The Best Assumpta Serna Quotes

Richard: Come smartly to attention now. Atten-SHUN!
[Obadiah stands up straight - and Sharpe belts him, hard. Hakeswill bows over]
Sgt. Patrick Harper: Oh, now see, you don't move when an officer's talking to you. You should know that.
Richard: Unless you want to hit me, Obadiah?
Sgt. Patrick Harper: Obadiah?
Richard: Dead, if you strike an officer, Obadiah. Dead. Oh... but he can't die. See his neck? They tried to hang him once, and it didn't kill him.
Teresa: I can kill him.
Richard: In every battle some try. Look how he stands up. Never disobeys an officer, do you, Obadiah? Why, they love him! I would kill him here and now. Except I swore to do it in front of his victims, for all to see. It's been a long time coming. For he is *evil*, is Obadiah!

Teresa: You think it's funny to die for an
[French Imperial]
Teresa: eagle?
Richard: I'm a soldier. Would you care if I died?
Teresa: Yes. - Yes!
[They kiss]
Richard: Then I shall take care not to!

Teresa: All men should have daughters. It puts honey on their tongues.

Teresa: [In Spanish] My daughter is ill and all you can do is cry!

Wellington: You think there may be something in those rockets, Sharpe?
Richard: Not as to accuracy, sir, but they'll play merry hell with the morale of poorly-led men, sir. The sound is shocking.
Wellington: Scared you, did they?
Richard: I was terrified, sir.
Sir: Do, uh, do you really think this Sharpe's the right man to send, sir? Won't cut and run if someone lets off a gun, will he?
Teresa: Who is this fool?

Teresa: We have two ears, but only one mouth; so a good leader will listen twice as much as he shouts.

Richard: No wonder Harris reads Voltaire. Listen: Dieu ne pas pour le gros battalions, mais pour sequi teront le meilleur.
Teresa: God is not on the side of the big battalions, but of the best shots.
Richard: Not bad for a Frog, eh?

Teresa: [to Sir Augustus] If you were a man, I would call you out, force you to fight a duel, and kill you.

Teresa: You never stopped me from doing what I had to do. That's why I loved you so much.

Teresa: Harper, I have half a bottle of the best Irish whisky from the Irish priests at Salamanca.
Richard: You speak a word and you're dead, Harper.
Patrick: I'll be dead, but, sir, I'll be drunk.

Teresa: If you were a man I would call you out, force you to fight a duel, and kill you.

Countess: [to Teresa, referring to Sharpe] You're lucky to have him.
Teresa: He's lucky to have me.

Teresa: [both are speaking in Spanish about Sharpe] Be careful, he's very clever.
Major: But his men don't like him.

Teresa: If you were French, I would take a knife and you would tell me all I wanted to know.
Richard: But we are allies.
Teresa: Allies? Do allies keep secrets from each other?
Richard: Lovers keep secrets from each other, yet they still make love.