Top 30 Quotes From Blake Lively

O: That's how I imagined it went down, but the truth has an imagination of its own.

[in a letter to Lena]
Bridget: It happened just how I always imagined it would. So why do I feel this way, Lena? How can something that's supposed to make you feel so complete end up leaving you so empty? I just wish so much I could talk to my mom. I need her. And that scares me.

Emily: [after Stephanie takes a picture of her] Did you just take my picture?
Stephanie: I'm yearbook mom.
Emily: Did I ask you to take my picture? Erase it.
Stephanie: Oh, you look really chic. It's just for Faces and Places. Just for the other parents.
Emily: Erase it, or I'll slap a fucking injunction on your yearbook. Do you understand?
Stephanie: Yeah. Okay.
[Deletes the picture]
Stephanie: Yeah, it's gone. Whoa. Bye bye.
Emily: Don't do that again.
Stephanie: Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry. Or I didn't mean to offend you. Um, I'm sure that stuff's really sensitive in your industry.
Emily: Oh, no. It's all good.
Stephanie: I'm probably not the kind of person that you're normally friends with.
Emily: Oh, you do not want to be friends with me. Trust me.

O: [voice-over, describing sex with Chon] I have orgasms. He has "wargasms."

[from trailer]
Emily: Stephanie. I need your help.
Stephanie: Uh, are you okay?
Emily: I'm fine, but I do need just a simple favor. Can you come over?

Carmen: [voiceover] It would be easy to say that the pants changed everything that summer. But looking back now I feel like our lives changed because they had to, and that the real magic of the pants was in bearing witness to all of this and in somehow holding us together when it felt like nothing would ever be the same again.
Carmen: Some things never would be
Lena: But we know now that no matter how far we traveled on our own separate paths...
Bridget: Somehow we would always find out way back to each other.
Tibby: And with that, we could get through anything.
Bridget: To us. Who we were, and who we are. And who we'll be.
Tibby: To the pants.
Lena: And the sisterhood.
Carmen: And this moment, and the rest of our lives.
Carmen,33258: Together and apart.

Carmen: Is it fair to bribe the driver to turn around and go back home?
Bridget: Oh yeah, with what money? Cause Tibby is the only one of us working this summer.
Tibby: Hey, hey, hey. I actually stacked my last shelf at Wallmans, thank you very much.
Lena: Congratulations!
Bridget: Does this mean there's gonna be a ceremonial burning of the smock?
Tibby: No, actually, Duncan took the smock, but I do have my nametag.
Bridget: Can we burn it?
[they all laugh]
Lena: Hey, how did your suckumentary turn out?
Tibby: Uh... uh... well, it actually evolved into something quite different than I expected, so...
Bridget: What are you gonna call it?
Tibby: [thinking for a minute] Hmmmm... Bailey.
[Tibby smiles and looks to Carmen, who smiles back approvingly]

Elena: Have you ever really thought about your future?
O: That's a little ironic, considering the situation I'm in.

O: [voice-over] Call me O. I was named after Ophelia, the bipolar basket case in Hamlet who committed suicide. So I cut it down to just O.

Stephanie: [Referring to the friendship bracelet] Here. I made that for you.
Emily: You made this for me?
Stephanie: Thought it would go with that pinstriped suit you have.
Emily: Really? That's nice. No one does stuff like this for me.
Stephanie: I used to watch those Bewitched reruns on TV Land, and I always thought it was so classy when Darren would come from work and Samantha would fix him a Martini. So every time we do this, I feel so high-tone.
Emily: My god. You're such a nerd.

Elena: May I ask you how long have you been using, Ophelia?
O: Since the eighth grade.
Elena: And you're wondering why you're having concentration problems?

O: [voice-over] It started here in paradise, Laguna Beach, where they say God parked himself on the seventh day, but they towed him on the eighth.

Bridget: [excitedly] Oh my God, Lena!
Lena: [holding a picture of her and Kostas fishing] I know, isn't he gorgeous?
Bridget: I was referring to you holding a fish!

[first lines]
O: [voice-over] Just because I'm telling you this story doesn't mean I'm alive at the end of it. This could all be pre-recorded and I could be talking to you from the bottom of the ocean. Yeah, it's that kind of a story. Because things just got so out of control.

Emily: You are so nice. I have no idea how you've survived this long.
Stephanie: I'm not as nice as you think, so.
Emily: Are you baiting me?
Stephanie: No! I'm just saying, everybody has a dark side.
Emily: Mm-hmm.
Stephanie: Some of us are better at hiding at it than others.
Emily: Want to trade confessions?
Stephanie: No, no. No.
Emily: Come on, what's the wildest thing you've ever done?
Stephanie: Oh, I... no, I don't know. I shouldn't. You go first.
Emily: Okay, um, a few months ago, Sean and I had his TA over dinner and drinks, and a threesome.
Stephanie: Was Sean jealous of him?
Emily: Did I say it was a him?
Stephanie: That's very cool, sis. Very cool.

