makes me happy.
Lois: Did I ever tell you why I gave up my crush on Superman? Because he is a fantasy. And did I tell you why I fell in love with Clark?
[Shakes his head no]
Lois: Because he's real. And that's what I want.
Superman: You do?
Lois: Yeah. He's got problems and insecurities and... hat hair.
Superman: I do *not* have hat hair!
Lois: If I told Clark that I like the scent of tulips from Holland that's not your cue to go taxiing down the runway. It just means that Clark and I would save up and some day take a vacation like a normal couple.
Superman: But I *am* Clark.
Lois: But you're also that guy that saves the world from killer bees and props up the Golden Gate bridge.
Superman: Couldn't you just think of me as a very busy, very fast, very strong... doctor?
[Hears a cry for help]
Lois: I need some stability.
Superman: Uh, Lois...
Lois: I need a sense that I'm not always sharing you with the 5 billion other people on the planet.
Superman: If you could just hold that thought...
Lois: I need to know that you will be there for me when I need you.
Superman: I gotta go...
[He leaves and Lois looks upset]

Superman: [after being shrunk] Look at me! I look like Mighty Mouse!

Superman: Sir, please. Listen to me. Life is a very precious gift. Every new day that we're alive is another chance to be the best we can be.
William: Oh, please! What would you know about it, Mister "Nothing can hurt me, I don't need money to live"? And didn't anybody ever tell you that two primary colors just do not work together?

Lois: If anything happens, tell Clark that I love him.
Superman: He knows, but I'll tell him.

Superman: [Knocks on the balcony door and Lois answers with a big smile] Sorry I'm late. Long day at the office.
Lois: [Being carried across Superman's shoulders] Isn't it nice?
Superman: Very nice!
Lois: I missed you.
[Superman sets her down on the bed and joins her]
Superman: I missed you too.
[They start kissing, unaware they are being watched and photographed from the window]
Superman: [Superman hears a noise, unaware the photographer fell from the ledge, and stops to x-ray where the noise came from]
Lois: Did you hear something?
Superman: No... it was nothing.
[They resume passionate kissing]

Superman: [as Lois is clinging to a flagpole] I know you probably got this covered, but...
Lois: Well, as long as you're not doing anything...

[as Superman, Clark runs up to a big iron gate and looks around. Lois runs up to him]
Lois: What is it?
Superman: I can't fly.
Lois: What?
Superman: No X-Ray vision, no super hearing, nothing.
Lois: Clark...
Superman: How do YOU feel?
Lois: Fine.
[Lois pulls on one of the doors of the gate. It comes off in her hand! Lois gasps]
Superman: [in disbelief] Oh, boy.

[Clark's parents arrive at his apartment thinking Lois and Clark are gone on their honeymoon]
Martha: Clark, what are you doing here?
Superman: Here? Oh you mean here, here, now. Uh, well there was a tidal wave in the Philippines that needed looking into so...
Jonathan: Oh, you and Lois had a fight. Don't let it get you down son. Emotions run high on a honeymoon both good and bad, sparks are gonna fly.
Superman: I wish.
Martha: Honey you know you can talk to us about anything, right? What's on your mind?
Superman: Christmas tree lights.
Martha: Sorry?
Superman: You know how when the holidays come up and you're all excited about making your house just explode with warmth and love so you go out and you buy a new box of lights and you hang them on the tree and you're just waiting for that burst of warmth and love then you plug them in and... nothing happens.
Jonathan: Nothing happens?
Superman: Nothing.
Jonathan: No sparks? No flickering? No electricity at all?
Superman: The power is out.
Martha: The two of you have more electricity than anyone I've ever seen and I think we've pretty much beaten this metaphor to death.
Superman: I'm telling you mom it's like Lois is another person.
Martha: So you're saying you're living with an imposter?
Superman: Y...
[Realization hits him suddenly]

Jimmy: Are you ready?
Superman: I'm Superman.
Jimmy: Good point.

Perry: Superman, did you just save me from something?
Superman: Yeah.
Perry: Do I wanna know about it?
Superman: No.

Lois: I didn't even know you could dance.
Superman: This isn't dancing.
Lois: It's not?
Superman: This is.
[starts to rise and dance in midair]

John: When did people start to fly?
Superman: Not long before they started coming back from the dead.

Lois: [Superman flys in and lands by Lois] Hey! Guess who just nabbed the interview of the century?
Superman: Are you alright?
Lois: Well yeah. Were you out looking for me?
Superman: Well...
Lois: Superman doesn't lie.
Superman: Okay yes...

Superman: This will work.
Lois: That's a relief. Why are you so sure?
Superman: Because it has to.

