The Best Bess Nugent Quotes

Bess: For God's sake there's enough black sheep in our family to fill a field! Whoring and swindling, but Will isn't one of them. And as for your wife Kitty and her tribe...
Lord: Bess what is this for?
Bess: Let me go too, and find him.
Lord: No you will not. You will be removed from here, in the opposite direction, disarmed and obedient.

Major: [about El Casco's guerrillas] The story goes, there was a great shipwreck hereabouts, long long ago. A galleon, bearing treasure from Mexico to the King of Spain. Not only gold, but idols for him to see, even people from that terrible land.
Richard: Treasure?
Major: Ah that catches your ear, laddie? Well if it's still there, no one's found it!
Bess: William heard of it too.
Ellie: You said a 'terrible land'?
Major: The Aztecs of Mexico were a high civilization, and entirely evil!
Ellie: How could that be?
Lt. Ayres: Their religion was based on human sacrifice. They cut the living hearts out of their prisoners...
Major: That'll do for now, man.
Lt. Ayres: ...thousands at a time. Or they skinned them.
Major: I said that'll do!
Lt. Ayres: They even had a god of flaying...the flayed god...
Richard: Stop gloating, Ayres!
Lt. Ayres: I came across it in my studies. Rather amusing.
Ellie: Major Munroe, you didn't mean there could be any of that here?
Major: No. Well, maybe a taint turned into foolish nonsense, these folk are peasants.
Ellie: And that's all?