The Best Bob Loblaw Quotes

Narrator: On the next Arrested Development, Lindsay tries to pay off her debt to Bob Loblaw.
Bob: Why don't you get a maid's uniform and come over to my house?
Lindsay: No way to misinterpret that...
Narrator: [Lindsay is next seen in a maid's uniform hauling out trash] Except the one...

Bob: If he can't reach, the trial's a breach.
Barry: That's what we call a Lob Bomb.

Michael: That's why I had this meeting here, so Dad could not interfere.
Larry: Interfere? I ought to pull down your pants and spank your ass raw.
Michael: I'm sorry, have we met?
Bob: This is Larry Middleman, he's your father's surrogate.
Michael: Surrogate?
Larry: That's right, you dumb fuck!
George Sr.: I hired this guy to wear a camera in his hat so he could be my eyes and ears while I'm stuck in this penthouse.
Larry: This camera helps me keep tabs on you idiots... while this thing rubs my ankle raw.
George Sr.: I mean, look at this thing...
Larry: I can't even go in the hallway...
George Sr.: Without hearing that...
Larry: Beep. Beep. Beep.

Bob: [commercial] Are you a corporate executive facing these or other charges? You don't need double talk! You need Bob Loblaw! After all, why should you go to jail for a crime somebody else noticed?

Bob: Why don't you volunteer for something?
Larry: I'll do anything to get out of this fucking apartment.
Lucille: You'll do anything to get out of fucking in this apartment.
Larry: Ah, you're drunk.

Tobias: So what are your plans for this evening?
Bob: I thought that maybe I would stay in and work on my law blog.
Tobias: Ah, yes. The "Bob Loblaw Law Blog". You, sir, are a mouthful.

Bob: I'd be very careful of these British people. They're gonna try to get their hands on any evidence they can to hurt the family.
George Sr.: So you're saying shred the evidence?
Bob: No, that's illegal. The prosecution is entitled to that evidence. Without it, they don't have a case.
George Sr.: So you're saying shred the evidence.
Bob: That's a felony. And I certainly couldn't endorse anything like that.
George Sr.: Got ya.
[to Larry]
George Sr.: Wink.
Larry: Wink. Did you say wink? Or did you wink?
Michael: He said that too, Dad.