Mrs. Platt: I like your costume.
Superman: Thank you. My mother made it for me.

Superman: Meanwhile Lois, don't do *anything* until I get back.
[Superman leaves]
Lois: Tell him that I went to check out Speedy Ambulance. I think the new reich is underneath it.
Dr. Bernard Klein: But he told you to wait for him.
Lois: I know he did.
[Leaves the room]
Dr. Bernard Klein: Boy, it's almost like they were married.

[Lois crashes the car into the building]
Superman: What are you doing here?
Lois: I... came to... save you.
Superman: Does this mean you aren't mad at me anymore?
Lois: Are you okay?
Superman: I am now.

Superman: Lois, when I said I like my bacon crisp, I didn't mean...
[Lois notices that the bacon as caught fire, which Superman puts out with his hand]
Lois: Alternating current is deadlier than direct current.
[both of them look confused]
Lois: Uh...I have some Pop Tarts.

Zara: [Sees Clark looking at Lois's ring] Thinking about her?
Superman: I know she's thinking about me.
Zara: This bond that you have with her, it's so different from the way I was taught. Still it must be incredible, to learn to love like that.

Dr. Klein: If you didn't tell me to, who did?
Superman: A hallucination.
Dr. Klein: But that's completely unauthorized.
Superman: Yes, it is. And I have a feeling that right now that hybrid kryptonite is in the hands of Jefferson Cole.
Dr. Klein: I hope not. He's insane. I'd like a cocktail now.

Lois: Where are you from? I mean, you're not from Kansas, that's for sure.
Superman: I'm from another planet. A place called Krypton.
Lois: Do you mind if I write some of this down?
Superman: No.
Lois: You seem, uh, to have all the parts of a man.
Superman: Well, I am a man, Lois. Just like you're a woman.
Lois: I'm really glad you're here. But why are you here?
Superman: To help.
Lois: To help. I need a little bit more of a quote than that. Something like, "I have not yet begun to fight," or, "Damn the torpedoes." Something like that. I mean if you said, "I am here to fight for truth or justice."
Superman: Well truth and justice, that sounds good. You can use that.
[Someone shouts for help]
Lois: What is it?
Superman: Someone's in trouble.
Lois: This is a job for Superman, right?

Wanda: The Caped Crusader!
Superman: No. That's Batman.

Lois: I missed you.
Superman: Well I'm not really back yet. Clark Kent's plane doesn't get in 'til midnight
Lois: Oh great, so for the rest of the day I have to pretend like my husband's still in the air. Not exactly the kind of welcome home I had planned.
Superman: [Someone came within earshot so they are back to pretending Lois is interviewing Superman] Actually, uh, Miss Lane I had no idea that I was going to win the prize.
Lois: Oh.
Superman: [Speaking privately again] What kind of welcome home did you have in mind exactly?
Lois: Oh a weekend in bed in a mountain hideaway where not everything is done at superspeed...

Tempus: Superman, as long as I have you here, just answer one thing for me. Why tights? Why a cape? You're a grown man. Don't you feel ridiculous?
Superman: My mother made it for me.

Superman: Dr. Klein, I need to see you.
Dr. Klein: You just saw me.
Superman: No, I didn't.
Dr. Klein: Yes, you did.
Superman: Where did I see you?
Dr. Klein: You know.
Superman: No, I don't.
Dr. Klein: You don't know?
Superman: I have no idea.
Dr. Klein: You and I didn't just go on a secret mission?
Superman: No.
Dr. Klein: We didn't remove the hybrid kryptonite?
Superman: No.
Dr. Klein: We didn't take it to safe keeping?
Superman: No.
Dr. Klein: Superman, forgive me, but you're losing it, my boy.

Lois: [In unison] You are so stubborn!

Lois: You gave up everything in your life, for me
Superman: Without you it wouldn't have been a life.

Lois: This is amazing. I always knew I was meant to fly.
Superman: Yes Lois you were.
Lois: You seem very sure.
Superman: I am.
Lois: You're the strongest man in the world. But there's such gentleness in your eyes.

Superman: [seeing that Lois has saved herself] Well, I guess you don't need me.
Lois: Not this time. But don't leave town.

Superman: Lois? Lois look at me.
Lois: Clark? What happened? What are we doing here?
Superman: You jumped out of the helicopter and I saved you. Don't you remember?
Lois: No. Really?
Superman: Yes really. And when we're in public you *have* to call me Superman!

Superman: Oh, one more thing. If you ever need to find me, all you have to do is look up.

