The Best Bridget Quotes

Bridget: Wear them. They'll make you brave.

[Tibby is trying on a piercing]
Carmen: [to Bridget] Hey, hey! Pierce alert.
[points towards Tibby]
Bridget: [goes to Tibby] Nah-ah, young lady! No more holes for you!

Bridget: Don't you know that all the beaches in Greece are nude?
Lena: *What?*
[Lena knocks over a sales rack]

Carmen: [voiceover] It would be easy to say that the pants changed everything that summer. But looking back now I feel like our lives changed because they had to, and that the real magic of the pants was in bearing witness to all of this and in somehow holding us together when it felt like nothing would ever be the same again.
Carmen: Some things never would be
Lena: But we know now that no matter how far we traveled on our own separate paths...
Bridget: Somehow we would always find out way back to each other.
Tibby: And with that, we could get through anything.
Bridget: To us. Who we were, and who we are. And who we'll be.
Tibby: To the pants.
Lena: And the sisterhood.
Carmen: And this moment, and the rest of our lives.
Carmen,33258: Together and apart.

Tibby: Hey, do you know who would have loved this P, Bee? Your mom.
Bridget: Yeah. I remember this one time she decided that she'd make one herself. She always woke up starving after one of her episodes. I was just sitting in the kitchen doing my homework and she just walked in and just started making this thing. You know, I don't even know if you could call it a pizza. It was more like the entire contents of our refrigerator on a round crust.
[They all laugh]
Bridget: Craziest part is we actually ate it.
Carmen: Of course you did.
[Tibby laughs]
Bridget: We ate every single bit of that pizza in like 10 minutes.
Tibby: Yeah.
Bridget: And we were laughing the whole time. It was great. I remember thinking that maybe there won't be any more bad spells. Maybe she'll just be happy like this forever.
Carmen: It's okay to miss her, Bee. I mean, as hard as it is to be sad about it don't you think maybe it's harder not to be?
Bridget: [Crying] You don't understand.
Tibby: [long pause] Bridge...
Bridget: I can't. It hurts too much.
Carmen: I know.
Bridget: No, you don't know. I just want to feel good and happy and alive. Because if I feel alive then it doesn't seem like she's dead. And if I'm not sad then it proves that I'm not like her.
Carmen: Bee, you don't have to prove that to anybody. I mean, you have a strength in you that your mom never had. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't find it.
Tibby: Yeah, and you have something else too.
Bridget: What?
Tibby: You have us. And we're not gonna let you go anywhere, okay?
Bridget: Thank you.
Carmen: Come here.
[Carmen hugs Bridget and Tibby holds her hand]

Bridget: Single-minded till the point of recklessness.

Carmen: Is it fair to bribe the driver to turn around and go back home?
Bridget: Oh yeah, with what money? Cause Tibby is the only one of us working this summer.
Tibby: Hey, hey, hey. I actually stacked my last shelf at Wallmans, thank you very much.
Lena: Congratulations!
Bridget: Does this mean there's gonna be a ceremonial burning of the smock?
Tibby: No, actually, Duncan took the smock, but I do have my nametag.
Bridget: Can we burn it?
[they all laugh]
Lena: Hey, how did your suckumentary turn out?
Tibby: Uh... uh... well, it actually evolved into something quite different than I expected, so...
Bridget: What are you gonna call it?
Tibby: [thinking for a minute] Hmmmm... Bailey.
[Tibby smiles and looks to Carmen, who smiles back approvingly]

Bridget: [excitedly] Oh my God, Lena!
Lena: [holding a picture of her and Kostas fishing] I know, isn't he gorgeous?
Bridget: I was referring to you holding a fish!

[in a letter to Lena]
Bridget: It happened just how I always imagined it would. So why do I feel this way, Lena? How can something that's supposed to make you feel so complete end up leaving you so empty? I just wish so much I could talk to my mom. I need her. And that scares me.

Lena: Rule #7: Any removal of the pants must be done by the wearer herself.
[looks at Bridget]
Lena: [Bridget pretends to be offenced]
Lena: [laughs] Yes, you!
Bridget,3764: [laughing] Touche!