Lena: Rule #7: Any removal of the pants must be done by the wearer herself.
[looks at Bridget]
Lena: [Bridget pretends to be offenced]
Lena: [laughs] Yes, you!
Bridget,3764: [laughing] Touche!

Bridget: Single-minded till the point of recklessness.

Stephanie: [Running after Emily] Emily! Emily, stop! Emily, you can't outrun this! Don't do this to Nicky! Come on, you're still his mom!
Emily: [Stops and turns to Stephanie] Yeah, I am. But you sure as shit won't be.
[as she is about to shoot Stephanie, she is suddenly hit by a car; the car stops and Darren gets out]
Darren: America's hybrids. Silent, but deadly.

[last lines]
O: [voice-over] I looked up the definition of the word savage. It means cruel, crippled, regressed back to a primal state of being. One day, maybe, we'll be back. For now, we live like savages... beautiful, savages.

[Tibby is trying on a piercing]
Carmen: [to Bridget] Hey, hey! Pierce alert.
[points towards Tibby]
Bridget: [goes to Tibby] Nah-ah, young lady! No more holes for you!

Tibby: Hey, do you know who would have loved this P, Bee? Your mom.
Bridget: Yeah. I remember this one time she decided that she'd make one herself. She always woke up starving after one of her episodes. I was just sitting in the kitchen doing my homework and she just walked in and just started making this thing. You know, I don't even know if you could call it a pizza. It was more like the entire contents of our refrigerator on a round crust.
[They all laugh]
Bridget: Craziest part is we actually ate it.
Carmen: Of course you did.
[Tibby laughs]
Bridget: We ate every single bit of that pizza in like 10 minutes.
Tibby: Yeah.
Bridget: And we were laughing the whole time. It was great. I remember thinking that maybe there won't be any more bad spells. Maybe she'll just be happy like this forever.
Carmen: It's okay to miss her, Bee. I mean, as hard as it is to be sad about it don't you think maybe it's harder not to be?
Bridget: [Crying] You don't understand.
Tibby: [long pause] Bridge...
Bridget: I can't. It hurts too much.
Carmen: I know.
Bridget: No, you don't know. I just want to feel good and happy and alive. Because if I feel alive then it doesn't seem like she's dead. And if I'm not sad then it proves that I'm not like her.
Carmen: Bee, you don't have to prove that to anybody. I mean, you have a strength in you that your mom never had. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't find it.
Tibby: Yeah, and you have something else too.
Bridget: What?
Tibby: You have us. And we're not gonna let you go anywhere, okay?
Bridget: Thank you.
Carmen: Come here.
[Carmen hugs Bridget and Tibby holds her hand]

Chon: Close your legs. It's showing.
O: [uncrossing her ankles and putting her knees together] Oh. Sorry...
Chon: [about Ben] I was talking to him.

[repeated line]
Emily: Brotherfucker

Bridget: Don't you know that all the beaches in Greece are nude?
Lena: *What?*
[Lena knocks over a sales rack]

O: [voice-over, while having sex with Chon] Chon is a killer. Two tours. Iraq, Afghanistan. And he came back with a Iot of cash, but no soul. He's always trying to fuck the war out of himself while fucking me in the ass. I have orgasms. He has war-gasms.
O: So, I guess I try to give him back some of the things that he's Iost. Like, sense of fucking. Chon is the Iove of my Iife.

Stephanie: [Pointing a gun at Sean] You used me.
[to Emily]
Stephanie: You used me too. But you had me made you dinner, watching your kid, sucking your dick.
Sean: I had no idea that she was still alive!
Stephanie: Stop lying.
Emily: Okay, you guys. I think we should just sit down and talk this out.
Sean: Emily, you sit down. You hated Stephanie. You used to watch her vlog and rip her apart.
Stephanie: All I wanted was to be your friend.
Emily: You were. And then you fucked my husband and my insurance plan.
Sean: Don't blame her! This is so typical of you!
Emily: Sean, I was just trying to get us out of crushing fucking debt.
Sean: Yeah, maybe if you had the good sense to give me a call, I could've helped you with this little plot of yours.
Emily: Oh, please, you haven't come up with a decent plot in ten years.
Sean: Really? Right now?
Stephanie: Can I say something, as the lady with the gun? Nicky deserves better than both of you.
Emily: Fuck you! I love my kid.
Sean: Shut up!

[from trailer]
Emily: Did you just take my picture? Erase it.
Stephanie: I guess I'm not the kind of person you're normally friends with.
Emily: Oh, you don't want to be friends with me, trust me.

[from trailer]
Emily: Wanna trade confessions?
Stephanie: Nah, nah, nah.
Emily: Come on. What's the wildest thing you've ever done?

Stephanie: [Referring to Davis and Chris dying in the car crash] It's my fault. I'm the reason they're both dead.
Emily: No. Hey, don't do that. People, people do terrible things for their own fucked-up reasons. That's on them, not on you.
Stephanie: Yeah. I miss him.
Emily: Which one?
Stephanie: Both. I'm lonely. I think loneliness probably kills more people than cancer.

Bridget: Wear them. They'll make you brave.