Superman: Smiley had given up on people finding happiness together. I haven't, have you?
Lois: No.
Superman: But we keep messing up. Why is that?
Lois: Well first of all people mess up. And I think adjusting to the whole idea of marriage, along with everything else we've been going through, is making both of us a little nuts.
Superman: So?
Lois: So maybe we should just take a little break from the whole idea of marriage, not even say the M word, and just be in love.
Superman: I can do that.
Lois: It's a lot of pressure, this whole forever thing.
Superman: It's not the M word that makes it forever for me, Lois. My love is forever, because... because it just is.
[They kiss]

Superman: You must call a cease fire immediately. There is nothing that this war could ever achieve that you couldn't better achieve without it.
General: Who are you to lecture us? You are no better than the common politician. You stand for nothing.
Superman: I stand for what is right. And what is right is peace. Please don't let any side issues distract you from our common goal.
President Kasparov: Peace is built on the cornerstone of trust Superman. And if either of us is to trust you again first you must explain this.
[Shows him tabloid]
General: And this.
[Lays out the other tabloid]
Randy: Yeah Superman. We're all ears.
Superman: Gentlemen you trusted me enough to ask me to mediate these peace talks. Trust me now when I tell you that this photograph is not what it appears to be.
President Kasparov: Superman. General Navance and myself, we understand such things, we're world leaders. But our people are not so sophisticated. They are outraged by what you have done. They won't allow you to broker our peace talks unless you can give them a more acceptable explanation.

[Superman just saved Lois from a falling sign pole, the first time he's saved her life since she found out Clark was Superman]
Superman: Are you alright?
Lois: Yes, thank you. I know it doesn't seem like enough to say, it's just it's all that I can. Wow, look at you. You've gotten me out of a lot of jams. But I've never seen you like this.
Superman: Things are *different* now.

Superman: Lois?
Lois: Over here.
Superman: Do you have any oolong tea?
Lois: Oolong?
Superman: Oolong.
Lois: No. Do you want some?
Superman: If it wouldn't be too much trouble.
Martha: Oolong sounds wonderful.
Jonathan: Come on, Lois. Let's go get these tea drinkers some oolong.

Superman: I'm sorry, you were saying?
Lois: Nothing. I'm going to be a professional and go to the interview, and internalize my feelings so I get an ulcer the size of Cleveland.
Superman: Women...Earth women!

Lois: Superman!
Superman: Lois.
Lois: What happened? Why are you in there?
Superman: That coal mine disaster was a trick. There was a nuclear bomb down there. They set it off as soon as I arrived.
Lois: You're okay aren't you?
Superman: I'm fine, I'm just... radioactive.
Dr. Bernard Klein: Superman has been exposed to a particularly dirty bomb. Tiny radioactive particles are lodged in the microscopic crevices of his skin and his body. There's no way to get them out.
Superman: Without this shielding anyone who comes near me would die instantly.
Lois: How long are you going to be this way?
Superman: Dr Klein could you go get those estimates that we were working on?
Dr. Bernard Klein: Yes of course.
[Leaves the room]
Lois: How long?
Superman: 30,000 years.
[Lois looks distraught]
Superman: Don't worry Lois we'll get through this. Just like every other problem we've gotten through. Just think of it as one more of those annoying little wedding details that we have to figure out.
Lois: It's not funny.
Superman: Lois... nothing can stop me from marrying you. I will move heaven and earth if I have to. I love you.
Lois: I love you... This is a nightmare.
Superman: Just remember I will get out of this.

Dr. Klein: Oh, oh speaking of tests the ones we ran on you, first batch of results came in and I must say it looks encouraging.
Superman: Great so then it seems like it's possible for me to have children?
Dr. Klein: Well there is one last test I need to run, it will only take a moment.
Superman: Great, can we do it right now?
Dr. Klein: Well, right, yeah, okay. Well then why don't you just step down the hall into that little room and we'll go from from there.
Superman: Which little room?
Dr. Klein: That little room there.
Superman: Just me?
Dr. Klein: Just you.
Superman: Alone?
Dr. Klein: Alone.
Superman: What's in the room?
Dr. Klein: Nothing's in the room.
Superman: Nothing.
Dr. Klein: No. Alright a couple of magazines.
Superman: Oh, okay.
[Walks away but comes right back]
Superman: I don't understand, what exactly is supposed to happen in there?
Dr. Klein: Oh God, I could be on a plane right now.

Superman: Even *I* can't outfly a microwave!

