The Best Barbara Hershey Quotes

Erica: What happened to my sweet girl?
Nina: She's gone!

Erica: You're in a good mood.
Nina: He promised to feature me more this season.
Erica: Well, he certainly should. You've been there long enough and you're the most dedicated dancer in the company.

Nina: What are you doing here?
Lily: I just came by to apologize. You're right, I should have never spoken to him about you.
Erica: [interrupts] Sweetheart.
Nina: Give me a second.
Erica: Your dinner.
Nina: Mom! Please?
Lily: Oh, she's a trip.
Nina: How do you know where I live?
Lily: I have my ways.
[notices Nina's nervousness]
Lily: Jesus, relax! I got it from Susie in the office. Look, I just feel really shitty about what I did and I just really want to make it up to you, so how about I take you out to dinner?
Nina: I don't think...
Lily: [interrupts] Ok, that's fine! What about drinks?
Erica: Sweetie, you need to rest.
Lily: [chuckles] Jesus!
Nina: Wait.
[goes into the apartment to grab shoes and a coat]
Erica: What are you doing?
Nina: Going out!

Erica: Has he tried anything with you? He has a reputation. I have a right to be concerned, Nina. You've been staying late so many nights rehearsing. I hope he isn't taking advantage.
Nina: He's not.
Erica: Good. I just don't want you to make the same mistake I did.
Nina: Thanks.
Erica: Not like that. I just mean as far as my career was concerned.
Nina: What career?
Erica: The one I gave up to have you.
Nina: You were 28 and only in.
Erica: Only what?
Nina: Nothing.
Erica: What!
Nina: Nothing.

Bill: I've passed the point of no return, Beth. Do you know when that is? That's the point in a journey where it's longer to go back to the beginning than it is to continue to the end. It's like... do you remember when those astronauts got in trouble? They were going to the moon and something went wrong. I don't know, somebody screwed up, and they had to get them back to Earth. But they had passed the point of no return. So they had to go all the way around the moon to get back-and they were out of contact for hours. Everybody waited, breathlessly, to see if a bunch of dead guys in a can would pop out the other side. Well, that's me. I'm on the other side of the moon now... out of contact, and everybody is going to have to wait 'til I pop out.
Beth: The police are here.
Bill: Did you know, Beth, that in some South American countries it's still legal to kill your wife if she insults you?

Erica: No! Please! You're not well!
Nina: [yelling] Let go of me!
Erica: You can't handle this!
Nina: I can't? I'm the Swan Queen, you're the one who never left the corps!
Erica: [yelling] Nina!

Erica: You'll probably get to dance the Pas de Quatre again. That's such a wonderful part. Or maybe he'll make you a big swan. Either way, you'll shine.
Nina: I know.
Erica: Everything will be better in the morning. It always is.
Erica: Sweet girl.

Erica: You're not my Nina right now!

Erica: Shh, it's okay. I'm here. You were scratching all night.
Nina: Where's my clock?
Erica: Don't worry about that.
Nina: What time is it?
Erica: Shh.
Nina: My show is tonight.
Erica: No, no, no.
[pushes Nina back on the pillow]
Erica: No, don't worry. I called the theater and I told them you weren't feeling well.
Nina: [jumps out of bed] I have to go!
Erica: No, no lie down!
Nina: Let go of me!
[notices the door handle is missing]
Erica: You're staying in here until you feel better.
Nina: Where is it?
Erica: This role's destroying you.

Erica: Do you have any idea what time it is?
Nina: [drunk] Uh... late?
Erica: Where have you been?
Nina: To the moon!
Lily: And back.
Erica: You've been drinking.
Nina: Ding ding ding ding!
Erica: What else?
Nina: Huh?
Erica: [raises voice] What else have you been doing?
Nina: Oh, you want to know their names?
Erica: You need to sleep this off.
Nina: No, there were two. There was Tom, there was Jerry.
Erica: [interrupts] Be quiet, Nina!
Nina: And I fucked them both!
Erica: [yells] Shut your mouth!

Erica: It's the role, isn't it? It's all this pressure? I knew it would be too much. I knew it!

Nina: It's just a rash.
Erica: [panicking] A rash? What are you talking about?
Nina: It was worse a few days ago. It's fine already.
Erica: You've been scratching yourself again.