20 Best Cpt. Quotes

Teresa: Harper, I have half a bottle of the best Irish whisky from the Irish priests at Salamanca.
Richard: You speak a word and you're dead, Harper.
Patrick: I'll be dead, but, sir, I'll be drunk.

Richard: No wonder Harris reads Voltaire. Listen: Dieu ne pas pour le gros battalions, mais pour sequi teront le meilleur.
Teresa: God is not on the side of the big battalions, but of the best shots.
Richard: Not bad for a Frog, eh?

Richard: I'll be lucky to get away with a court martial!

Nairn: You see that colonel, Sharpe? That colonel came here to make you a major. Would you believe that?
Richard: No, sir.
Nairn: Right hand up to God, Sharpe.
Richard: That's your left hand, sir.

Richard: Well done, Mr. Gilliand! I'll be damned if we don't reach the moon some day with one of your blasted rockets!

Richard: What are you smiling at, Fredrickson?
Frederickson: I'm not smiling, sir. A musket ball broke my jaw. I have false teeth. The sawbones stuck on the smile for free, sir. He also stuck on my hair. Hair belongs to a horse.

Ducos: Come, Colonel. We've wasted enough time in Adrados. It was a fool's errand in the first place.
Richard: Fool's errand? That man's wife is held hostage, sir! What is he to do?
Ducos: Find another.

Gilliand: Please, sir! I must protest, sir! My rockets are being robbed of their powder! I really must protest, sir!
Richard: It's either that or wear a dress, Rocket Man.

Richard: [to the Sgt. of the new 60th Company] A good soldier should have a reason before he suffers
Richard: himself to smile!

Richard: [looks at the mass of rebels] You see what I see, Pat?
Patrick: You know, sometimes I wish I was blind. Looks like a bloody army to me.
Richard: Not just that. Look at their uniforms.
Patrick: Good God! There's French with them.
Richard: Spanish and Portuguese too. When word of this gets out, we can kiss goodbye to discipline back home!

Wellington: You think there may be something in those rockets, Sharpe?
Richard: Not as to accuracy, sir, but they'll play merry hell with the morale of poorly-led men, sir. The sound is shocking.
Wellington: Scared you, did they?
Richard: I was terrified, sir.
Sir: Do, uh, do you really think this Sharpe's the right man to send, sir? Won't cut and run if someone lets off a gun, will he?
Teresa: Who is this fool?

Richard: [examining the Rocket Troop] Very consistent, Lieutenant. Ten salvos and you've missed every time.

Richard: [sees Kelly for the first time] I know you!
Kelly: [astonished] Do you?
Richard: [thoughtful] Battle of Talavera. I'll have your name in a tick...
Sgt. Obadiah Hakeswill: No names for the firing squad, Sharpy!
[turns to Kelly]
Sgt. Obadiah Hakeswill: Strip her!
Kelly: [backs away] Let the Frogs do it.

Richard: No apologies about your men?
Frederickson: Men are dirty, rifles are clean. Sir.

Sir: Are you the fellow that Wellington raised from the ranks, Sharpe?
Richard: Yes sir.
Sir: Yes, well I always thought it was a bad idea, and now I've got proof of it!

Richard: Maybe I'll get lucky, sir. Maybe one of those rockets will blow me to Kingdom Come.
Nairn: That's the spirit, Sharpe!

Colonel: [Sharpe quotes Voltaire in French] You told me you didn't speak French.
Richard: I lied. My wife taught me: she taught me many things. Above all how to say goodbye.
[grabs Ducos]
Richard: Someday, I'll say goodbye to you!

Richard: Tell General Chaumier, we will fight him to the death.
Ducos: [laughs] Major Sharpe is not well. We outnumber you ten to one. There will be no terms if you do not surrender immediately.
[For answer, Sharpe plucks off Ducos's glasses, drops them to the ground, and crushes them with his boot]
Richard: To the death.
Sir: I'm in charge here, *Major* Sharpe! We shall discuss terms immediately.
[Ducos smirks. Sharpe grabs Farthingdale by the arm and pulls him aside]
Richard: Your wife was a whore, sir. I know, for I was once her lover. Let that get out, and you'll be the laughingstock of Lisbon, and then of London. Leave now, and on my honor, no word of it shall pass my lips.
Sir: [pale] But... but I do love her, you know.
[Sharpe sneers and returns Farthingdale's watch with a slap]
Richard: You're a damned liar.

Rifleman Perkins: [Perkins is being disguised as a woman for the night attack] Why can't Harris wear the dress, sir?
Richard: Harris doesn't have the figure for it!
[the others jeer]
Rifleman Perkins: I must protest! It's not fair, it's not fair! It's always me!

Isabella: Voltaire says, I have no morals, yet I am a very moral person. And that's how I think I am.
Richard: That's how I think you are, too.