Lois: [Lois wakes up from a dream] Clark... Superman, what are you doing?
Superman: Shh, it's okay. There's no one in the next cell, the whole place is asleep.
Lois: I've been dreaming about you all night. When I saw you standing there, I thought I was dreaming.
[they hug]
Lois: Oh God, I'm so scared.
[pull back to look at each other]
Lois: Clark, you gotta go--they check my cell every twenty minutes.
Superman: I am going, and so are you.
Lois: What?
Superman: I'm taking you outta here.
Lois: Clark, what do you mean you're taking me out of here? I lay on that cot every single night secretly wishing that that's just what you'll do, but you can't. Don't you understand what that would do to you?
Superman: The issue here isn't me, it's you. You are the person that I love more than anything in life. I'm not going to watch my wife sit in jail waiting to die for something she didn't do, no matter what happens to me.
Lois: But you spent your life serving justice.
Superman: Exactly, and you're innocent. Together, we're going to prove that. Now, if that isn't serving justice, I don't know what is.
Lois: You... being irrational. I sort of love that.
Superman: Come on.
[opens the cell door]
Lois: You sure about this?
Superman: I'm sure that I love you.

Dr. Friskin: Everybody needs a break from their job. When was the last time you had a vacation? I mean really, just got away from Metropolis?
Superman: I spent some time in London last year.
Dr. Friskin: Well that's wonderful. How long were you there?
Superman: About 2 minutes. I was diverting a wayward missile.
Dr. Friskin: How relaxing.

Superman Clone: You're not really Superman. You're Clark Kent.
Superman: Have you told anybody else this, your father?
Superman Clone: Not yet, but I might.

Lois: [while in jail] I can't imagine how I slept all of those nights alone before us.
Superman: Me either.

Tempus: Well Superman! You patriotic thing, you. Come on in!
[Superman walks up to him, taking him by the neck and lifting him in the air]
Randolph: Um, should I call for the Secret Service, Mr. President Elect?
Tempus: No, Randolph... He won't harm me.
[Superman reluctantly puts him down]
Tempus: See, Randolph... That's something you must learn about superheroes--no matter which way they turn, they're constantly bumping into their own ethics.
Superman: I'm going to bring you down, Tempus.
Tempus: Who's Tempus?
Superman: You've gone too far this time.
Tempus: What're you gonna do--impeach me?
Superman: I'll do whatever's necessary.
Tempus: You might want to reconsider cooperating with the new administration, Superman. One never knows when one's wife will drive her car off a cliff, does one?
Superman: This is a warning--you stay away from her, or I promise you, you will see my *ethics* disappear.

Lois: You're ignoring me. I hate that.
Superman: [trying to control his temper] I'm not ignoring you. I just had some lives to save.
Lois: You never have time for me! Maybe I should just move to L.A. and become a super model.
Superman: That's not true. I always have time for you.
[hears a distant cry for help]
Superman: Except now.

Clark: [At home watching football when the phone rings] Hello?
Lois: Oh Clark you're there. It's horrible. It's terrible.
Clark: Lois!
[quickly changes into Superman and flys into Lois's apartment]
Clark: What's the matter?
Lois: Oh you scared me!
Superman: You said something horrible was happening.
Lois: Oh, no, uh, no it's just that oh well we're getting married in 4 days and I've never been happier in my life and every time that things are going great between us something happens and I just know that something bad is going to happen to mess up our wedding, I just know it.
Superman: That's it?
Lois: Well... yeah.
Superman: Lois nothing's going to happen. You're just nervous is all. So am I.
Lois: Really?
Superman: Well not as nervous as you but sure.

Martin: Are we clear?
Superman: On one thing. This is *not* over.

Ultrawoman: It's Perry and Jimmy. They're going to know me!
Superman: No, they won't.
Ultrawoman: How blind do you think people are?

Superman: [Talking to Lois inside her jail cell] Honey I can't believe you've been sitting on all your fears, holding all this stuff inside you. You told me you would tell me if things got too bad.
Lois: And if I did you would go off and do something crazy.
Superman: Yeah you bet I would! You're my wife and I love you. Anything that helps you isn't crazy.
Lois: [Looks around and makes sure no one is listening] Breaking me out of here is and I know that's what you are thinking.
Superman: I was not thinking that.
[Lois gives him a look]
Superman: I was just... sort of... feeling that.
Lois: Oh Clark. Not only do you give me hope, you give the world hope and you do that by obeying the rules. You lend your strength to help everybody get a fair deal.
Superman: If anybody deserves a fair deal it's you, even if you weren't my wife.
Lois: But if you help me by breaking the rules you're going to damage something you are. A symbol of decency, of fairness.
Superman: [Lets out a big sigh] I'm gonna get you out of here.
Lois: I know you will. The right way. Through the door, not the window.
[They kiss]
Superman: [Hears someone coming] I better go. I love you.
[Kisses Lois again and flys out]
Lois: [Looks at where he left longingly] I love you.

