The Best Yia Yia Quotes

Yia: In this life, family is the most precious gift we are given, the most sacred. Turn your back on them and that is when you truly have nothing.

Lena: Papou, I need to say something to you. You can pretend that you don't understand me, but I know you do. People have always said to me that I take after Yia Yia, that I have her face and her smile, but what no-one ever sees is that there's this whole other part of me that's just like you: quiet, and-and stubborn, and afraid of showing too much... and then I met someone who changed everything and he showed me that I can take a chance even when it's only for a moment...
Yia: Lena!
Papou: Shh,
[Greek dialogue]
Lena: You had that same moment once, when you met Yia Yia and you risked everything for it. That was your chance, Papou, and I'm asking now to have mine.
[long pause]
Papou: [in English] Go.