Rolf: There is something I have always wanted to ask you: when I wear my very tightest ski pants I always get a bit... chafed. Do you find this happens to you?
Superman: No, but it helps to be invulnerable.

Sweet: [Points a gun at Superman] Don't move!
Superman: New in town?

[Lois and Clark are locked in separate cages at the Lakes]
Superman: [Sees Lois fighting tears] God... I wish I could touch you.
Lois: Well you can touch me... with your words. Ever since we met, actually ever since I took the time to listen, something about you always made sense to me. Even when a huge part of you didn't make any sense there was a part deep down that... that did. That's the part that touches me. It just makes sense out of life.

Dr. Friskin: Do you have a girlfriend right now?
Superman: Yes. No. It's kind of complicated. I haven't exactly told her everything about me, and I'm afraid that that is, well, it's making her drift toward this other guy.
Dr. Friskin: Does he have superpowers too?

Superman: I'm going to take these guys to the police and I'll be back to see you home.
Lois: Oh you don't have to do that.
Superman: [Crosses his arms] Lois.
Lois: [Crosses her arms imitating him] Superman.
Superman: [Pulls her out of earshot] It's gonna be dark soon I would feel much better if you'd let me take you home.
Lois: Clark, I have driven home alone as long as you've known me and 2 million times before that. I'll be fine.
Superman: But...
Lois: I admit ever since I figured out, you know, I've taken a few more chances cause I knew you'd always be there. But I am not a six-year-old, I can cross the street fine.
[She walks away]
Superman: Wear your seatbelt.
[Lois looks back at him and rolls her eyes]

Lois: You sleep?
Superman: Yes, I sleep.
Lois: I mean, it's not like I thought you were, you know, a bat that flies around all night.

Superman: Emerson said, "Self-trust is the essence of heroism." Inside each of you is a hero. And so, I leave knowing that a world full of heroes has nothing to fear.

Superman: Well, I better be going.
Lois: Wait.
[gives him a rose]
Superman: What's this.
Lois: It's a rose.
Superman: What's this for?
Lois: Do I have to have a reason?
[kisses him on the cheek]
Superman: I guess not. Good night, Lois.
Lois: Good night.

[They are using kryptonite to try and kill the virus but it's causing Superman great pain]
Lois: Please forgive me?
Superman: Forgive you?
Lois: For putting you through this.
Superman: You had no choice. We had no choice.
Lois: Remember when I asked you how you felt about me and you told me that being with me was stronger than being alone? Grab onto that strength now. We can be strong enough for everybody.
Superman: This... this is really rough... on my parents you know. You take care of them for me.
Lois: I will.
Superman: I love you.

Lois: So all along your hallucination was based on a traumatic experience you had as a baby.
Superman: Once I faced it I realized that what I saw wasn't a coffin, it was the capsule that my parents sent me to Earth in.
Lois: Sunday couldn't kill you. Your vision wasn't based on death, it was based on life.
Superman: As I was remembering, I could *feel* the love and the sadness of my parents sending their baby off into the cold universe.
Lois: And into my life.

[Superman walks Tempus into the time window but then Tempus disappears]
Andrus: What? No, that was the replicant!
Lois: [Lois bursts into the room while secret service agents try to hold her back] Superman!
Superman: Lois! Get out! Get out now!
Tempus: [Comes into the room] Let her through, she should see this.
Andrus: No, if he touches the window Superman is doomed!
[Tempus touches the window and it starts to disappear]
Superman: Lois!
Lois: Clark!
Superman: [Reaches for her] Lois!
Lois: [Reaches for Clark while Tempus holds her back] Clark!
Superman: [Their fingertips touch but Lois falls back and the window floats away until it disappears] Lois! No!
Tempus: Well. Time to get on with the country's work.
[laughs and leaves the room]
Lois: Where is he? Where is he?
[Grabs Andrus]
Lois: Where is he? Where is he?
Andrus: Gone.
Lois: What do you mean gone?
Andrus: He traveled into time without the window. He's in eternity now.
Lois: Well you have to help me get him back!
Andrus: I feel... strange. It's not unpleasant. Everything's changing. I no longer exist...
[He disappears]
Lois: [Looking distraught, calling out to where Clark disappeared] Clark! Clark?

Superman: I am not your enemy. I want to be your friend. I want to know more about you, where you come from.
Superman Clone: I was born in the womb. My father took me out.
Superman: Okay. How old are you?
Superman Clone: As old as you are. Ha ha! Catch me if you can.